Random 5 for September 25, 2022 – Smells, colors, schedule, friends, death

I got suckered again – I have a good nose, so I appreciate a gentle scented something in the house – candles, plug-ins, etc. You must be careful as some are overpowering. Some smell artificial too! This week I was in a store for something else and I smelled something wonderful. They were infusion reeds. The kind stuck in a bottle of good smelling liquid. It dispersed over the area. It was expensive but I had to buy it. It smells good here but It doesn’t cover a big area. My dilemma is where to put it to get the best bang for the buck. Still working on that but it smells so much better than the “old people and cat fart” smell that usually lives here (Do they make a candle like that?)

Seriously? – When it comes to pants, I’m a black or navy person with maybe a summer color thrown in. I was cruising my favorite athletic clothing site and saw a new style. It comes in oyster and aspen green. That’s it! The green is not as attractive as it sounds. More like muddy green. Or a nice spring green rolled in a mud puddle. Nope. Not a standard color offered. I hope this isn’t a trend.

The new 24 – This week in 24 hours I have four doc appointments. How did that happen? Yes, I made them all. Some are follow-ups from the beginning of the year. Some are “first available.” I hate that. I like when each one is surrounded by a chunk of time so I can properly dread each appointment in turn.

Friends – I’m having lunch with an old friend. It’s always hard to schedule and about 50% of the time, one of us cancels or postpones. Where to meet is a discussion. Ever since I’ve known her, she has been on a diet of some sort. Mostly to lose weight but there were cleanses and other reasons. We had been meeting at one restaurant which won’t do anymore as she’s on a vegan diet now. When we finally get there, it’s fun but the getting there is a challenge.

More friends – I walked and lunched with my old walking partner this past week. She is amazing for 87. Her mind is alert and her body is healthy. She lost her husband last year and I’m surprised how she has bounced back. She is enjoying being by herself. It’s a first. She got married at 18 so she went from her parents’ home to her married home. Being totally her own boss is new to her and she’s smiling a lot. Yes, she misses her husband but like many who have dealt with a partner dying over a period of years, she did a lot of her mourning while he was still alive.

So how was your week?


71 thoughts on “Random 5 for September 25, 2022 – Smells, colors, schedule, friends, death

  1. I don’t have a good sense of smell. It worries me some, because I could have offending odors that affect others and I probably wouldn’t even know it. On the other hand, I am blissfully unaware!

    Good luck with your medical appointments. Mine tend to clump, too, and I just hate that! My stress stays high over a few days, and I think I’d be better off with, oh, say one a month? It never seems to work that way, however.

    I love to hear about your walking partner. She gives me hope!

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  2. Have seen those diffusers and wondered about them…..they just remind me of the 60s and incense sticks although it’s a whole different world (literally) from those times to the pretty diffusers in interesting holders. I’m with you on color – I think the words “muted tones” mean “ugly” and the words “muted Fall colors” also means “ugly”. I’m sticking with jeans and black pants…..period. LOL I’m happy to hear your walking friend who lost her husband is dealing well with her loss and thriving. Sometimes you have to lose something to gain something else – it sounds like she’s feeling like HERSELF for the first time ever!

    Hugs, Pam

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  3. I used to have a little diffuser that you put water in with a few drop of essential oil. I don’t remember what I did with it. I’ll have to look now. I’ve heard that your house always smells if you have cats, but you become nose blind. I hope it doesn’t smell like a litter box.

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  4. Oh Kate, you do make me laugh! … from the “old people and cat fart smell” to “I like when each one is surrounded by a chunk of time so I can properly dread each appointment in turn.” Thank you for the today’s good chuckles! 😆

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  5. Muddy green, a color I do not like, is popular around here too. I can go with sage green or Army green, but this trendy shade is awful. As is the brassy gold shade I also see near the muddy green. Give me black, give me navy, give me gray…

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    • Being behind because there are a lot of folks around is a good thing! Lots of time to get caught up eventually. I was surprised with my walking partner’s recovery. They did almost everything together. I never met him but from her stories, I thought he might be bossy but she was a strong woman too. It worked for 67 years. Everyone should be so lucky.


  6. “Old people and cat fart,’ now, that brings a visual. Good thing there are no cat farts here because I’m not a burning scent type of person. I love lavender, but don’t use fragrance anywhere except in my trash can. Jeans and dark pants are in my closet, and there are a couple of medical appointments on our family calendar for this week. Ugh. Applause to your walking buddy for finding happiness in this new chapter of life.

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  7. I prefer blue jeans and black pants. But now and then I get a yen for something different. I like brown. The trouble is, there are so very many shades of brown. An infinite number. Some are rich and delicious; others are disgusting. Either way, it’s very hard to find something that goes with each particular shade of brown. I have a nice pair of sort of olive green/brownish pants that seem to go with everything. Once many years ago I bought red pants. I think I wore them once.

    Your walking friend reminds me of me. Before my husband died, I never slept alone in the house (or dorm or whatever). The first week or so, it was a very strange feeling.

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    • I laughed at your “red pants story.” I am tempted to buy beautiful colored pants but find I rarely wear them. I have hot pink capris that I wear occasionally. Before the pandemic I bought a green print yoga pant. I wear it once in a while but no more than twice a summer. There is something comfortable about dark colors and jeans.


  8. That is a lot of appointments. I take them when I can now too as well as vet appointments which are even tougher to come by. Please be careful with those sticks- cats can be tempted to chew on them and get poisoned.

