Random 3 for July 26, 2020 – Haircuts, covid-19, gardens

And so it went – If you read my earlier post, you know I was anticipating my first professional haircut since the lockdown this past week. You asked for a picture. Well, forgetaboutit! Ain’t gonna happen. The cut was shorter than expected and overall not a good look. Short, flat and straight doesn’t work for me. It’s like a blonde skullcap. The good news is that hair grows and my hair grows faster in the summer.

The perfect excuse – Does everyone blame EVERYTHING on covid-19? People put their common sense in the attic when this started and locked the door! Some things are because of the virus but many are made up. I thanked my dentist. I had to go this week. He didn’t have any silly rules like sit in your 100+ degree car. Call when you get there and end up in a queue. He’s booking so everything is on schedule and there are never more than 1 or 2 people in his waiting room. They take temperatures and wear moon suits. I felt very safe. It can be done folks!

The bounty overflows – All the fruits and vegetables are coming in. This is the time of year I can live without meat. A wonderful tomato sandwich or some fresh corn hits the spot just fine.

It’s only a random 3 this week. I’m blaming it on the virus.


86 thoughts on “Random 3 for July 26, 2020 – Haircuts, covid-19, gardens

  1. I had a bad haircut myself in May when they started opening things up in Vancouver, BC. Oh i was terribly disappointed! So, I finally found a better hairstylist named Natalia! She not only made me feel great, but the haircut really suits me.💜My hair grows like a weed. Regarding the virus, I do my best to follow the guidelines set out by Doctor Bonnie Henry, but I also don’t go overboard either. 😄 I can’t wait for fall! I sooo want to do some canning again!!

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  2. It is veggie season – too hot for meat and just right for stir fry or chilled watermelon. Fresh tomatoes taste perfect right now.
    We used to sit on my parents’ back porch and shell peas for the freezer about this time of year. Oddly relaxing ( and the peas all tasted good that night)
    The dentist visit sounds encouraging; the hair cut, not so. The Twiggy cut was never very attractive except on her (personal experience in high school – sob)
    My favorite picture is “legs out” – seems to be a popular summer cat pose

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  3. I haven’t had a haircut since February and I’ve definitely transitioned into the freaky-looking stage. With all our heat and humidity, my hair is an unflattering and uncontrolled frizz 😱
    I was supposed to get a cut this week but my hairdresser of the past 20 years fell the night before my appointment and broke both her shoulder and wrist. Now I’m paralyzed with indecision. Trusting someone new is going to be a tough one.

    I’m hoping that if I suddenly decide to buzz all my hair off, my husband will intervene.

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  4. Tomato sandwiches! Blast from the past. My Mom used to make them for me. My brother did not like tomatoes so he got lettuce sandwiches. Makes my mouth water…white bread, mayo and tomatoes! Yum!

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  5. Fresh corn with buttah!
    We see the dentist for a cleaning this week. I debated and decided to go. They are super careful and take many precautions. It will be interesting. I also have a haircut, my third since the lock down and I am not as sure about it as I was before the cases in Florida went crazy.

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    • My thought was that it was better to go now than later in the year when it may rear it’s ugly head again. I will continue to trim my own hair for now. That’s not unusual. I normally only get a professional haircut 2 or 3 times a year. “They” always cut them shorter than i want.


  6. Sorry to hear the hair cut didn’t turn out like you hoped, but you’re right it grows back. At least you were brave and went for one. I haven’t been yet. I’ve done 2 do-it-yourself cuts at home so far. Social distancing helps these hair cuts, and we don’t do much visiting anymore anyway.

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  7. Three is just like five when it is summertime. ‘Tis a mathematical fact. I know what you mean about this blaming Covid-19 for everything. Get a grip people. You remind me that we’ve had no corn on the cob yet this summer. Must get some.

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    • I like the way you think. With all the lock down stuff, my “world” experiences are limited. To get to 5 I would have had to rehash old stuff and that’s boring. I’m hoping we’ll have great news for next weekend.

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  8. Sorry about the stylist problems, but glad the dentist visit went well, anyway! I agree about the fresh veggies in summer 🙂 Corn on the cob, tomato sandwiches or just cut up with salt on them….. Now I’m hungry!

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  9. Years ago a friend of the family, (who actually worked as a hairdresser), offered to give me a perm for senior year in high school It ended up being extra curly on one side, poker straight on the other side. That was 1973 when everyone wore their hair long and parted in the middle with just a hint of curl. I had to use two different size of rollers to style it. It was a real debacle. I went to the eye doctor on Friday – it was not bad and no one dropped anything on the floor and picked it up thankfully. Curbside delivery for when your glasses arrive. They don’t do optical in-house.

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      • Then you have to call and make an appointment for a “proper fitting” which I thought was a tad nervy to be honest. She said if you don’t think you’re going to like the curbside service, then you call and make an appointment, but you can’t just show up.

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        • If you can make an appointment, that would work. One place I got glasses (associated with my eye doc) made you have an appointment even to just look at frames. I don’t go there because there are twice as much as the standalone optician stores.


          • I may go ahead and just do that and go inside rather than curbside to ensure they fit properly. My former eye doctor closed down rather unexpectedly and this place was the closest, but they charge way too much to be honest, but I get beveled lenses as my prescription is strong, progressive lenses and a non-glare finish. I get a 10% senior discount which they have given me since I was 55 – they said “are you offended?” I said “no” – but having the optometric department in-house and not off-site would be preferred.

