Today I’m visiting Jill Weatherholt!

Jill WeatherholtJill Weatherholt, author and blogger, threw out a challenge earlier this year. In a moment of chocolate stupor I volunteered to write a post for her blog. I was honored that she accepted my offer. (insert Snoopy dance!)

Writing is her passion along with books, blogs, other writers and anything related. She writes about life, experiences and reflections. It’s always upbeat and interesting and very well written.

You can find me on her blog here! Come visit with us.snoopydance

18 thoughts on “Today I’m visiting Jill Weatherholt!

  1. Hey Kate, I do know how to spell, sometimes I get sloppy. I meant to say “they never learned the language” not languish! Sorry about that.


  2. That sounds and reads like it was fun to do. Good choices in your answers.
    I knew the grandparents you spoke of. I, too, wish I could have spent more time with them. The problem I saw at the time was communication. Neither of them could speak English and I could not speak German. I was always angry that they were in this country over 50 years, raised four boys and two girls and never learned the language. My judgement may seem unfair since they were farm folks and neighbors were miles (maybe) away. They passed while I was in my early teens.


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