Random 5 for May 6 – Spring, changes, food, questions, skin

The crabapple trees are blooming!

Unwanted surprises from spring – The weather has changed (finally). We had a lovely week. Some things know that the weather has changed. Take my hair.  One morning I wake up and it’s all different. It’s as if an alien came during the night and replaced my hair with someone else’s hair. Someone from a different planet! The different isn’t good either. It’s flat and floppy. I have to change to my hot weather hair products. I have very oily skin and hair that gets worse in the summer. Wish I could use that extra oil in my car!

Speaking of weather change – I was driving and my butt was on fire. I realized that the seat heater on. I turn it on in October and it stays on until my butt is on fire. That is one of my favorite features on my car.

Another weather change trigger – My appetite changes. I am using up freezer meals. Items that are so welcome in the winter. Chili, stews and pot roasts don’t even sound appetizing to me anymore. This change is just as abrupt as my hair.

Bring on the sunglasses! – No, not for the sun. I put on shorter pants for the first time. I was struck by how lily-white I am. My legs were like flashing neon signs! Yikes! I grabbed the tube of goo to lather on because orange streaky legs are better than white ones!

Concentration – I just completed a round of routine annual doctor appointments. Two-part questions are not a good idea. The second part rarely gets answered. Now I have a list of questions and each is requires just one answer. Even if there is a secondary question related to it, I list it separately.

So how was your week?

64 thoughts on “Random 5 for May 6 – Spring, changes, food, questions, skin

  1. All of the sudden I’ve noticed we’re eating more salads lately. We had all these hot meals and then “poof!,” spring finally arrived apparently. I think this is someone else’s desire actually, but I’m rolling with it. Summer is only three months anyway. – Marty

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  2. You’re lucky to have oily skin. That usually keeps the aging signs away. All my life I had very oily skin, until we moved back to Chicago 3 years ago. I think the weather shocked my skin. I can’t get over how dry and shriveled it’s become. I miss my oily skin. I also know what you mean about the pale skin. Yikes. I’m going to try and sit out in the sun for a few minutes today. It’s supposed to disappear on Wednesday for several days in a row.

    Have a great week, Kate.

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  3. great description, definitely can tell springtime from telltale signs and some I never considered until your post: switching from freezer foods! I look forward to seeing the changes of summer through your eyes, as this one is delightful to read!

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  4. No orange goo on my legs. I proudly flaunt my bratwursty-looking legs. I figure people are already tsk-tsking me because of my Birks, so why not give them another reason to judge me! 😉

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  5. I learn so much from listening to you describe the seasonal changes, Kate. I’ve never really thought about what it would mean to have such large temperature shifts from winter to summer, even to think about how “freezer foods” no longer hold appeal and hair spontaneity! My biggest hair issue this time of year is hat hair! I rarely go outdoors without a hat, but that’s almost year-round. It saves my skin some wear and tear but my hair is usually a little less flattering! Hope yo have a lovely, warm week, Kate.

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  6. It’s been a lovely week here, all sunshine and flowers. Of course, the weeds are growing too. Summer or winter, my hair is too straight and flat and my legs are too white.

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  7. Since I have straight, fine hair, it doesn’t change too much with the seasons (how I would love some frizz!), it only gets flatter, if that’s possible. I’m in the albino club too but I started applying Jergens Natural Glow lotion a few weeks ago in anticipation of exposing my legs to the unsuspecting public. Enjoy your glorious spring weather!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t get a lot of frizz. Mostly just oily and flat. I just started Jergens this week. I’ve got a little color but mid-week I was albino white. I should have started earlier but I was still in winter clothes! 🙂

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  8. I had a hard time getting past the first paragraph about your hair….I couldn’t stop laughing! I am so glad that I have learned not to read your posts in public! 🙂

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  9. Weather here is beautiful. So far the humidity is staying down. That will soon change so getting out and enjoying the sweet springtime. Finished three projects I have been putting off so the week was a win all around.

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  10. Spring has arrived here at warp-speed as if it is trying to cram a month’s delay into a few short days. We can practically see stuff growing.

    The downside? I have allergies.

    Spring-on-Steroids make those allergies exponentially worse. Right now I have one eye that looks suspiciously close to a shiner. It hurts just to blink. At least today the entire left side of my face doesn’t feel like it’s going to explode … so, progress I guess 🙂

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  11. The crabapple tree looks fantastic, Kate! Our azaleas have fizzed, but I got some decent pictures to look back on. We’ve gone from no spring into summer. Have you tried dry shampoo for your summer issues? Shampooing often produces more oils, so the dry shampoo allows you to cut back a bit. It adds a lot of body, too. I use this brand and it smells really nice. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Not-Your-Mother-s-Beach-Babe-Texturizing-Dry-Shampoo-7-Oz/130088018?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222222065462309&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=e&wl1=o&wl2=c&wl3=10395019328&wl4=pla-1105740777114&wl12=130088018_0&wl14=not%20your%20momma%27s%20beach%20dry%20shampoo&veh=sem&msclkid=7d58f5b6f44e1fcdd34aaf59d5f83d7d

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    • I have tried dry shampoo and use it or baby powder during the worst but for me there is nothing like a freshly cleaned head of hair. I am way too old to have hair this oily but my hair stylist says I’m lucky. I need to rework the cut too. Oddly I wear it longer in the summer because it’s easier. BTW I like that brand!


  12. I enjoyed your post…my hair also looks odd in the morning, like I’ve been through some terrible medical test on my brain…and I can join you in the neon legs department. Mine just get spotty and never get a good tan.

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  13. Here, the changes are more subtle ~ the snowbirds head north freeing up space on the roads and beaches; the humidity climbs and it rains more often; and (my favorite) it’s lighter later. Good luck with your transition.

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  14. My plum and peach trees are blossoming, but without enough rain, they look downright pathetic compared to your crabapples!

    Not jealous of the heat, though. My sister in DC says it was 90 something for three days and the pollen count hit 3,000.

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  15. Aren’t crab apple trees gorgeous? I like them after they’ve bloomed, too.

    We change our eating habits when it warms up just because the house gets so hot preparing certain foods. Like yesterday, instead of our typical, baked, apple crisp dessert, we had blueberries with whipped cream.

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    • So funny, I have been craving blueberries lately. They are still expensive here but I buy them anyway. I love crab apple trees. We had a landscaper put in our trees when we built the house and I had to argue with him about it. Many get apple cedar rust but he was able to find a variety that is not susceptible to it. I have two. The other is white so it doesn’t photograph as well but it has the best scent.


  16. Beautiful photo! Can you hear me sneezing just looking at it? I love the switch in the weather, but my hair has also taken on a life of its own overnight, my nose is running, my eyes are itching, but I’m not cold, and that makes me happy.

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  17. The hot ass made me laugh.

    Love the picture. Reminds me of the mall in Washington their cherry blossoms show-stoppers. I have pictures of myself posing beneath them with a bunch in my hair. Speaking of hair…I just doused mine with olive oil to give it a little oomph…of course now I smell like a salad but…beauty can’t worry about that, now can it?

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