Random 5 for January 24 – Snowstorm, food orgies, birds, memory, roads

Morgan spent most of the day watching the birds outside the sliding doors. I had to remove the snow drift a few times so she could see.

Morgan spent most of the day watching the birds outside the sliding doors. I had to remove the snow drift a few times so she could see.

Stand back! I don’t know how big this gets! — Yesterday we were hit with winter storm Jonas. We were predicted to be on an outer band with less snow. Something happened and we got hit big time. It started hours earlier than predicted, snowed harder and lasted longer. It reminded me of grammar school when the snows seemed bigger and somehow better although that might have to do with sledding and no school. This one was a doozy. We broke all records at 31.9 inches. Now it’s going to hang around and be annoying. Nothing is worse than dirty snow.

Move over Superbowl – Prior to the storm we had a week’s worth of hype. Along with all the yada-yada about storms, there were recipes and food suggestions for the storm. When I was at the grocery store, folks were treating this like a Superbowl. I saw everything from chicken wings to stew, chili, seafood and all the junk food. I was good. I bought fresh fruit and veggies. What is wrong with me?

The birds know – The critters that really know what’s going on are the ones who live outside. The birds have been emptying out my feeders and water, stocking up on food. There was a large flock (maybe 24?) of robins that came around Wednesday. I have crabapple trees, juniper and holly bushes and fresh water. All the supplies they need to wait out the storm. They wanted tiny sleds and ice skates but I had to draw the line somewhere.

Withdrawal – There was no Starbucks yesterday and probably not today. (Maybe later today…..) Even if the roads are better there is a 6 foot bank at the end of my driveway compliments of the snow plow. I’m not really complaining. Our guys do a good job but it’s still hard packed snow that has to be moved before we can get out!

Did I buy that? – Every once in a while I will buy something that I already bought and didn’t like. I don’t remember I bought it until it’s too late. I was looking for something at Amazon and zeroed in on a specific item. A little box came up and told me that I bought it last January. Really cool!

So how was your week?

57 thoughts on “Random 5 for January 24 – Snowstorm, food orgies, birds, memory, roads

  1. More than 31 inches of snow? That’s just incredible! And i’m really fascinated with your report that the birds peppered for the big freeze. That instinct is really interesting! Too bad you can’t stock up ahead of time on Starbucks!

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  2. Out here in California we’ll take all the snow we can get—dirty or otherwise. Maybe subconsciously you’re sticking to a New Years resolution to eat healthier this year. My dad used to tell us you could tell what kind of Winter you were going to have by the way nature dressed the animals. For example; if it was going to be a wet and cold season the dogs and cats would grow thicker fur. Aren’t we people animals too—so where’s my fur? I think your caffeine habit is going to result in your husband being handed a shovel and his being told to get busy—”Starbucks needs me!” Who would have ever thought that Amazon could save us money—amazing! 😀

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  3. My week was not as cold as yours and no snow, but it was cold enough! I would probably hibernate for the winter if I had to move 6 feet of snow to get out of my driveway. You would think in this day and age they could think of another solution to dispose of all that snow while plowing the roads instead of at the end of driveways! Lol! Stay warm today Kate… ~Elle


    • Some places have a huge gizmo that melts the snow. Trucks pick it up on the streets and take it to the plant where the gizmo is. Last storm we were running out of space to put the snow. Our temperatures are predicted to moderate this week so I am hoping for a lot of melt. The main streets are good but at every intersection there are huge piles that you can’t see around. Snow is so much more fun when you’re a kid.

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      • Yes it is. I don’t believe we ever had a problem with snow while kids in Alaska. On the other hand, I’m sure my parents did not join in that mindset.
        That sounds reasonable to me. Pick up the snow and take it to be melted. Great job description…snow melter!

