Random 5 for October 15 – Drive-through, courtesy, ponds, friends, aging

I bet these pups can handle a drive through better than some people.

I knew it would happen – Nothing is more annoying than sitting in a drive through when the car in front doesn’t move up. They have their head in their crotch looking at their cell phone. Not only do they hold up the works but they confuse people as to whether they are really in line. This past week it happened. The car in back of me was lollygagging and a new car pulled in back of me. Yikes the horns were blowing! You’d think it was world war 3! The new person backed out graciously and went around to the end of the line. Peace reigned and war was averted. Come on people pay attention!

Then it happened to me! – Yesterday I swung around and there was a car not at the end of the line but sitting out in nowhere land. I went to the end of the line passing it. Eventually it pulled up in back of me. My best guess is that with head in crotch on phone, it was taking orders from friends. There were no horns so all is good.

Flexibility – Because of unseasonably warm weather I have been pushing the envelope on winterizing the pond. I finally decided on a date and it was too cold. Moved it to the next day and it rained. I hope I can do it today or I’ll freeze my tushy off. Trying to get the last drop out of something good doesn’t always pay.

Friendship – This week I had lunch with a friend I don’t often see. It was a one-on-one which allowed sharing I wouldn’t do in a group. I came away with some insights and hope she did too. Much as multi-people gatherings are fun, it’s those one-on-ones where you do the best “friending.”

Aging – We will have house guests in two weeks. While I’m looking forward to it, it will be exhausting. There will be a lot of energy (and people) in the house and back-to-back activities. I have blocked out a part of the following week for “recovery.” Perhaps this is just me but I find as I get older I need more alone time and my recovery for events also takes longer. I would not have understood that when I was young but here I am.

So how was your week?



53 thoughts on “Random 5 for October 15 – Drive-through, courtesy, ponds, friends, aging

  1. I have houseguests arriving, too, and as soon as they leave we need to travel out of state for a memorial service. I am not sure how I’m going to fit in the recovery time, but I’m going to need it, too! And I had to laugh at your “in line” encounters. Some people are truly desperate for their coffee!

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    • I am always truly desperate for coffee! Your schedule would be a killer for me but you do what you have to do. When I worked I had a very crazy schedule. Now I don’t like two things next to each other!


  2. Yep, totally with you on the exhaustion of guests and needing to recover, especially if little ones are involved. 🙂 My week was good. Saturday night I was able to have a triple date with my besties and their hubs’. So blessed to be back home. Have a great week, Kate.

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  3. I don’t do company well. I know this sounds awful but if family want to visit let them stay at a motel/hotel. I know when we want to visit people/family we get a hotel and spend an afternoon, evening, or day with them and then I can go back to the hotel and just relax if I want to. I am totally worn out after having somebody stay just overnight. I think I worry too much about making sure they have a good time, if the food is okay, is it too noisy. I love one on one “friending” over a bite to eat.

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    • I’m a lot like you. We don’t stay with people either. I find it keeps the visit fresher. The 24/7 aspect gets hard but it’s the granddaughters who are coming and it’s just a few days. They are both fun and exhausting. With the energy and anxiety level, I will be napping for sure.

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        • At this point we don’t host anyone but the grands and the kids (who are in their 40s). It’s still exhausting. When the girls were younger (they are twins) I had my husband (who had 4 kids) pick up kid food. He came back with pastrami and swiss cheese. Nope, didn’t work. After that I went to my grandma girlfriends who recommended chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. At this point they are verbal and easier to feed. Surprisingly we will get to a place where they can get clams. They live in Denver where clams are outrageous! I may forego my gym trips when there are here because I won’t need it.

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  4. I’m much better one-on-one or with a small group of friends (“friends” is important because I don’t do well with a small group of strangers – especially when they know each other and I don’t). As far as house guests go, some exhaust me while others are a pleasure to have. Either way, I require significant me time after they leave just to recover. I guess I’m turning into a high maintenance princess… just as it should be.

