Another Anniversary!

Today is my wedding anniversary and no, I did not forget it. I had many people remind me but I also had it marked in my Outlook calendar. That’s foolproof! 

It is the sixth which technically isn’t a “big” one but when you get to be a certain age, they are all big ones. Here is my post from last year and Happy Anniversary Dan!

I can’t believe I did it again!

Today is my fifth wedding anniversary and I forgot it. Every year I come close to forgetting it and sometimes I have to look up the exact date.

It’s not that I’m not a romantic. It’s just that getting married was more of a tidying up of housekeeping for estate management. Yeah, doesn’t sound very romantic at all.

Our commitment to each other had been made years earlier when we each kicked in our money and built a house together. I am of a generation where we don’t easily part with our dough so that was a huge commitment for me. I can tell you the exact date we moved into our house….but I have trouble remembering my wedding date.

We were married in Las Vegas. I was there for a business conference. It’s very simple there — no blood tests or physicals. You just need a license.

It would be easy to fit it in among the seminars. The beloved husband’s four grown children came down from Denver to witness this auspicious event even though I literally had 30 minutes before my conference started.

Looking back now, I have to laugh. We were so nonchalant about it that it’s funny. I did wear a nice dress but nowhere near a formal or even dressy dress. The beloved husband wore shorts and sandals. When I met up with my colleague at the conference she said, “What’s with the dress?” Everyone was in Capri’s and pants. It was a 10 a.m. Sunday conference opening and many business people weren’t coming in until later in the day. She couldn’t believe it when I told her we got married.

A few friends knew that we were going to get married IF the line wasn’t too long. We told people not to fuss but they were intent on making this way more special than we did. My friends from Toastmasters had champagne and Waterford flute glasses sent to the hotel and my colleagues from work surprised me with a huge table of chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate truffles, other nibbles and wonderful champagne.

The kids rented a house very near Elvis’s home and had a barbecue in the evening.

We attended Cirque du Soleil’s “Love” show and sat in back of Yoko Ono. I guess she heard about our wedding.

Looking back now, it was a wonderful day. Having the kids there made it special. The conference was wonderful and it was a great way to start a marriage.

Now if only I can remember the date!

24 thoughts on “Another Anniversary!

  1. Happy Anniversary! Love this story. Sounds like a perfect wedding to me. I hope Yoko Ono gave you a nice gift 🙂


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