Three good things going on this week!

We get so wrapped in complaining about bad things that are happening, we miss the good. Here are three good things that happened this week among the nasty!

We have been getting smoke from the Canadian fires (that’s the nasty). It’s thick and smelly and peaks in the afternoon. It gets tamped down overnight only to start up again the next day. The silver lining is that the fire isn’t local. I can’t imagine living in that section of Canada right now. I’ve never experienced this before. Makes your eyes water. Smells like a huge wet campfire and I’m looking for the s’mores. (My best wishes go out to anyone affected by the fires.)

Cat trauma gong on! I finally took Gus into the veterinarian on Tuesday. Gracie will give the details on Friday. This is the first time I had to “pill” Gus, who is a strong, beefy 16-pound cat with a mind of his own (which does not include violating his body with pills, ointments or drops). The first pill went down easy peasy. Hoping the next 12 are just as easy.

I need meetings! I found a robust stick masquerading as a tree at our local big box store. It was cheap and is currently sitting on my patio waiting to be planted. That will be the sixth tree we have planted since we moved here. Not all are big ones. This one will be outside my bedroom window so I can watch the seasonal changes and get summer shade at the same time. If I’m lucky, I’ll still be alive when it grows up.

Care to share any good thing happening to you this week?

47 thoughts on “Three good things going on this week!

  1. I hope your tree will surprise you and grow quickly. And it will only grow to be a joy, hopefully, to future homeowners. Occasionally I have similar thoughts about something in my own home, and wonder about the future. I don’t like to dwell on that, but….
    That beautiful S’more looks like the perfect treat to comfort from the annoyances of any week!

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  2. We’re doing better with the wildfire haze today, but Wednesday, Detroit was the second worst state in the U.S. We were not as bad in the suburbs and sure weren’t as bad as New York. Hope Gus is still tolerating the pills. Will wait for Gracie to give us the scoop on Gus.

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  3. Pills and cats – that’s a toughie……had to give my Angel cat Sammy pills and the only way I succeeded was grinding them up and coating pieces of chicken with pill bits. They catch on to tricks though! Hope Gus is OK. New tree? YAY! We have the smoke here too and have air quality alerts through Thursday……so sad.

    Hugs, Pam

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    • Gus has been a dream to pill. I put it in his mouth and he takes one chomp and swallows. No pill pockets, pushers, tricks, coatings or anything. Now cleaning his ears (which I have to do today) is a two-person job. He hates it but they are infected…again. His ear canal is narrow and tends to get soupy which turns into yeast and bacterial infections. He has both now. Poor boy. Gracie cannot…and I mean CANNOT be pilled. No way, no how. I can do liquids to some extent but we both wear it. She’s 8 lbs. of wildcat when it comes to meds. The smoke was really bad yesterday afternoon. Still lingering today but hopefully some relief over the weekend. They are also predicting rain which is very welcome.


  4. I am glad Gus accepted his first dose OK- paws crossed for the rest. Have you tried pill pockets? We have been getting the smoke and I wonder how anyone survives that lives near them.

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    • Gus has been wonderful with the pills. They are huge. I put it in his mouth and he takes one chomp and swallows. I’ve never had a cat like this. Yes, we have pill pockets but not all cats like them. I had them out but didn’t need them for Gus. Today he gets his ears cleaned (every other day). He hates that. It will take both of us and there will be scars! If only there were pill pockets for that! 🙂


    • My sympathies. This is just awful. I have no idea what it’s like in Canada near the fires. It stinks, makes you cough and I worry about the animals. They are predicting it will break over the weekend. We are caught in a vortex of some sort which will not let the smoke blow through. It’s just swirling over the east coast continually.

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      • I hope you get a break. I saw the news how bad the smoke is on the east coast. It’s scary to think of so many fires so early this year. I feel so bad for the people who have lost their homes and the poor wildlife too.

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  5. So happy Gus took his pill like a strong brave mancat! I am sorry to hear you are getting smoke from the fires, and like you, I am wishing all that are affected by the fires stay safe. A good thing that is happening this week for us is SSNS is celebrating his seven two birthday! CAKE!!!!
    I am going to be cheering for your stick to grow up and be an impressive happy tree. Have you read The Hidden Life of Trees?

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  6. Congrats on pilling a cat without bloodshed. That’s huge! Advice from wildfire central in SoCal: definitely get your N95s on when you go outside, put on your AC, and close your windows. You can also put out pans of water and see if ash collects in them. Hope you all get rain soon. It’s miserable.

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  7. BFF’s car repaired (or more than a few dollars) . . . but it’s purring like a kitten now.

    We got a FREE shaved snow at Vampire Penguin ~ coffee with toffee bits. YUM!

    I dropped and broke my only pair of earrings with gold posts. I found a new pair of gold earrings that same day (for not many dollars) . . . that I like MUCH BETTER (how they look, how they feel, and how easy they are to put in and take out).

    I sorted through my jewelry box and wrapped up some heirloom Scottish broaches and pendants which belonged to my grandmother and great grandmother . . . they are all ready to pass on to my nieces.

    I got through the annual insurance review (condo, auto, umbrella) and spent more than a few dollars on the premiums . . . for peace of mind.

    We had some delicious corn on the cob . . . fresh from the fields!

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  8. Teddy is the only cat I have had to give pills to and that was when he had bladder stones. The first few days were fine but when he started feeling better it was difficult. Thankfully, with his prescription food there hasn’t been a recurrence.
    No fires here but we have been having earth tremors. So far I haven’t heard or felt them but there have been times in the past that they were loud and made lampshades wiggle and pictures on walls got all catiwonkered.

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    • We are trapped by a weather stream that doesn’t look like it extends down to you. We worked outside today (planting our stick) and it’s not bad. It’s around 3 to 4 in the afternoon that the stink comes in with heavy fogginess.


  9. I think much of the upper East Coast is getting some of the problems from the Canadian wildfires. Yesterday and today, we’ve been having nice breezes, but that haze makes me inclined not to sit outside and enjoy it.

    It’s only Wednesday morning, but I did have a physical therapy session yesterday where I surpassed what my therapist requested in terms of repetitions, and for the first time since starting this twice weekly routine, I didn’t need a nap in the afternoon to conquer how tiring the workout is. Seeing the progress and feeling so much more confident on my feet is a HUGE good thing going on in my world!

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    • This spring was good to me. I don’t exactly have allergies (only tested positive for mold and dust) but after working outside for about 2 hours I get rhino stuff — runny nose, sneezy, etc. You can’t tell me those aren’t allergies (or maybe I’m allergic to work!).

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  10. That smoke has hit our state but in the western part so far. Sending wishes that things improve for those in the actual fire zone. That small tree gives hope for next year and the years after – all good. Thanks for the reminder to focus on the positive and not only the negative. I’ve been working on a big barn project and will finish today (fingers crossed), and I definitely put that in the good thing column. A friend made it successfully through her hopefully last cancer treatment yesterday, and I also made a batch of sugar cookies for my grandson who always enjoys a gift of sugar cookies. Life is good at your house and mine.

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  11. We have the smoke here too, which isn’t fun, but better than being in the fire zone. And paws crossed that Gus continues to take those antibiotics and other meds. Medicating cats almost needs an advanced degree – so challenging sometimes!

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    • I’ve learned to have the staff give the first dose at the vet (my cats are better behaved there). They said he took the pill easily. He’s food motivated so hopefully I can convince him ear and eye drops come with food too.


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