Random 5 for October 22 – Computers, medical history, automatic reminders, mysterious appointments, hair

Source: Amazon

That’s weird! – My keyboard has a matte textured finish except for some keys that I use so often they are worn shiny smooth. I noticed that the keys I use the most are F, A, R and T. The other vowels come in next but aren’t near as shiny. Prepubescent boys (and post-menopausal women) think this is a hoot!

You want to know what? – I received an on-line notice from one of my doctors to update my personal information. I went to the site and found the most bizarre questions. It asked who raised me; my birth order; and my hand dominance among other equally invasive (and making no sense to me) questions. What’s up with that? I left most blank but was tempted to fill in wolves, face downward and middle hand.

Automation – I love automation but lately it’s been haunting me. I had a prescription filled at my new pharmacy. A month later I was stalked by phone reminders that it was time for a refill. These went on for a week until I stopped by to request they take this medication, which only gets used during allergy season, off of auto-remind. Two weeks later I received a phone message that my prescription was ready for pick-up. This was the same one they wanted me to fill earlier. I again stopped by to have that corrected. The staff person had no idea why that happened. From her look, I’m sure she thinks I hit some refill button. This week I have again received a phone message that it’s ready for pickup. Is this some ghost pranking me for Halloween?

Then again – The doctor’s office that wanted to know my dominant hand called to remind me of an appointment I didn’t make and don’t need. Argh!!!!

Hair – Did you ever notice how hair changes in 24 hours? One day it’s wonderful. The next day it doesn’t work at all. It’s as if it had a meeting and decided to go on strike until the owner got a haircut. Ok, I get the message.

So how was your week?

62 thoughts on “Random 5 for October 22 – Computers, medical history, automatic reminders, mysterious appointments, hair

  1. lol… Love the hair comment. Sadly mine is slowly finding other places to live.
    I find those doctor requests to fill out personal information kind of unnerving and I don’t know why. Maybe one day I’ll fill out the information. Maybe.

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  2. LOL, face downward!!! I love this post. I can so very much empathize with several of your experiences. I don’t know whether to be glad I’m not the only one or marvel at how it happens and still continues!

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  3. LOL. I know, I can’t decide if I like those automated reminders for medication. I actually stopped giving out my cell and give out a land line number so I don’t get constant beeps and buzzes from everywhere. (Side note: we don’t pay for a land line. It’s some special doohickey the hubs connected to our modem). I still have Walgreens on my cell though. I’ll see how long that lasts.

    Oh ack, good hair days, bad hair days. Who can tell what kind of hair day it will be until I start blow drying.

    Have a great week, Kate.

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    • Not using those automated services again. I don’t remember signing up for them in the first place. I put a note in my Outlook calendar and that’s enough. I never give out my cell phone number. That is saved for special people. As for hair….ack! is right. Yesterday I had brillo pad bangs. Go figure.

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      • They ask for cell phone numbers everywhere these days. At PetSmart, they always ask for it when I check out for their “pet perks” card. When I told them I don’t give out my number, they looked at me like I had just spit into their register. All the department stores ask for it for their “sales perks” or points or whatever. They seem to get frustrated with me when I tell them I don’t give it out. Can’t get a new email address without giving a cell phone number either. I tried and gave up.

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  4. My software developer’s mind says “Oh, doesn’t want auto-reminders to refill; must want auto-refills.”

    My dentist has a new reminder system. Three emails, one month, two weeks, one week out, plus two text messages, and then they call like they always used to. Too much contact.

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  5. Those were odd questions… I wonder if they were doing some sort of study (does birth order/dominant hand/etc. impact health and longevity? Either way, I’d like to know before I answered those questions… if at all. Based on the missing parts of letter on my key board, E,R,T,O,A, and N get the greatest workout. I can sort of see “erotica” in those letters, but I’m pretty sure that’s not something I blog about very often (ever).

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  6. The only damaged key on my keyboard is “n”. I wonder if I write no and negative things to the exclusion of all else. Never! No! Never! Not noticing! Nice? Naw.

    I gave up on my hair years ago. It does what it wants, and I look silly under it.

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  7. My keyboard tends to be cleaner than clean because I always had a horrible habit of spilling glasses of water on it (which is a very bad idea). I finally got a rubber cover for it, and it fits it like a glove. The keys are still clean but only because they’re protected now. Curiously, the one key that is somewhat smudged? The number eight. I’m not sure why… – Marty

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  8. I would have skipped many of those questions too, Kate. That’s very odd.
    In the five plus years I’ve been at my current job, I’ve gone through two keyboards. I wore off practically every letter. I’m thinking it’s from my obsessive hand washing with antibacterial wipes. 🙂 Have a great week!

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  9. Yes, I am convinced I am either losing it altogether or the world of common sense is imploding. I have never not shown up for any medical appointment – not in all my long lifetime. If I must miss (rarely) I call ahead to cancel. Now there is a notice sent to me that I was a “no show” for an appointment and if it happens two more times they may drop me as a patient. Huh? If possible, I will drop them.