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    • They’ve never been tempted by diffuser sticks. Sasha pulled the wheat out of an arrangement that was a gift. Nothing else, just the wheat. Nothing in the arrangement was poisonous to cats but I’m still cautious at what they go after.


  9. I like scents and years ago we used to a small country store called “The Grapevine” and they had the nicest potpourri in there. Not overpowering, but just a wonderful scent, so much so that whatever we bought would carry that scent for a long time after he brought it home. You have a busy schedule. I hate when that happens, with back-to-back stuff … too much going on and too peopley to use your term.

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  10. My week was good. Trying to be positive. I am a black of navy pants person with maybe a white for summer. I hope that color does not catch on either. Hope all of your appointments went well. I burn lots of candles – don’t want it to smell too stuffy and old. Tried reed infusers too. Have a good week!

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  11. I like black pants. All kinds of black pants. I do have my favorite Duluth Trading Company also in dark heathery blue and heathery gray, but mostly wear the black.
    All those doctor appts always come at the same time, no matter what you do. Then once they have you they send you for tests and to other doctors. Hard to get off that cycle!

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  12. Weird, weird, weird colors for pants at Lulu and Athleta. Just a heads up on the reed diffuser. Be careful where you put them, I ruined a table with the moisture from them. Seriously, it never occurred to me they would do that and I had something under them. I have some glass topped tables now and I would be willing to give it a try again. I admire your walking partner’s courage.

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  13. Re appointments – give me a week of dread rather than a month….get them all over at once then celebrate. I have noticed the trend in strange pant shades on the site where I buy my yoga pants (and the store was even worse) – burgandy, green, cream colored, and the tops were even uglier. I have a basically blue/red/black bottom wardrobe so zero tops to go with any of them. There seems to be lots of brownish taupe dull shades too, including winter coats. I hate shopping anymore….

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll agree with that. The green was a brownish green that would require the purchase of tops to go with it (or is that the idea?). At the end of this week I’ll be glad the apts were all chucked together. Unless I have to go back for my eyes, I’m good until December.

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  14. That gross green is showing up a lot lately. I just don’t get it. It’s not attractive on anyone yet clothing makers still keep making stuff out of it. Ugh. On the plus side, I’m saving a lot of 💰 not buying anything. Just hope my wardrobe holds up this autumn and winter.🤞🏼

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  15. Mmmmm…I’m with you about a good (but not overpowering) scent. I like to use my diffuser with a sweetgrass scented fragrance oil. I’m glad your friend who lost her husband has bounced back and is enjoying her alone time. I very much get the “mourning while he was still alive” bit. That was me, too. People were a bit amazed when I came back to work so soon after my late husband’s death, but I had had 6 months of mourning starting with his diagnosis and cancer staging. It was helpful to get back to a more normal routine.


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    • I always find routine soothing. I was surprised as she had to create new routines that did not include care taking. She did not go back to her walking schedule but immersed herself in cleaning out the house. As it turns out, her husband was a hoarder. I’m astounded at how much she had gotten rid of, not only with things (3 lawnmowers? 3 leaf blowers? multiple broken tools saved for parts?) but also ripping out garden beds and railroad ties to make the yard care easier. Hope I’m like that at 87.

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      • Mine was a hoarder too. `It took me a full year with lots of help from family and friends (and 7 14-yard dumpsters) to clean up the mess he left for me at his large building. Then another 4 years to repair all of the neglect. Very cathartic and therapeutic.

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        • That cathartic is working for her. She looks better than she has in a long time. She also talked about his last days and they were rough. He was a very dominant man and he could do anything for himself at the end. It was humiliating for him to have strangers change his diapers. He was too big a man for her to handle by herself. She was lucky to have family helping too. She had several truckloads removed that wasn’t worth donating or giving away.

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  16. I think I know what you mean about the muddy green. Ugh. I bought a dark green sweater from a catalog, which was a bad choice. When it arrived, it was the color of canned spinach. I can’t bring myself to wear it.

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  17. I’m a black pants girl, with a couple of grays thrown in for balance. No thank you to anything olive green or oyster. I don’t own anything to match with olive green and I’d have the oyster looking dirty in no time at all! Pretty soon it will be cold enough to switch up from black shorts to black sweatpants! Bring it on!

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    • I don’t have any gray currently. Oyster already looks dingy and like you. I have nothing to go well with olive green. It takes dull dusty tops to pair with that. I go from capris to jean which I will wear until April or May. All blue. Somehow I don’t like black jeans. If I need to do dress up, I have a few black pants.

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  18. I guess I’m with the gang so far here. I like my olive green pants too, as well as navy and black. But all my pants have to be ones that cat hair won’t stick to – jeans, khakis, no corduroy! I can absolutely imagine that your walking buddy might be finding her first real experience of being by herself a good one – and good for her!

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    • I have tried olive green pants a few times but I find that the tops I gravitate to do not pair well. I usually buy bright or clear print tops. Olive takes a more dusty mellow tone. My walking partner is amazing. She’s like a 20 year old with her first apartment.

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  19. I am wearing olive green khakis as I type. They’re surprisingly neutral. But I wouldn’t want a closet full of them. One is plenty.

    Have fun dreading your 4 appointments . . . and getting together with your friend at a lunch place that works for her vegan lifestyle. 😀

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    • The vegan thing surprises me. I thought in this day and age, most restaurants have vegan options. She may be fussier than most. This diet is for cholesterol and blood pressure. Her dietary styles change from time to time. I’ll find out more when I see her this week.


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