Random 5 for July 31, 2022 – Prizes, lottery, renovations, vacations, life

Wahoo! I won! — There was a message on my answering machine from Publishers’ Clearinghouse. I won a prize, and they want me to call them back so their “team” can come out. So…real or scam? It’s happening to me so it’s a scam but we’ll never know! Just in case I’m only opening the front door in my pj’s with messy hair. (Hope I don’t scare the Amazon delivery guy!)

On the other hand – I didn’t win the gazillion dollar lottery. Boogers. I had to cancel my island purchase.

Beach memories – This is the time of the year for beach trips. I miss them. There was the anticipation and planning which is almost as fun as going. I’ve gone there with girl friends and significant others but most of the time I went with my brother and his wife. When I went with girlfriends, it was different. More party, less reading books. A lot more dancing the night away. (Gawd! I miss my youth!) I learned stuff from my girlfriends like how much you need Fig Newtons on vacation. Lots of Fig Newtons! And anything else that you don’t normally gorge on. It’s how I was introduced to Ding Dongs. It was a slippery slope. The snack boxes were more numerous than the clothing! Newtons also came in flavors other than fig. Who knew? Maybe I’ll buy some for old times’ sake.

This was the living room when the previous owner lived there.

This is the living room with the mantel and wall update.

Living room update – Here are the pictures as promised. Top is how it looked when it was on the market. Second is how it looks today. As you can see there wasn’t much of a fireplace surround with a very shallow floating sort of mantel. We are going to put doors on the shelf unit on the left side. Old people (like me) don’t go for tchotchkes anymore. I’m too old to move every time they need a cleaning!

Appreciating life – Other than a severe kick up of my dry eye issue (really severe), we have been healthy this summer. There is the usual round of appointments so docs can tell me I’m healthy but nothing to complain about. So far, we’ve avoided the virus and monkeypox. Excuse me while I go knock on wood or any other superstition (and no, I’m not superstitious just cautious). Bury a statue of a saint? Knock three times? (no, that’s a song!) Whatever!

So how was your week?

67 thoughts on “Random 5 for July 31, 2022 – Prizes, lottery, renovations, vacations, life

  1. As said before – I love that new wall! Amazing – how nice you have such a talented craftsman around….bet you could keep him busy HAHA
    Strawberry Newtons…been there, but doesn’t seem right. Figs. The figs are best ( and my mother would never buy either for us 😦 It’s fruit, mom – not junk food or candy…she never listened.

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  2. I did not know that Publisher’s Clearinghouse still existed. I remember pouring through the little perforated magazines trying to decide which ones to buy, and then not doing it. When I was young I was certain that if I just bought some magazines I would win. I had the same experience when Missouri first got the lotto. In those early days, everyone was winning. I played for 6 weeks on one dollar – win two bucks, buy two tickets, win a ticket, buy a ticket, win a buck, etc. I don’t believe I ever won more than $5 and considering my weekly food budget was $10 at that time, I couldn’t throw away the $5. Still, it was exciting dreaming of what you would do with all that money.

    Fig Newtons. Why did they ever stop making Apple Newtons? Do they make any different flavors anymore? Not that I don’t love original fig… and now I’m craving them

    I LOVE your living room update. It looks fairly simple but not something I would think of doing on my own. It really looks sharp and I need to hire you.

    I’m sorry to hear that your eyes are not feeling well. The very expensive medication didn’t help? Very, very frustrating. I wish you well.

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    • I still get mailing from them so yes, they are still around. I haven’t looked at Newtons in years but now I’m craving them too! Problem is, I’ll have two and be full! Maybe they make small packs at mini marts. As for the eyes, I didn’t hold out a lot of hope for the $$ eye drops. This is the third type and I’ve not seen any difference before. I love the LR too. Much better.

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  3. That is a really beautiful living room update, Kate. Well done indeed. I love your quote about buying snacks; the nine year old comes out in me too whenever I’m in that aisle! Do let us know if the PCH camera crew comes knocking. 🙂 – Marty

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  4. Wow, just wow on the mantel transformation! Your husband did a fabulous job. The previous floating shelf was totally inappropriate and looked weird. The new one is perfectly scaled and gorgeous!

    While I love Fig Newtons, i cannot fathom eating any other flavor but actual fig. Somethings just should not be ‘updated.’

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    • Finding the “wins” in what actually happens is best! I did check with my hubby and as of now we do not live in the winning state so for sure it’s not us. Oh yeah, we didn’t have a ticket for this one.


  5. Kate that living room re-do is absolutely GORGEOUS. Beautifully designed – totally changes the feel of the room. Bravo! Yeah on “lost youth” too…..as I’ve aged I tend to have more flashbacks to the “remember when” stuff and I really do miss a lot of that. I remember laughing a lot more than these days! Now I laugh more at the ridiculous things than back then when I laughed because something was fun or funny. Anyway, sorry you didn’t win “THE BIG ONE” – neither did we. Sigh.