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  10. I am in a mood right now where I definitely feel like the virus has exacerbated everything. I’m sick of it too. And I still can’t get my hair done and I still can’t get takeout and I still can’t go to the dentist because it’s bad here. It’s been 4 1/2 months!

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    • We had our peak in April although we are experiencing a slight increase now. “They say” it’s a result of relaxing the restrictions and people going crazy. Many are in the younger age group that wasn’t initially hit. We are still cautious. We can get take-out and our dentist opened a month ago. He’s super cautious so I felt safe. Even with all this I’m sick of it too. I miss my friends. Our reunion is canceled so I miss the family I only see once a year. My step-daughter postponed her trip east with the granddaughters. We are in the high risk category so I don’t chance it.


  11. I sympathize with you about the haircut. I always expect too much of a haircut. Having perfectly straight hair, it always looks flat unless I spend some time curling it. I was hoping that longer hair would help. No such luck. As Nancy says, at least we don’t have any galas to attend.

    Since I order my groceries online, I lose track of the lovely, in-season produce that would ordinarily tempt me. Thanks for mentioning fresh corn.

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    • We had the best fresh corn this week. And peaches, yikes! Last week’s watermelon was one of the sweetest I’ve had in a long time. It’s hard for me to buy all this stuff as my husband doesn’t eat fruit (except for bananas which I don’t even think of as fruit). I split the watermelon with my brother and it will last a week.

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  12. Sorry about the haircut! I still remember my awful haircut years ago. I was a newlywed which made it worse! I literally cried and wore a baseball cap on my head. LOL!
    Maybe you should just get i dyed pink now and perhaps that would help! 🙂

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  13. When COVID affects the weekly Randoms, you know life is not the same as it was. Sorry to hear about the haircut, but glad that your hair usually grows fast in summer. Hopefully the next one will come out as you like. We had a dental appointment for cleanings in early August, but we re-scheduled to November. Call us chickens! – Marty

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  14. Thanks for the reassurance re the dentist as I have an appointment soon. Not too worried though, as they have an air purifier in the room apparently, plus the regular precautions. I went for a small procedure at the hospital last week and they were so efficient I think they should run like that all the time! Registered, escorted to ambulatory care, placed in room by nurse and doctor there 2 minutes later – no waiting at all!

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  15. Glad I cut my own hair Kate, especially because of the cost for a professional to do it now.
    Common sense and visitors do not go hand in hand. We are housebound because of their attitude, and more than a bit ticked off I might add.
    Our onions are good, our swedes are getting there, I have tomatoes in the greenhouse, and the chrysanths we planted are like triffyds!

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  16. Kate, After your comment this past week, I was wondering whether you would post a photo. I get it. No need. I also wonder about some of the “rules.” Sometimes, inconsistent and don’t really make sense. We have an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruit, too, right now. Grateful!🙂

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  17. That’s too bad about your hair. I’ve had two cuts since restrictions were lifted. I was disappointed both times, because they didn’t cut enough off. The first time my eyes were dilated after an eye appointment, and the second time I mistakenly thought they had cut enough. Probably the next time, I’ll have to hide like you.

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  18. Sorry your haircut was less than optimal. No doubt after waiting for so long, the disappointment was particularly stinging. But it’s good hair grows faster in the summer months. Before you know it, you’ll need another one. Here’s to a week where common sense (whatever that is anymore) once again rules.

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  19. all about the fresh tomato sammich, with mayo, salt & pepper, too! On toast 🙂 and I’ve been eating cucumbers by the pound. Yummo.

    I hear you on the h-cut, and with my curls and this humidity I need to at least be able to do a pony tail or I simply melt. Yes, blame it on the pandemic !


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    • I went in with a picture of the haircut I was hoping for and what I got is similar in the back but not the sides and front. I’m sure I’ll end up snipping a bit but I’m making myself wait a week. I use butter instead of mayo but definitely yummo!

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  20. Like you, I always remind myself that my hair will and does grow out rather quickly. However, in the sweltering heat we’ve been having, shorter is better! I don’t have a garden. Normally, I’d be at farmers’ markets and roadside stands buying heaps of fresh fruits and veggies, but I’m not yet willing to go out to a farmers’ market and be around that many people. I have to suffice with what my grocery store has shipped in. I’m lucky that my hair and nail techs are both owner-operated and are scheduling to have a few minutes between appointments because they need to wipe everything down! And yes, temps taken and masks in place – hairdresser makes you hold it there when cutting around the ear area.

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    • When my hair is too short, I have to wash it frequently. When it’s just a little bit longer it doesn’t look so stringy. I have never looked good in a short cut. I have a longish narrow face and it doesn’t suit. You are lucky that your stylist does a cut you like. I got most of my fruit at our grocery store who stocks from local farmers. The tomatoes are coming in from my garden.

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  21. Sorry the haircut was a bust . . . at least you don’t have 10 galas and fetes to attend this month (thanks to Covid).

    Our dentist office did the same ~ temps, masks, patient appts. spaced out.

    I’m amazed you’ve been able to do 5 a week for as long as you have in the midst of all this slim pickings!

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    • Plastered on my forehead? No I’m not used to that look. It grows. I’m just miffed that I paid an arm and a leg for it. My lesson is that I can cut my own hair just as well. Maybe the back isn’t as precision cut but when I look at her cut and how mine was before, they look the same.

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