Random 5 for May 1 – Cleanout, weather, frogs, metabolism, phones

Here is Hazel looking for spring or a squirrel, whichever comes first!

Here is Hazel looking for spring or a squirrel, whichever comes first!

The end! – The last of our big spring clean out left the building this week. The beloved husband did his clothing last. He tried on a checkered sport coat. The fit was perfect and so was the condition. It had patches on the elbows. That’s the only thing that dated it (is that still in style?). He decided to keep it because he doesn’t have many sport coats and it looks great with jeans. He wasn’t going to get any flak from me. I retained far too many jackets from my own working days. Getting rid of the uncomfortable or marginally-liked ones is easy. Getting rid of the ones you love (and give you joy) is hard. There will be another round of clean out I’m sure.

Sayonara April – We had a mild winter and a very warm March. It ruined us. Our April was harsh and bi-polar with 30 degree ranges in 24 hours or less. I welcome May with open arms (and hopefully sandals!).

Neurotic frogs – The weather affected more than just me. The frogs weren’t sure if they should be courting, dating, fornicating or hibernating. They seemed to be doing all at the same time. No eggs yet. Poor little things could have used an electric blanket this week.

Kickin’ it up a notch – This past month I’ve had a hectic schedule with multiple activities and not much “alone” time. Although I managed this schedule all through my working days, I’m not enjoying it now. However, I found that it also kicked up my metabolism. I’ve been moving more and lost a few pounds. My creativity level has also been good. I may not like it but the busy life seems to agree with my body.

Phone update – If you read my earlier post about the 49 robocalls we received the day before our primary election, I know you are dying for a follow-up. To catch up you can read here. The day after the election the beloved husband turned the answering machine back on. We haven’t had a single robocall since. We only had two (legitimate) calls the rest of the week. That is amazing. Taking a tip from Nancy Hatch I dialed back the number of rings prior to the answering machine pick-up to two. There haven’t been enough calls to test how that works for us but I am hopeful.

So how was your week?



43 thoughts on “Random 5 for May 1 – Cleanout, weather, frogs, metabolism, phones

  1. Keep the patches – a classic – especially with jeans
    This weather is sogging us to our limits…drippy again today. But the jet stream is shifting a bit so maybe. Any break so Molly would get out would be nice. She’s so desperate to play and RC Cat is still offended at being asked.

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  2. CH has a recently purchased wool shirt with elbow pads and he loves it… I like it on him too! The weather has bee crazy this spring. We are hoping for sun today but it might be too much to ask. Congratulations on the completion of your Spring Clean!
    Good Morning!

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  3. Retro elbow patches with jeans would be a great look, I think. Your big spring clean out is an inspiration, Kate. I need to do that too. It’s so liberating! Yes, bring on the sandals! I have two new pairs I’m ready to wear.

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  4. Robocalls are illegal everywhere, other than for charities and political candidates. I have had a menacing number of illegal calls from RoboBetty asking me if I want a quote for carpet cleaning. I finally pressed 1 and left a message saying I did want a quote, so I could get a human. I also reported them to FCC and FTC. Don’t mess with me when I have time on my hands. Will probably blog about the whole story (oh goody, finally something for the rest of the world to live for!). I can’t believe it’s May!!

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    • We did that at the beginning but there doesn’t seem to be much prosecution going on. I also think they change numbers or servers or whatever or they get shut down and start up someone where. Looking forward to your discussion with Betty.


  5. We got rid of our landline and are totally “cell” accessible now, but there are still survey calls, and people who say our bank account needs attention, or “this is not a sales call” but then goes to a recording. Bill doesn’t answer unknown numbers but I do. Are we cancelling ourselves out?

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    • I’ve become like Bill. I don’t answer unknown numbers. I don’t have unlimited calling on my cell so I don’t want a bunch of marketers or survey-takers calling me. Mostly I’m bad about the battery upkeep but I really don’t get many calls on any phone. I have a computer, a Kindle with web access and a lap top. People email me if they really want to contact me. Yes you two cancel each other out (maybe in other ways too?).


  6. I would love a life with so few phone calls. For years, we have tended to have 49+ calls a day on a regular basis, Monday-Friday. SO annoying. It’s a little better lately. More like 25 or so.

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  7. Elbow patches are probably so retro that they are cool again. The jacket sounds like a keeper. And 49 robocalls?!! How many candidates are there? Or did they think that calling you 10 times on one day would get them your vote? “I checked the damn box! Now make it STOP!” I’m so glad those things are illegal here.

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  8. I spent most of yesterday going through my closet and off-loading stuff. I don’t know why I find it so hard, but even if I haven’t worn something for a year or two, if it’s in good shape, looks nice and fits, I often keep it rather than donate it. It’s the “you never know…” syndrome.

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  9. Congrats on the few pounds lost. That’s always a nice thing. Your spring cleaning and talk of clothes reminds me that I still have too many suits and jackets. I had pared down once, but I think I might do so again since I never wear any of them. The ones I kept are sentimental, but I should probably think this through a bit more. Good luck on finishing your current commitment.

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  10. You took my tip! Woo Hoo!
    Now I can say, “I’ve done my good deed for the day.”

    Glad your Spring Clean Out was productive.
    And that your metabolism got kicked up a notch with your increased activities.

    It’s great when we find the right balance between doing and being.

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  11. Is it a spring thing, or a retirement thing? Soon after we started the voyage, I went through every closet in the house. BEFORE minimalism was a thing! Now I still have 3 or 4 suits that I haven’t been able to part with because they were so expensive in the first place. Will I ever wear them again? Most likely not. Someday….

    Liked by 1 person

    • It started with a concern about aging. A friend suffered a severe stroke. His wife is tasked with doing everything that needs to be done. I want to be sure that neither of us have the work of cleaning out things we haven’t used in years or clearly don’t need. Perhaps it’s a part of downsizing. I have always done it to some degree (and yes mostly in the spring) but I’ve been getting more brutal as I get older. Maybe it’s the realization that life has cycles and I don’t revisit them.

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  12. I don’t have a landline anymore, since I can’t hear on it. I do have doormen who man my house phone like NASA, so that’s good.

    Now I want a checkered sports coat…so classic and get why he won’t give it away.

    Yes, May…is she really here? I see her coming like Cleopatra on a litter down the Nile. I will be there to toss rose petals in her path, along with some lasagna to assure her presence.
    Frogs fornicating gave me a boost.

    If they can do it Kate, so can I.


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    • I’m not a phone person and I think my difficulty hearing is a factor although it may also be my lack of interest. Emails are so much easier. I can read and answer when I want even if it’s at a time that isn’t a good “calling” time. As for May, she will get tomatoes in her face if she doesn’t get here soon. Don’t mind the rain but we haven’t seen 60 degrees for a while.

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  13. Honestly, I need to get rid of my land line. All I get is telemarketing calls. If I don’t recognize a number, I don’t even answer any more. I so envy your clean up. I did it two years ago and it has been in the garage waiting for a garage sale ever since. I’m ready for another.

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    • I bypassed the garage sale. They end up being a lot of work and unless you have some valuables the money is negligible. It was easier and faster to donate. My husband wants to keep the landline. Honestly we don’t use our cells except for traveling or emergencies or the occasional text. I’m bad about keeping the battery charged too. Of course no one really calls me anymore. I remember when I was a teenager…..

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