Cheers and Jeers

Chocolate Bar

Part of the continuing saga of stuff I learned when close relatives were in a really bad auto accident.

Cheers to Ralph Nader. Sometimes you seem so far out but I thank you for instigating car safety features. Without air bags and seat belts I’d have two less relatives.

Cheers to the good medical folks who do the stuff I am not good at doing. Thank you for cleaning up and bathing and feeding when we aren’t around. Thank you for perking up spirits and making patients feel better emotionally too.

Jeers to that night nurse that intimidates my feisty sis-in-law. If you don’t like to get your hands dirty, you are in the wrong business. Don’t make her feel guilty when she can’t do what you want her to do. She’s doing the best she can. Perhaps you should try selling used cars.

Cheers to Mark Zuckerberg. There was no time for phone call notifications. Facebook and private messaging were the best way to get messages out fast and broadly.

Jeers to those who refuse to use Facebook. You don’t have to get sucked into all the garbage there but it’s a great place for updates from relatives. I considered using Caring Bridge as a place to post updates but many relatives were already on Facebook or had a close connection to someone who was on.

Cheers to chocolate. No more words necessary.

Healing continues. I believe in miracles.



55 thoughts on “Cheers and Jeers

  1. Chocolate… we should always begin with chocolate.
    Let’s hope her recovery moves quickly but I’m guessing with age, the healing process takes a little longer. We’ll keep praying.

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  2. Don’t get me started on the night nurses I have had dealings with. I’m sure there are some wonderful ones out there. But not the ones I have known. Sadistic would be more accurate. Now as to the unsung heroes of baths and bedpans, I have met a few saints.

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  3. Yeah, jeers to people who leave Facebook! Oh, wait, that’s me! Eh, long story — blog-worthy someday perhaps! But I am on Instagram; does that count? 🙂 Glad to know your SIL is (slowly) improving. I hope that continues– yes, miracles. – Marty

    Liked by 1 person

    • As long as you can get info somehow, you’re good. I’m not on Instagram or Twitter (except to post my blog) so I’m not all that big on social media myself. Not even Pinterest or anything else.


  4. That’s a great list of cheers and jeers. It’s hard to imagine that we didn’t used to use seat belts. Even worse, our children ranged free anywhere in the car.

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    • I remember the little kids standing between the driver and passenger seats. Can’t believe people did that back then. Most driving was on back roads because there weren’t as many highways with high speed limits.


  5. I think I kind of cheat. I’m not on FB, but my daughter is. Sometimes she fills me in on things I wouldn’t otherwise know. i’m with you on the night nurse. My daughter is a nurse and so I know from her what should be expected. My dad mostly had wonderful, caring professionals, but a few memories remain of healthcare professionals I wanted to strangle. So glad that in the main your SIL is doing better. And cheers to Ralph Nader. I agree!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Getting the info through your daughter works. SIL came to dread the night nurse and that’s ridiculous because not that much goes on at night. She has some great ones and her PT person is really good with her.

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  6. Chocolate sure does have a redeeming value. I am on Facebook but have only about a half-dozen people I am interested in what they are doing and I have taken them out of my feed and I just check their FB Wall to see what is happening with them and comment there. The rest of the people only liked me because they were one of my neighbor’s family. I follow alot of parks and local birding sites as well as the news as I don’t have TV so get all my news via the radio and social media.

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    • Sounds like you learned to manage FB to your advantage. I found getting business updates there was more reliable than getting a mass email from them. I also get “breaking news” on there sometimes. Chocolate is soothing.

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  7. Air bags – cheer the concept, but totally perturbed at the implementation by some companies. We have (finally) gotten the “come on down” notice to replace (the front passenger defective inflater/air bag – but not the others?) and called immediately to get appointment – only to get on a list while they order the parts …which after many determined calls, we found out are back ordered for 4,000 replacements. They have no idea when they will have parts. Which you might be able to deal with except for the part on the letter that says “do not drive the car until replaced” (We do know people have died from the shrapnel – a teenager locally when she was hit). If the car wasn’t paid for and the process of buying a new one so irritating, I’d trade it off.
    Sorry, about the long rant, but even RC is spitting over it as she was about to plan road trips.
    In any case, cheers for your SIL and her attitude. Booo to that nurse (where do they get these people and why do they let them stay????)
    You seem to be keeping things rolling and smiling while doing so. SO cheers to you, too!
    (You can jeer, but we do not, will not use FB – it has changed so much and we refuse to be their product; however, texting is worth its’ weight in gold around hospitals/communication).

