Maybe it’s coming back…maybe

I lost my edge. My snark. Inspiration isn’t coming easily or at all. My writing isn’t funny! Boogers!

After the deck project was done and the crazy contractors left (and I cleaned up 87K cigarette butts), there was nothing to write about. It was a summer of little interaction with crazies. Even my family didn’t gift me with a shocking story at the reunion. Everyone was healthy and happy. That doesn’t make good press. Come on folks! Cough up a scathing scandal!

The cats have been bland. Gracie threw up blood this morning but I’m wondering if it was a sympathy barf. Last time she did that it cost me $800 to find out she was constipated. What a cat! (Note to cat lovers: I’m keeping an eye on her but whatever it is has been elusive even with blood work and x-rays.)

Today feels different. Maybe change in the air. I’m walking with my old (literally and figuratively) walking partner next week. That’s always good for a post. The following week I’m seeing a long-term friend. The fact that we have seen each other once year for the past 25 years is amazing. Prior to that we worked together for two years.

After a lull, mahjongg may resume in the next week or two. Our instructor is a hoot but that’s another post. You haven’t met her yet. Maybe it’s time.

For our friends Fred and Louise

Yesterday we saw old friends that made us laugh. A lot. Hard to get those belly laughs when it’s just the two of us. I served the most inappropriate lunch, but the male guest was grateful as it’s something he doesn’t get. (Note to self: Do not serve high sodium processed meat hoagies to a diabetic.) He had tree trunks for ankles by the time he got home but he assured me that he loved every minute of it.

There are sayings that you only learn through adversity. It applies to writing too. I could use a disaster or catastrophe to make the words flow.  Preferably not to me or the cats. Something I can witness from a safe distance although the snark is better the closer it is.

79 thoughts on “Maybe it’s coming back…maybe

  1. I’m sorry that life is so calm it’s negatively affected your humor writing. That’s kind of a conundrum. I was kind of hoping the “gorilla man” would be back. Maybe more trips to Starbucks will give you some story fodder. 🙂

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    • I’d like to know what happened to the mouse that was in the house a month ago. They no longer stare at the treadmill (under which said mouse was living) yet I haven’t seen mouse parts (my cats never eat the whole thing) and nothing stinks. Cats! You gotta love them!

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  2. It’s too bad when we only have our disasters to write about. I never seem to run out of them. I’d say don’t complain too loudly or your muse might hear you and give you what you ask for. LOL Go somewhere. A trip is always good for a story or two.

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  3. No, you are still funny even when you complain you are not! Give yourself a break. Enjoy the lull. Ok, you always make your life seem more interesting – you move to a nice home and then redecorate, remodel and have a deck built. Guess you need something new to shake up your life, but beware what you ask for.

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  4. Hmmm… We moved into our house Sept 2020 and I am just now getting my funny back and losing a large bag of anxiety. I am starting to feel comfortable here.* You still have your funny and you write very good posts and I think I always find something to smile or laugh about. I do think I see some great opportunities listed here today… mahjongg instructor! I hope Gracie is not throwing up anymore blood.
    *I still miss Missou-ree though.

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  5. You always manage to sneak in a snark, even in this one. I’ve got plenty of stories to be funny snarky about over here. If I was your walking partner, I’d give you a lot of material. And I talk as much as your partner, too. 🤪

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  6. And I could use anything outside of health issues. Don’t want to write about it! I was surprised there weren’t funny reunion stories but that could be a dicey post…

    Zoe threw up blood several times one morning. On a Saturday. So after an expensive emergency visit, the vet said there are many reasons why a cat might throw up blood. We did not do $800 in testing. We did her usual steroid and some antibiotics for the heck of it and there has been no blood since.

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    • They gave me steroids too but I can’t pill her. She is 8 lbs. of sheer terror when it comes to medicating. The only thing I can give her is laxatone because I smear it on her fur. I can’t trick her with food either because she’s not a consistent eater and I’m afraid one of the other cats would end up eating her medicated food. I suspect that she was working too hard to get some hair up because the blood was bright red and not a lot. Then again it’s a mystery of life. There are some stories I can’t write about unless I had an anonymous blog.

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      • Zoe gets a steroid shot every one to six months. Closer to one these days. She also gets a long-acting antibiotic shot at times. Fortunately for me, since some things require pill antibiotics, she loves Greenies pill pockets. Heck, Charlie was so jealous she was getting a treat that I had to give him empty pill pockets. Good luck with your little demon. A former cat of mine was like that and I couldn’t even get laxatone in or on her.

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          • Hugs and cuddles for you both. But it does seem to me – not a vet – that if you can’t get pills down her and she needs a steroid, it might be worth trying the shot. I clearly am not saying insist on it. Kitties are frustrating as we try to guess what’s wrong and what might help.

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            • I assumed it was because she was so small that he didn’t want to try it or he didn’t think it was serious enough. The first vet was the one who gave me the steroids (when I foolishly thought that I could actually get them down her throat!). He didn’t seem excited about steroids because I wondered afterward if they could be compounded into a past that I smear on her fur like the laxatone. Maybe the dosage wouldn’t be precise enough.

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  7. Meanwhile, I had an ‘adventure’ of a serious fall which resulted in, among other things, a black eye and an entire jawline and chin covered in purple bruises (starting to yellow now a week later) and that’s my excuse for not blogging. I forgive your muse for an impromptu sabbatical and hope it will be a short one!

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