Random 5 for May 15, 2022 – Deck, reviews, election, airtime, change

Deck progress at the end of three weeks.

The other side

Deck update – These pictures are the deck after three weeks. Hopefully with some good weather (there is always rain in the forecast) this week will be a big push – sleeves on posts, railings and the start of the pergola. Note to self: Order a pallet of chocolate.

This is weird – I order something from Amazon. The same day I received the item, I also received an email asking for a review. I do reviews but only after I have used the item. I find so many reviews that say, “just received and it looks good.” I want to be sure it doesn’t fall apart a week later.

The last days – Tuesday is our primary election day. The commercials are getting on my last nerve. We have a hotly contested federal senatorial contest going on. The incumbent isn’t running so two people from out of state bought a house in our state and claimed residency so they could run. They know nothing about the issues in our state. One is carrying a gun in every commercial. He’s pandering to the gun people. That’s a huge turnoff for me. I’m not looking for a candidate who knows how to operate a gun. I’m looking for someone with leadership and negotiation skills so something can get done. No bully pulpits please.

And muting that! – This is not a good time for any company to buy airtime. We are muting all commercials. I do not know the latest drugs that are too expensive to buy or what they treat. I rarely know what they treat but I know the side effects which include explosive diarrhea and death.

Always change – I live in a development of about 30 town houses. We are having turnover. People who live here are “downsizers” – older, retired or about to. Many have been here for a long time, so they are “elderly.” (Gosh I hope no one uses that word to describe me ever!) One home was just sold and three more are going on the market. Two are the result of aging with a spouse transitioning to a nursing home and the other moving to a smaller place. The third one is a job move. Just about the time I learn someone’s name, they move. It’s like the baristas at Starbucks.

So how was your week?


59 thoughts on “Random 5 for May 15, 2022 – Deck, reviews, election, airtime, change

  1. Your deck is wonderful so far! Can’t wait to see it done. Though I bet you can’t wait even more 🙂
    Our neighborhood is like that as well. In our cul de sac, there are only two other homeowners that have been here as long as we have. All the other houses have a lot of turnover.

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  2. The deck looks great – hope you take a picture of the finished deck. How are your flowers you’re hoping to salvage holding up since the project is taking longer than planned? I hope they get done while there is a good selection of porch pots or annuals for you to make a porch pot. I like how you had them out front of your last home. It’s interesting hearing about two of your candidates running for Senate … from doc to Senator??? And the other one says “I’m okay – I went to the hospital because my wife insisted.” Hmm – maybe one should stay a doc and the other needs to see a doc.

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  3. The deck looks very nice! We are spared those drug commericals in Canada as they are not allowed to advertise on TV, but I watch a lot of American channels so I see them and wonder, how the heck many people can there be with plaque psoriasis? It does not seem very cost efficient to do that kind of advertising with such a limited audience for most of the conditions they are promoting the drugs for….it is a puzzle.

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  4. Ahh, life…eh? Sigh. That deck looks like it’s going to be awesome once it’s done. Two years ago we had a paver patio put in to replace a rotted out deck. It only took 4 days. There’s a “but” in there. Now the cement/sand, or whatever you call the stuff between the bricks is all dissolving away. We keep trying to get a hold of the guy to come out and fill it back in. Keyword, “trying.”

    I don’t know of any candidates without a bully pulpit. And btw, I think the whole country knows about the hotly contested primary in PA. If they don’t, they aren’t paying attention. In one sense, I’m hyper-political, but in another sense, I look at the bigger picture which isn’t political at all to me. It’s a matter of right or wrong, freedom or less freedom.

    It’s hard enough getting to know neighbors these days, let alone having so many move. Hopefully new owners won’t leave soon.

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    • We had a paver patio at our last house and we do now under the deck. I swore I would never put one in again. It’s almost as much upkeep as a deck. If you don’t keep the sand in you get weeds. Once the weeds get established, they pull out the sand. We had a company pressure wash, resand and seal about a year before we left and it looked wonderful again but getting in his queue was painful (and this was before the pandemic). It took 15 months from quote to finish. If I had a choice, I’d have a stamped cement patio. A neighbor at our old neighborhood did that and it looked like large stones. No cracking after 10 years either. Not sure how $$ it is but less work than pavers or a deck. Politics, sigh. Tomorrow it’s over for this round.

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      • We looked into getting a stamped cement patio and couldn’t find many people who did it around here. The one guy who came out and gave us an estimate seemed like a shyster. The guy who did our pavers did a great job on my bro’s, so at least we had a good reference. The guy told us that we wouldn’t get grass or weeds between the pavers and he’d come fill the cracks whenever we needed, So far, nothing growing, but it will if he doesn’t fill those in soon.
        You’ll have to let us know how the deck works out. That looks like that new wood which is supposed to be more durable and less maintenance.

