Random 3 for March 5, 2023 – Styles, decluttering, money stuff

Only three today. It was that kind of week!

I didn’t know that! – I wear sneakers all the time. As a walker, it’s easier than switching shoes multiple times a day. I have several pair to rotate. I follow the rule to wear different shoes every day so they can properly dry out. Also, it’s more fun. Some of my shoes are for summer and lightweight socks and some are for winter, waterproof and big enough for my heavy socks. I bought a new pair about a month ago. This week a sweet young thing at Starbucks admired them. She said, “My friends are starting to wear New Balance. Isn’t that crazy?” This was said in a “New Balance sneakers are for the old and decrepit” tone of voice. Ever since I’ve been checking out everyone’s sneakers. I had no idea some popular brands were automatically identified with old people (unless they look orthopedic). I wonder if this makes me “with it?”

Lightening up – I’ve been cleaning out for the past few months. This week the first of the major pick-ups happened. Clothes and simple household items hit the pavement. (Now I must work on NOT buying stuff to replace!) In two weeks some major furniture is going to make way for our new furniture purchases. Some of it is easy but some has memories. Marie Kondo’s system doesn’t always work. Some of these items give me joy, but I can’t keep it anyway. I’m hoping the new stuff will bring me more joy.

Finances – It was a money kind of week. Finished my taxes and sent them off! Yay! Then I went on a bender looking for better interest rates for our savings. My bank and my credit card company are offering the best rates around so it’s easy. Now if I could only win the lottery my work would be done!

So how was your week?

54 thoughts on “Random 3 for March 5, 2023 – Styles, decluttering, money stuff

  1. It’s fun to have different pairs of sneakers for different situations and so they can dry and so on. I have no idea what’s cool or for old people or what – I don’t even know how to find that out. I bet yours are very cool though!

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  2. Your sneakers are snazzy Kate – so would “snazzy” be an old-timer’s word? I’m thinking so. I laughed at your line: “This was said in a “New Balance sneakers are for the old and decrepit” tone of voice.” I didn’t realize New Balance was for the “over-30” set. I’ve never tried NB walking shoes, having stuck with Easy Spirit Punters since I began my walking regimen in 2011, but I do have a pair of NB lug-sole hiking boots I wear in Winter. It took me a while to break them in as they came just over the ankles and rubbed them through my socks, so the first year I taped strips of bubble wrap around my ankles to get them broken in. I’ve gotten about five years so far with them but noticed the back of the heel is starting to fray on the inside.

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  3. Taxes done – good for you – hubby goes to our tax preparer later this month. Will be glad to see the back of tax season. Shoes – well I have “achy breaky” feet so like my friend Pix I wear Minnetonka moccasins in the house and switch to outdoor friendly slip on garden shoes when I’m outside. I wear sneakers when I’m going for a walk. If my feet loved me more I wouldn’t have to have a “VARIETY” of footwear available! I bet you’re excited about the new furniture coming……I would be.

    Hugs, Pam

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    • I have always hated being barefoot. My mom (who rarely wore shoes in the house) said I came out of the womb yelling “shoes, shoes!” and it never stopped. These days I need shoes for support. They help my balance.


  4. I like your sneakers. I find Marie Kondo’s method to harsh. I am always trying to declutter, but I will always have a lot of stuff like holiday decorations. They bring us joy so why downsize right?

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  5. My feet are getting super choosy these days, so I buy whatever pleases them. I had a great pair of Brooks that took me many miles. When they started wearing out, I bought another Brooks. They weren’t the same. I barely wore them. Now I have a beautiful pair of pale robin-egg blue New Balance, and they’re just right.

    I heard that Marie Kondo has kinda given up on tidying. It’s something about her three young children and enjoying them.

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  6. Hi, Kate – I recently read somewhere online (several places online actually), that Maria Kondo has given up on being tidy. True or not, I agree tht sometimes we still need to get rid of stuff that brings us joy, and other times we still need to keep things that do not remotely bring us joy. ❤

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  7. Yes, I knew that NB shoes were considered a sign of agedness. However you give me hope that the tide may be turning. Of course do I care if my footwear is hip? Probably not as long as it’s comfortable.

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  8. You trendsetter, you! My knees do best in “no drop” shoes–the kind where there’s no difference in the height of the heel versus the height of the toe. My days of even Cuban heels are long gone. So far I’ve only found one shoe that is no drop with a lot of cushion for all my dog walking–Altra.

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  9. I’m sitting here commenting with my NB on my feet. I have ‘inside’ NB and ‘outside’ NB, but always NB because they fit. When I do look around, the average person wearing NB is retired. Oh well, we have our own community of footwear. 🙂 Taxes done here also, and I’m always pitching something because once you get ‘stuff’ pared down, you really don’t want ‘stuff’ again.

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  10. Just sent my taxes across the wires this morning and felt the relief of knowing they’re done! I seem to be in a continual stage of what my brother calls “simplifying” and unless it’s some kitchen gadget that I can see myself using regularly, I’m not bringing anything in except the occasional blouse from a thrift store. I’ve had some success using Facebook Marketplace, though I haven’t tried to sell any big items there.

    Recently, I sent my almost 51-year-old teddy bear across the rainbow bridge. The thread he had been sewn with was dry-rotted and a simple touch could make him fall apart at the seams. He was a gift to me on my 16th birthday from my adored and beloved grandmother, and honestly, that was harder to let go than many of the things I’ve sent off. The thrift stores are seeing me more regularly, but to drop things off instead of shop!

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  11. I wear trainers all the time and only have two pairs……….. but stick with the one at the moment. Never thought about the drying out bit, but they are on a show rack and can ‘air’ when I’m not wearing them, and I wear slippers indoors.

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  12. Congrats and getting the taxes off. Always a good feeling. My office decluttering in advance of flooring trimmed three shelves of books and stuff down to less than two. Feeling very accomplished myself.

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  13. I have significant foot issues, from super narrow heels/ ultra high arches to plantar fasciitis & arthritis among the ones that require the most attention so good shoes are critical (read EXPENSIVE). I’ve tried so many different brands, I could be a shoe salesman. As long as my Fred Flintstones don’t hurt, I could care less if Miss Millennial liked my shoe brand. The blissful smile on my face is all that matters because it means there’s minimal pain and I’m ready to walk circles around those device-addicted Instagram twits. Art Linkletter said it best. Kids say the darndest things.

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    • She didn’t mean anything negative by it. I suppose it was a round about compliment. Just sounded weird. Like you, I don’t really care. These are currently my favs although I have a few others I like (read comfy). I can’t wear anything with a memory foam. I walk through that foam in a matter of months.

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      • I’m sure she didn’t mean anything either but it wasn’t particularly articulated in a way that sounded very complimentary. Memory foam is just that…a memory, i.e. doesn’t last very long and usually something from the past, definitely not long term.

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