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  4. I remember those kinds of storms when I lived in Ohio. Every few years we have snow and ice here. We had snow last year stores were closed for days. Where I work we were closed 4 days one week then a week later closed for 3. We should be ok this year. We won’t have floods and snow the same year…I hope. Morgan is beautiful…and perhaps spoiled? Hope Starbuck’s opens before you go into withdrawal.


  5. OMG, your Amazon experience used to happen to me REGULARLY back when Radio Shack was a store still worth going to. I remember being in there for like an hour looking for the exact audio cable I needed (my connections were always complicated), only to find that when I got home I later saw I had the very same thing sitting in its seal lock bag from a previous visit. At least you had a pop-up window letting you know!


    • I remember the real Radio Shack. I even bought components (do they call them that anymore?) for my stereo system there. It’s sad to see change. They have closed most of the stores in my area.


  6. Hurricane parties have a big fan base….I guess it is only fair that blizzards have the same.
    Strawberry Pop-Tarts are the biggest sellers before a hurricane, I wonder if it is any different?


  7. I have a love/hate relationship with winter. A good snowstorm can be cozy, fun or annoying, depending on my mood. Our storms tend to come in March and by that time I’m really, really tired of winter. Glad you weathered the storm unscathed.


  8. Yeah, they told us 4-6 inches and we ended up with 28. How does that happen? I want that job, to be so wrong and still be able to come to work the next day.
    I dont know how blizzard parties started but I’m pretty sure they’re here to stay.


  9. Well, I guess it’s good that Amazon has a better memory than we do. So sorry about your snow. I’ll admit I was jealous when I saw the pix starting to come in. Daughter is in NYC and it looks so pretty. But you’re right, it will hang around all dirty and annoying, so that does make me feel better. Thank you!


  10. Ok, stupid warm-weather person question: where do the poor little birds go when it is storming? So sweet that you kept Morgan’s view clear. I sure wish Costco had one of those pop-ups to tell me not only that I’ve purchased the item before but also that I returned it for such and such reason. It would have saved me multiple repurchases of a rice maker.


    • Ah a rice cooker. I have looked at them a bunch of times but there’s only two of us and most of the cookers say 6 cups. That’s a lot of rice! The birds retreat to safe places out of the wind — like pine, fir and spruce trees, evergreen shrubs, nooks and crannies on buildings and trees. They find places.


  11. THE SNOW…had no idea he was named Jonas, and it was a whale of a storm, cleverness not intended. I gather being treated to Morgan’s striking profile is at the behest of your new camera. Love you kept clearing the snow out of her eye line.

    We got hit with an avalanche, and all the Starbucks are closed here as well. But did that stop me from foraging…NO…Hot and Crusty whose coffee tastes just like their was open and prospering… I guess when you never close, being a 24 hour joint, weather doesn’t effect you.

    Unlike me, who while crossing a snowbank, fell headfirst, a doorman having to come pick me up like a side of beef putting me back on my feet…sometimes I think I run on batteries because did I even stop? Nope, just kept on going.

    Love the random 5

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    • Now I have this picture of you with you head in the snowband and your feet sticking up. No point in hanging around. You gave the doorman his first giggle of the day. You should get the batteries that bunny has! As for Morgan, the snow was coming down so fast I kept a very small area open next to the door so I could feed the birds. It was like turning the TV on to a marathon series. She was there all day occasionally meowing her approval or not! Our SB is open but I am snowed in. It’s too far and dangerous to walk.

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  12. Robins? In January? I thought they disappeared for the winter and reappeared once they got the all clear from Groundhog Phil.

    Sounds like you made the right purchasing decisions for you ~> Margarita fixings! Others made sure they had everything they needed for a pre-SuperBowl party.


    • The last few years the robins haven’t migrated and I don’t know why. The last two winters were brutal. This one is not so bad until yesterday. They drink a lot of water. I have to fill my bird bath at least twice a day. The liquor store was crowded too. People had carts full of stuff so I’m sure everyone was in a pleasant stupor last night.


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