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    • All house guests exhaust me whether they are a pleasure or not. At this point we only host very close family and even that is exhausting. For me it’s partly an aging thing and partly that I wasn’t raised like that. I didn’t like sleepovers as a child so perhaps that was a sign. Another high maintenance princess!


  5. I thoroughly enjoyed these little snippets. I too enjoy the one-on-one visits the most and I definitely need recovery time after having guests. Sometimes I need recovery time after a week where I had too many commitments after work, even if I got to go home to my quiet house each night. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks. Sometimes I wonder who really enjoys those big parties! When I worked, I hated back to back after work commitments. Even in retirement, I don’t like being out too many consecutive evenings.


  6. It bothers me when people aren’t paying attention in a car line. I probably should be more patient and hope there’s a good reason why they’re not moving. Then again they can be self absorbed people. Let’s hope not.
    Like you, I alway found one on one conversations to be more revealing and intimate. Groups are fun, two people sometimes more rewarding, if that’s the right word to use.

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  7. Our house does not accommodate visitors well…they have to sleep on the couch as we have no extra rooms (my craft room is NOT a bedroom!) We did just have our daughter and her boyfriend here for 5 days because they had to evacuate due to the fires in Sonoma. They are young and can sleep on the recliners. It definitely does change the dynamics of a household. I am grateful they were able to get out safely, though and any amount of discomfort is worth that. Lines, inside or out, PAY ATTENTION people!

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    • Had I thought about visitors I would have built this house differently with a visitor’s room over the garage. As it is, there is no privacy. Even a week can be a long time when there is no privacy. One bedroom was turned into a cat room complete with eating station and litter box so no one can sleep there. Another was downsized so I can do my sewing there. The next house may not have visitor’s quarters depending on the amount of downsizing. There are many affordable hotels nearby so there are other solutions. We don’t have a full sized sofa so that’s not an option here.

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  8. Our week has been busy, but we’re finally ‘home’ with our personalities all around us, a mish mash of taste, artistry and curio naffness.
    Haven’t been through a drive thru for ages, but can understand the situation, especially when signage for same isn’t exactly clear.
    I miss my friend from SW and our coffee meets. We are in contact by email and text, and she is looking forward to a few days off following her in depth training on a new job. I’m hoping she and her husband will be able to come up and stay for a few days before Christmas. I have to organise a better and more comfortable mattress on the sofa bed first, and probably ask her to bring her own bedding as I don’t have a spare duvet or pillows, and worse, nowhere to put them if I did!

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    • You seem to be enjoying the nesting again. Perhaps after a time you can write about going back to conventional living after two years on the boat. I’m not sure I could simplify as completely as you did to make boat living work.


  9. Hi, Kate – I can never get the ‘drive-through vs counter-service’ thing right. Whenever I choose the ‘drive-through’….it’s exactly how you described…horns and all! But whenever I chose the ‘counter’, there is one ‘new employee’ handing 40+ people, while there are multiple employees serving the drive-through…which is sailing through smoothly.

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  10. I have reached the point where, although I will very happily have a “one on one” with anybody, groups hold no attraction for me whatsoever. Between the inane social banter, the inevitable conversation interruptions, and the overall “group noise” …. there are quite simply so many more productive things that I could be doing. We recently had an obligatory neighborly group “get together” and, while I have no problems with the host/hostess, hearing music cranked up during a conversation was my signal to leave.

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    • I pressed “LIKE” on this about 17 times! Yes. Yes. Yes. Most group gatherings are just NOISE NOISE NOISE with no opportunity for real connection amid the superficial yakking and continual interruptions.

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    • OMG! OMG! OMG! You are me! I am getting so bad. Six is my limit for dinner out. Any more and I can’t hear. Background music is bad even though I love music. I can remember when I was younger, I always had background music going. For large parties I have a 60 minute rule. Sixty minutes and I’m gone although I have already walked in the front door, greeted the host/hostess and walked out the back door.

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  11. I’m with you — large groups are fun when there’s an activity like volleyball or dancing, but connecting with friends is best done in twos. I try to divide and conquer, getting various friends to meet up for lunch and dinner…only to have a friend invariably suggest, “Hey, let’s also invite two other friends!”


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