Sassy cats and pups!

Tula with granddaughter Rowan

Today we are introducing a new grand pup. This is Tula, a Plott hound 10-week-old puppy. They lost both their dogs last year because of unexpected devastating illnesses. Welcome Tula, you won the lottery!

Just so you don’t forget the cats, here is a picture of Shasha and Morgan shortly after I got home with some fresh cat grass.Ā  Old pot of grass is sitting on side. From all the critters, have a glorious weekend!

63 thoughts on “Sassy cats and pups!

  1. Tula and Rowan are both so beautiful! And how lucky they are to have each other! After losing dogs to illness, how devastating, a happy turn of events. Do share more from time to time! Such fun!

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    • Currently we have 3 grandpups. Finn, Nora and now Tula. Finn is a ginormous Cathoula mix that could knock anyone over. He has mellowed with age but he was a rambunctious youngster. Nora is just a sweetie. There are many cats. Love my step-kids. They have my animal gene! Unfortunately the pets, along with my granddaughters are all in Denver.

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      • Oh, dear! Denver is a long way from home, isn’t it!! I have never heard of a Cathoula! Such an interesting breed. I would bet that your grandkids are thrilled you have such an interest in their animals. They’re great for multigenerational bonding! šŸ™‚

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      • That is strange Kate. I had some trouble with that post last night. Do you follow Laurie (Mediations in Motion)? She did a post recently on how she rescues spiders and centipedes and carries them outside, or doesn’t let them get wet if she finds one in the shower. I tried embedding the post like I usually do, and it said the link was broken. Laurie got a pingback, but I had to remove the link, tried twice, and each time it didn’t work properly. WP is wonky and I noticed when I went into the Comments section to deal with spam that it looked different, went in a little while later and it was normal again. Bet they are getting ready to roll out this version 5.2 I’ve been hearing about. I hope Anne Mehrling sees this post because I e-mailed her the centipede pics last year as she hates bugs like I do. She said “use it in a post” and at the time I couldn’t bring myself to do it – no shame doing it yesterday though. It worked for this post. šŸ™‚

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        • I don’t know Mediations in Motion. I’ve also noticed that the Reader doesn’t show all the posts of the bloggers I follow. I’ve put a note in tomorrow’s post. I’m tracking my email notices but I’m sure I’ve missed posts. WP does get wonky.

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