I hate 3 a.m.


This gallery contains 2 photos.

There is something sinister about 3 a.m. All goodness is fast asleep along with common sense and any level of sanity I have left. It is not a good time to reflect on anything. It’s the time when any ache … Continue reading

Just Another Day in Paradise?

Ah, retirement.   I woke up Saturday morning from a really bad nightmare where I dreamt that I lost my wallet with all my credit cards and all my money.  It was so real, I jumped out of bed and checked my wallet.  Now I don’t get wound up in dreams but  I did get the symbolism.

Later in the day I called my brother who retired in 1994. I was slightly disjointed from my nightmare, wondering what on earth I had done.  He tells me how much I am going to miss work!  He missed the projects, the sense of accomplishment, the sense of purpose, the routine, the people, the camaraderie….get the picture. Of course, this same brother is the treasurer of the board of directors at the food bank.  He plays golf 3 times a week with a slightly more than bogey handicap. I can never find him because he is always busy but he certainly misses work!  At this point, I am thinking I should just call the undertaker and get it over with.

Sunday morning I woke up to a heat wave which is predicted to last all week.  Now I love hot weather but it was in the ‘80s for my 8:30 a.m. walk! Yes, we bit the bullet and turned the air conditioning on. Now I am imprisoned in my house!  I need friends with pools! At least I have the cats.

I’m sure it will be better when I don’t have to get up early Monday…maybe. There is always Starbucks.