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    • After thinking we were safe from the airbag disaster, my husband got a recall notice. He had his fixed (whatever that means). My car goes in on Friday for inspection but I haven’t received a recall notice (we both have Toyotas). Don’t drive it? That doesn’t work, does it? Yes FB is a double edged sword. The beauty in this case was that I could post info so their friends (who I do not know) would be able to see it. Those not on FB were notified by friends that were on so in the end, most people knew. Perhaps I should have flipped the comment and said “Cheers to those on FB who let other knows” rather than the negative. Hindsight is always 20/20. Their pastor announced it in church which helped too.

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  8. Cheers to your jeer for the night nurse that intimidates your Sis-in-law… shame on her. If she doesn’t like her job she needs to find a different job. People that are unhappy at their jobs and take it out on the people they work with or take care of, well there should be a special punishment for them. I had to see a new dermatologist Tuesday and from the moment I stepped in that office I new things would be great there. I had to have two biopsies and I just got a call saying both were negative. The staff and the Doc are all compassionate and there is no passive-aggressive behavior. That is big in the caring side of medicine. I am glad your Sis-in-law has still got the feisty in her!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • So good to hear about your new derm. That first meeting says a lot. Yay for biopsies. I had one last week on a bump on the lower rim of my eye. Hurt like hell. Haven’t heard yet but I’m hopeful it’s nothing. The nasty nurse is a guy with an accent. He can speak good English but puts on a thick accent when it suits him. The whole experience has made her bias. The lack of control gets her down sometimes and that’s a really good sign. She may be in her own home by the end of next week. Good news!


  9. By my count, you have more to cheer about than jeer about… that’s definitely something to cheer about! I’ve certainly considered dumping FB but, so far, have decided not to. I have culled my “friends” quite a bit and find myself mostly subscribing to the pages of organizations that I’m interested in, rather than people.

    Liked by 2 people

    • FB — actually I’ve done that too. I find specials for products from my dermatologist there and also weather closings/late starts and other information businesses put out (that aren’t advertising). I do have more cheers than jeers. A lot of things are going right and I rejoice in that.

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  10. So glad they are coming along so well! It is a miracle. And yes as far as fb goes…well wonderful it exists for those of us who want it. And yes, one can pick and chose what you want or don’t want…But to those who seem so annoyed, angry and upset that it is, why???? Don’t use it… 😃

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    • It truly was a godsend for me. It was the only way I had to contact their son after the accident without a lot of researching. I knew the daughter-in-law went on FB and I was able to private message her. She responded in less than a minute. They live across the country. It was also useful in updating the friends which were so pivotal to recovery. They are very active and their friends helped out with visits and rides! I know many people do not like it but it’s more secure than it used to be and you can block and hide to your heart’s content. At the end of the day people should do what they are comfortable with. The folks who were on reached out the folks who weren’t so it all worked out.

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  11. That WAS the one good thing about FB, I agree! But it wasn’t enough for me, and I did delete my account. My girls and I are in daily contact over text. I’m glad you were able to get quick medical updates at a scary time! Hope everyone makes a full recovery.

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    • So far, so good! Fingers crossed and all that! As for FB we had enough folks on it that they spread the word to others. One thing I learned was to be sure to have contact info for key friends of family members.

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  12. “Don’t [try to] make [me] feel guilty when [I won’t] do what you want [me] to do.”

    I was on FB for a several years before signing off FB for good.
    Closing my FB was a GOOD decision.
    So Jeer all you want ~> NOTHING you say will make me go back. 🙄

    Glad that your SIL is still feisty.

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    • For those of you who are tenaciously anti-FB we had the blog and email too. I should have sent cheers to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates too. The advantage of FB was that if I tagged my brother in my post, all his friends (who I don’t know) would see it. They would not have seen an email or my blog. Caring Bridge is a great alternative but getting that info out to people you don’t know is the hard part. I will agree that FB is a weird thing.

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  13. Right on. FB has it’s uses, especially to those of us who live far from relatives.

    Of course it also pushes anti-vaccine content and white supremacist content at susceptible users in order to make more money. And it certainly pushed “Lock her up!” at my older white neighbors.

    Facebook is sometimes a problematic fav. It has Nazis and cats.

    Liked by 2 people

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