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  10. Those really odd questions. I’m sorta creeped out by them. They are entertaining from a psych standpoint as birth order gives insight into personality. And left handed people have more of a likelihood of certain types of injuries but it isn’t like you can *prevent* them unless you change handedness which is not likely to happen. Weird. I hope you ask them why they are asking those questions because I’d sure like to know…

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  11. Kate, you crack me up! Don’tcha just love those robot reminder calls? I call her “Suzie Talkie.” Sometimes when Suzie calls, I like to tell her, “Shut up ya old hag! Yer ugly and you wear frumpy clothes!” Well, at least it makes me feel better before I hang up on the call. Thanks for the chuckle, and have a great day! ~ Lynn

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  12. I can’t ever get access to my GP’s portal… always wrong password wrong name! I don’t know what are my most used letters right now because more than a few of them are a bit buttery from my fingers… I had a biscuit for breakfast. Bad hair days, I have quite a few. I just put on a visor or a ball cap. I just purchased new glasses… hoping the glasses are so cool that noBODY will look at my hair. Can we talk progressive lenses? I adjusted to them in about 3 hours but they sometimes still seem like work. Gave up my contacts in the spring, my eyes just were too dry and after 51 years I was tired of them.

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    • I would kill to go back to my contacts but my eyes are too dry and if I get the special ones for dry eye I will still need reading glasses. Phew! Buttery keys. Sounds good to me! A new stylist cut my bangs too short (way too short). I can’t wear them down and they are more than a bit frizzy. Looking for some wax to use on them. Seriously!


  13. Yes to the hair. My electric curlers took a dump the other day so I am trying to get used to the new ones I bought. LOL about the questions at the doctors. I agree that it is probably some research company trying to make some money. It will be interesting to see if you start getting promotional mailings based on your answers. My keyboard has deformed DNL and I am typing all day long! Have a great Sunday, Kate.

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  14. Speaking of hair, I know just what you mean. One minute I’m a reasonably attractive brunette, the next a rat with roots. I’ve often thought of going gray, but then I come to and get my mojo back from Oz where it went for a little visit.

    I think doctors and their offices have become so efficient they’re not efficient at all. I get reminders that don’t apply to me. Maybe there’s another Susannah Bianchi who needs to have her oil changed. I mean if they take blood again and again and again, I just won’t have any.


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  15. Thanks, Kate!

    I just examined my keyboard, found that the :/; key looked grubby, and washed the whole keyboard! What a great way to start the day . . .

    And I didn’t even have to use my middle hand. Or my middle finger! 😀

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  16. Too much relies on technology. Hubby and I are having our initial health checks with the nurse tomorrow at our new surgery and I foresee weight issues, statins and cholesterol issues being raised in my case. I remember years ago the doctor calling me into the surgery to discuss medication I wasn’t on, and here Hubby and I can’t have the same email address so we have had to open one up for me specially for medical contact.
    I erased nearly all of the white markings on my previous laptop’s keyboard, and noted the other day the the H on this one is missing a leg.
    And hair? A stylist in a salon can get my hair to do anything she wants. Me try with gel, mousse, setting lotions and god knows what else, and all I get is a matted lump that looks like a dislodged bird’s nest.

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    • I can never do what a stylist does. She has a different angle and to be honest, most times I don’t like what she does. Too puffy or too flat. I like a simple style that takes me at most 10 minutes. Wishing you the best on your health check. Don’t understand the separate email requirement. Here I have noted on my records that they can talk to my spouse about anything concerned with my health.


  17. Stressful week here. A nasty head cold developed into bronchitis that forced me to the doctor’s office for antibiotics. Trying to update my meds in their computer, for the 10th time folks, please take off this one medication which I haven’t taken for 15 years! To add to the stress of the illness, the young, small dog that I thought would make a great companion for my small dog was ready at the shelter. Picked her up. She was sweet, loving, a little excited, but quiet. Meet and greet with my corgi went well. Brought them both home and new dog made it clear that she was running the household and there would be chaos and my corgi retreated to her kennel. There was no fighting but there was no love as there had been with my old dog and the corgi. New dog exhausted me and we realized that she needed to have a home with teenagers and be an “only dog.” When I took her back she turned into an angelic, quiet sweetheart. Some weeks are just worthy of being written off to a learning experience.

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    • I hate antibiotics. I refuse to take them unless I absolutely have too. They create havoc with my IBS. The dog…so so sorry. I can’t even imagine the excitement of adopting a dog only to have to take it back. You did owe it to your existing dog to be sure it works for her too.


  18. The “middle hand” answer made me howl like, well, I’d been raised by wolves. 🙂

    I couldn’t tell you all the reasons for those questions except that left-handed people have a shorter life expectancy and older children are smarter than their siblings (except in my family of course where the middle child of 8 is clearly the brilliant one). Maybe the doctor’s office is getting kickbacks from some big data company looking at longevity studies?

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  19. Keyboard: My letters are o-n-e-h-a, “One ha!” as if I laugh a little, but not too much.

    Automation: I get SOMEONE ELSE’S reminders for medical appointments. One time when I called the doc’s office to straighten it out, they were irritated that I don’t know “my” first name.

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    • I would do that anywhere but at a doctor’s office although when you fill out those 5 page questionnaires while waiting, no one looks at them. Next trip you fill out the same stupid questions. For that I like automation but my birth order? Does that really affect my health? Is being the youngest child healthier? (I sure hope so!)

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