Random 5 for July 21 – Idioms, sales, ads, weather, reunion

Even with air conditioning, sleeping is warm these days

Mom’s idioms – My mother was the queen of idioms. In today’s sweltering weather she would have said “it’s a scorcher!” Once in a blue moon we get the kind of weather we are having this weekend. The forecasters say it will break tomorrow but you can take that with a grain of salt!

Sales, sales, sales – This past week was the big Amazon Prime sale. I was surprised to see that other retailers jumped on that wagon. There were many “prime” sales all over. It’s a lot like black Friday. I keep seeing black Friday sales and we all know that Thanksgiving is months away. It’s the retailers pulling the wool over your eyes.

Speaking of sales – I haven’t seen back to school ads. Yet. Then again I haven’t read today’s paper. Doesn’t look like they are on the ball this summer!

Sweat stinks When it’s hot I go through clothes. I’m not a “sweater” but these days, don’t stand downwind. You heard that straight from the horse’s mouth.

Party on – We are gearing up for the reunion here. Food, check. Drinks, check. People coming, check. Weather, high anxiety. That looks like the whole nine yards!

So how was your week?

Author’s note: Sorry about all the idioms but I was missing my Mom today so you bear the pain! Did you find them all?

49 thoughts on “Random 5 for July 21 – Idioms, sales, ads, weather, reunion

  1. Iceberg? Even the tip of one would be welcome. Actually the “cool-ish’ front is making it’s way across the area – cloudy and almost tolerable outside so I made the dogs go out…and they looked annoyed as the couch and AC is so much better than yard in any weather. Did get a little hedge trimming done – raged but done – I can see it from the kitchen so the needing a whack really was beginning to bug me. Hope temps moderate a big for you shortly (do you put ice in the pond for the fish? They are doing that for zoo animals here…trying to coax them outside …but they look disgruntled and annoyed as even an animal knows the couch and AC are so much better.
    Oh, well, easy come, easy go …if animal keepers leave the door open.

    Liked by 1 person

    • After almost a week of triple digits (very unusual for us), we had a high of 75 today. It was very humid so it seemed damp and cold. I’m ashamed to say I reached for a hoodie. Wonderful summer where are you?

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      • We are supposed to have 2 days with morning lows about 68F. Molly is going to play with friends very early tomorrow before a bath (she doesn’t know about the last part).
        A bit worrisome is the few gold and red leaves appearing on multiple crepe myrtle trees and some water birches…It’s not August yet..even if the back to college hint shows and commercials are everywhere and the backpack drives for needy kids are in progress. Summer must be cruising this year?

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  3. It has cooled down here. It is only 95 today though the “feels like temp” is 105. There are all kinds of back to school ads here and soon there will be a tax-free day for school purchases. Have fun with your family. Party hearty!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I won’t say anything about the idioms because there are enough mentions in the comments above to last a lifetime! As for the weather – I assume you were in the same heatwave path as we were. 97 degrees with 60% humidity on Friday. Steam baths are nice, but who wants to stay in one for two straight days! Hope you have a great reunion!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My mom used idioms too and what I called “momisms” as well – words of advice to grow on. I was walking at Meijer grocery store through this heat spell and they have all the back-to-school stuff out already – my guess is that any time they will be adding a section for Halloween candy and costumes.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Sorry you’re missing your mother today, Kate. I miss mine too, but in a different way. Walmart has their back to school aisles set up. I’m not going back, but I love snatching up the bargains! I’ll admit, I’m loving the heat. It’s really increased our hummie activity. 🙂

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  7. I counted 10 idioms! I gotta say I miss my Mom too. There isn’t a day that goes by that she doesn’t pop up in my mind a few times. She would have loved being here with us in Florida. We always took a summer vacation to Florida when I was little. My godparents lived here. We already have back to school ads on TV and in the paper. I’m excited about your reunion and I’m not even going to be there! My pants are being delivered 23 July 🙂 Crank up the AC while it’s as hot as blue blazes!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I got 8 idioms! I probably missed a few, though — your post was loaded for bear (my mom’s favorite).

    I miss my mom, too. One of the middle school kids asked to interview me for a project (because forty-something is so old!) The last question was, “If you could go back and relive one experience from when you were my age, what would it be?”

    I said, “I’d see my mom again.” (Without crying. I feel like that was Oscar-worthy.)

    Liked by 3 people

  9. I never get into the Amazon special sales or anyone’s special sales – when I need something I get it….period. I’m not one to buy the 1000 roll package of TP just because it’s a bargain. My Mom was though and invariably she’d wind up returning most of the things she purchased – it was a form of entertainment for her bless her. Oh yes – I think maybe I found all the idioms but before I got to your last paragraph and saw you’d done it on purpose, I was thinking “like Mother, like Daughter” – which isn’t an altogether bad thing is it! Happy Hot Sunday.

    Hugs, Pam

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  10. I noticed lots of sales going on this week, too. For a reason I don’t know many people were boycotting Amazon’s Prime Sale. I did so just because I rarely shop on Amazon. Glad I could help their cause whatever it is. 😉

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