Random 5 for April 3 – Sperm squirter, pie, disappointment, pond, neighbors

I have some very exciting updates for you:

The sperm squirter update – If you didn’t read the original story it’s here. Three women had come forward to say that a guy had squirted sperm on them. (Yes, this is the story with more questions than answers.) In a follow-up this week two cases were thrown out because the women got rid of the clothing. There was no DNA evidence. (Can you imagine saving that? There are sounds of Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress rustling in the closet.) The remaining case is going forward and they finally revealed – he “threw” the sperm on them from a container. (He wasn’t a hands-on type of guy.)

The pie debacle update – After not being able to get my Easter pie last weekend (story here) I wrote a very nice email to the store. (Yes, I can be nice. I know it’s hard to believe!) I wanted to understand how I could secure a specific pie. As it turns out, I can order or tag one for any day other than a holiday (when you would want a pie the most). Note to self – Call before going! They promised me a free lemon meringue pie.

However – That’s not the end of the story. When I went to pick up the free pie, it wasn’t tagged nor was the team leader around. Fortunately the staff was able to track down the bakery manager and I got the pie!

Nothing is ever easy – My pond hose sprung a leak. I will need to replace a section. I have metric hose going from the filter to the waterfall and American hose from the pump to the filter. I don’t know how that happened nor do I understand why these things weren’t better marked (or gasp! Universal). I can work around it but I will take a bit more planning.

Good times – This week we got together with neighbors. We hadn’t seen each other for a while but it was instantly like the old days when we all lived in the ‘hood. We are similar in age and it was a fun social group. The neighborhood has changed. There are more families with kids (and activities). You don’t see people. I miss the sense of community in the old neighborhoods.

Hazel: Wake me when it's really spring.

Hazel: Wake me when it’s really spring.

So how was your week?



45 thoughts on “Random 5 for April 3 – Sperm squirter, pie, disappointment, pond, neighbors

  1. Glad to catch up with the happenings in your world, especially the sperm guy..I’d been at a friend’s in Florida and he had no internet! Well, since we arrived home this week, the sunshine is in the distant past. It’s been snowing here all day. Cold, hard drops of ice! So, I’m with Hazel on sleeping until the sun finally comes out again. I put out my hummingbird feeders and had to take them in because the sugar water was frozen this morning. ARRRRGH!


  2. I like these continued stories. They keep us in suspense. I wonder if the sperm squirter will plead guilty or go to trial. You never know for sure until the last minute.

    Lemon meringue was always my mom’s favorite. One of my favorites too. (I have too many favorites.)


  3. This may be one of your most random story groupings, Kate. Of course beginning with the sperm-squirter story sets a certain trajectory that puts everything else in a different light. That is one of the strangest stories I’ve ever heard. I’m sure the temptation to throw away the clothing would be great, but I’ve watched enough crime television to know you need the evidence. And your pie story just gets better and better. I’m glad you followed through, but it does make me laugh that after all the preliminary work to communicate they still weren’t ready for you! I do hope it was delicious and worth the effort!


  4. Thanks for the update…that sperm story just getting more and more bizarre.
    Glad you got a free pie, maybe since the guy you were originally supposed to see wasn’t there you can go back again for another free one..:)
    Yes, neighborhoods change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. You make the best.


  5. Good news that the case against that wacko is moving forward. Ewww!
    I’m glad you finally got a taste of that pie, Kate. Kudos on pursuing the problem via email.


  6. Free pie… how great is that!? I really like that you took the time to email the store – without input, they think everything is just hunky-dory. Metric and non-metric… bah! I wish we (the U.S.) had followed through with the conversion many years ago. It would have been challenging for a while, but now we wouldn’t have to worry about parts not fitting. And, speaking of parts, I hope sperm squirter is forced to find something more useful to do with his.


    • I emailed with a solution to a problem that more people than just me had to have! I don’t know how we managed to get the “other” measurement when we replaced a section last year but we did! As for the sperm squirter, I say cut that damn thing off! (I know. We need to give him some help. He probably has a mental issue.)


  7. First of all, from back to front…BEST CAT PICTURE EVER…Also, irises are off the charts lovely. I’m assuming you’re using your new camera Hubs bought you. Great pictures.
    Monica…lol…the most famous blow-job in history. Forgive me if I trash your lovely site with that description. And you’re always nice in all your comments…whether it’s on your own page or a peer’s. Love the Random 5 🙂


  8. First off, I almost passed my coffee through my nose when I read this post title. Don’t know how I missed the original post, so had to go back and check it out. Let me just say this…”Ewwwwwww”.
    Sorry to hear about your pond. Our fountain has a crack in it, but it’s ok because it’s completely dismantled for the current remodel. And it’s sunny and beautiful here. Sorry you’re still in the cold. Hang on, summer’s coming!


    • If we could get a run of warm days, we could fix the pond and get the waterfall running. So far the warm days are in short spurts separated by freezing cold days (like today with a high of 40 something). Maybe in another week or so we’ll be there.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for the updates! The sperm squirter situation is a little clearer. And now I’m nostalgic for the days when absurd politics meant an affair in the Oval Office, cigar and all. Maybe Trump can get Linda Tripp on his campaign.


  10. I’m so glad you are keeping up with that story, I did not see that update. All I can say is I know there would not be any evidence after my sterilization at the hazmat center!
    Free and Pie in the same sentence …. Oh life is indeed good my friend.


  11. My week has been full of H on spring break and his last eye surgery. He goes back to work tomorrow – for two months anyway – and then it’s retirement! Trying to keep a positive attitude.
    I must have missed that pie episode. I’ll have to backtrack! ~Elle


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