Morgan update | For Animal Lovers

Morgan with Teddie

Morgan with Teddie

Come on guys, can't a cat sleep around here?

Come on guys, can’t a cat sleep around here?

Ok I admit it. I am smitten with this new cat. I still adore my other three but Morgan has brought such energy I need to hug her often. (Now that’s something the others aren’t interested in.)

It has been interesting watching how the other three cats train her and how she revitalizes them.

Here are some Morganisms.

  • Play until the very last minute then make a dash to the litter box and have a good long pee. There is no point in wasting time walking leisurely when you can be trampling a bug.
  • Dirty clothes make interesting things to roll in.
  • If you play the cute card you can get away with just about anything.
  • It doesn’t matter how many times someone takes something away from you. When they are preoccupied just go and get it again.
  • If you smell someone’s ear, they will let you eat from their plate. (Note: that doesn’t work with humans.)
  • When you are exhausted, just crash where you are. There is usually something soft nearby that you can sleep on.
  • All horizontal surfaces belong to cats no matter what height they are.

Morgan has learned to respect the boundaries of the other cats. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t pounce on them occasionally but she knows what she can get away with.

She also knows that Jake is an esteemed old-timer. She won’t steal his food, jump on him or annoy him. Of course that lesson was learned the hard way, through periodic head wamps.

What she hasn’t learned yet is to wait her turn. I feed the cats by age starting with the eldest. That doesn’t work. She will whine and carry one as if she hasn’t eaten in days.

She sees more with her one eye than most people see with two. She still doesn’t know she only has one and I’m not telling her.

This house was dull before she came to stay. We just didn’t know it.

25 thoughts on “Morgan update | For Animal Lovers

  1. I love the Morganisms! We had a darling Siamese with such strong personality traits that we called them Calla Lily-isms, so reading Morgan’s list brought back great memories. Calla Lily lived to be almost 19, and her favorite antic was to hide behind big plants and attack the older cat, Solomon, when he got hungry and meandered into the laundry room to check their bowls.


  2. Morgan looks as if he’s perpetually winking…and he’s also my favorite shade of gray…slate…I have a suit he’ll go with. It’s really amazing to be so smitten with an animal. Best medicine. I bet you purr too 🙂


  3. She is really sweet! I completely understand your comment about the house being dull before she entered. I didn’t know it either, but since we’ve brought Zina into our home, we have said the same thing. She is the companion we didn’t know we needed. I am so glad to see the photos of Morgan. She is obviously completely at home! 🙂


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