    Hugs, Pam

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    • The other interesting thing about reminiscing is timing. We put up an old patio umbrella this week. I bought it for another house and didn’t use it much after I moved. That was 35 years ago. How can time go so fast. Most of my “dress-up” clothes are from my working days. I’ve been retired 10 years (I really need to donate that stuff!).


    • Although this house “showed well” for a sale, it was in desperate need of updating too. That’s why we had so dang many house projects. We are nearing the end for now but in about 2 years we need to do a major bathroom update. It doesn’t look like a 50s bath but the chrome surround on the shower door is corroded and the tile is sadly dated. Also sadly that’s a contractor project so cha-ching, cha-ching and lots of annoyances.

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    • Go ahead and keep the Amazon order. You deserve it! There is something about beach vacations. in the past we’ve rented a house, then invited people down for a couple days here and there. There is nothing like having a whole house down there. Especially when it’s not your own and you don’t get distracted by chores that need to be done.

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  6. Wow what a transformation! Can I hire your husband! I finished that Rules for Commuting book, and at the end the author explained how she got the idea for the book while riding the subway and making up names and backgrounds for the commuters she saw every day. Kind of reminds me of you and your gorilla mask man at Starbucks…..I’m sure you have a book in you too.

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    • I wish I did but I don’t have the patience. This morning (no gorilla man) I noticed that most if not all Starbucks visitors for the morning cup are not particularly cheerful or social. I said hi to a guy I walked by. He didn’t even grunt. That is why gorilla man sticks out so much. He actually talks and laughs before coffee. A very rare trait indeed!

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  7. Oh, my goodness! Your living room looks so much better. I love the expanded mantel and shelf unit with the cheery picture in the middle.

    Besides beach trips in the Philippines (all year long), my favorite, more recent, memories were of beach trips planned by my kids for Spring vacation or Christmas in someplace warm.

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    • Gotta buy to win! We didn’t go anywhere they sell the tickets and it seemed like a lot of trouble to win a billion dollars! 🙂 The before on the house was a bit sad. It was plain (as our neighbor calls it). What you couldn’t see was the hole in the drywall in back of her bureau that had a cable coming through. Yikes!

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  8. I got the same PCH call earlier this summer – and the local paper’s consumer expert assured me that it’s a scam and has been around for a few years. so apparently they are just getting to our area.

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  9. I love your beautiful living room. It’s very gracious and inviting. I didn’t win the big lottery either, Kate. I was so disappointed. My family all chipped in and we were sure that greatly improved our odds. LOL! I understand your thoughts about the beach trips. For more than 20 years we did a week or two. I still have hope we can return to that pattern, but for many reasons it’s not as predictable as it once was. I do live on hope, however. 🙂

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    • When we were going to the beach each year, I took it for granted that it would always be like that. We went with different friends and relatives over the years. Things change. I too am hopeful we may have a last harrah!


  10. Cat Daddy always packs apples for road trips. The first time he did it, he said, “You can’t have a road trip without apples!” Erm, ok. 😬

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  11. It’s really beautiful, Kate! You know how we wish we had a doctor, dentist, or some kind of professional in the family… I want a talented, skilled professional Woodworker Husband! No worries about them not respecting the work area and I think it would have been extra special to see that all come together. Truly lovely! So how did you hide the ugly cable box?… are we living in the dark ages in Florida? Big ass TV… LOL! You really had some patience waiting to get to the point to see that beautiful improvement.

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    • When my husband and I started dating I had a 19″ TV and he had a 36″. Over the years he has traded up every few years just like a car. If it was up to me I’d be with a smaller one but I have to admit the quality of the picture is great. It’s just a nightmare to put someplace where it doesn’t look like a big hole! You have a fabulous cook so I’d say you done well.

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  12. Your living room is wonderful. Did you check out Beloved Hubby’s skills before you said the vows? I never buy lottery tickets, seems a waste of money. But often winners are first time buyers. May be I should buy one now and then.

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  13. I don’t ever answer my door if it’s not someone I know. Besides, in this heat, I’m wearing a t-shirt on the top half and undies on the bottom half, and that’s it! Maybe I SHOULD answer the door – it would make whomever it is never show back up again! I love what you’ve done in the living room… it makes the wall cohesive. Your shelves on the left contain mostly photos – maybe clear doors so you can still enjoy seeing the photos without having to dust them?

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  14. Wow! Fabulous before and after pictures. Especially the after! Please send Beloved Husband to do my corner cabinet/ mantel/ fireplace next.

    The only trips we have this summer are to the soccer field. One soccer field is technically in Oceanside, but it’s nowhere near the ocean. I love that quote about food on road trips, but no way am I sugaring up the destructive power of the Baby D dervish.

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