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  5. You know that deck is gorgeous, right? I really like it. It does seem like Amazon should ask about a week later, BUT then the item WILL have fallen apart, so there is method in their madness, I’m pretty sure.

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    • Picking the color was scary. The house is brick and gray siding so I didn’t want to do brown and I’m not a fan of that fake redwood color. It took until the third week for him to start putting down the flooring and a few railings so I could see what it looked like. I like it too! The black fades into the foliage in the back foliage and doesn’t stick out like white decking would.

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  6. So far the deck looks strong and smooth. A good look.
    Amazon also asks me for a review right away. I guess they’re trying to be efficient, but it doesn’t make sense.
    My mute button doesn’t work too well. (I have to get up too close.) So I tune the ads out in my head, unless I like the characters. Flo on the Progressive Insurance commercials tickles my funny bone. And the Kayak commercials with the Kayak-deniers is crazy funny.

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  7. Deck looks good so far. I know what you mean about the prescription drug adds. The side effects sound worse than whatever they are treating.

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  8. Looks like you are going to have a wonderful deck. Amazing that you got your Amazon order the same day you ordered it. It’s like they read your mind and sent it out before you finished the order. Weird. Also weird are the politicians that have just moved to your state to run for office. Seems there should be a length of residency requirement.

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    • I wrote it in a confusing way. I didn’t order and get it the same day. I got the item and an email asking for a review the same day. There should be a residency requirement although the incumbent announced his intentions early which gave the other candidates a year to establish themselves.


  9. Ignoring the earlier “fresh start” comment (if you can!), what the deck looks like so far is really good! I do hope your contractor’s promises ring true this week. Yep, that senate campaign of yours there is indeed a hot one. I’ve read a few articles about it already. Neither candidate does much to inspire me. – Marty

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  10. The deck is handsome, and I can only imagine the full effect when it is done. Bring on the sunshine and the worker bees. 🙂 I’ve been muting commercials for years – too much noise about stuff I have no interest in and could raise my blood pressure if I really paid attention. Remember the old days, when you actually not only knew your neighbor’s names, but you actually knew them, and could even wave when they went by because you also knew what care they drove? Boy, those days are gone aren’t they.

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  11. Isn’t it ironic with the universal talk of housing shortages across the country more and more people are choosing to enter the hamster wheel of trying to replace their homes. It’s like a circus carousel. Your deck will look fabulous once it’s completed. Until then, patience Grasshopper. Have a super week, Kate.

    Liked by 1 person

    • By now you must know that I have not patience! Some of the housing changes are forced by health issues. No person in their right mind would do it on purpose. Today I heard my next door neighbor at my last house is selling his home. I always loved his layout. As a retired attorney and judge he’s probably moving to Hilton Head or some other place farther south.

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  12. Wow! I’m in agreement with everything you wrote today. I’ve never gotten the item the same day from Amazon but I’ve surely got the begging for reviews email. I want to know how it holds up to and preferably from someone whose had it a long time. I don’t review a lot. When I’m enthusiastic I sound goofy and when I’m annoyed I sound like a b…..

    The deck is looking really nice. It’d sure be great for it to get finished soon. You really do have a beautiful view. And oh so green! Spring is finally here and that makes me happy!

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  13. The deck looks awesome so far! You are going to love it. I hate politics… drug ads too, they are everywhere. Instagram is crammed with them. Drug ads take the joy out of my world because they sneak up on you! We have a whole lot of people buying and selling in our community. I just sit back and watch feeling happy I feel settled… sort of 🙂

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    • I am so glad that we are settled here. It’s not a good market to buy. Our home is evaluated at over $100K more than what we paid. Don’t know how first time buyers are making it.


  14. What a lovely view from your deck! That will be a great place to while away the hours with an adult beverage and a book . . . while the neighbors (not you!) grow elderly and move away.

    Politics these days = ACK!!!
    Reviews requests for every thing = ACK!!!
    Side Effects from drugs = ACK!!!

    At least you’ve got a deck with a view . . . almost! 😯

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  15. I agree that Mother Nature has been behaving wonky of late. I want to feel a little bad for those people who work M-F 9-5 and get dreary and wet weather on the weekends lately. However, I’m certain none of them felt bad for me when I worked EVERY weekend and EVER holiday because the lodging industry is open 24/7/365 (Most around here remained open with skeleton crew during the lockdown). What makes me roll my eyes at these prescription drug commercials is that at some point, they all seem to say, “Do not take if you are allergic to (the name of the drug). Well, how do I know I’m allergic if I never took it before? And seriously, have we come to the point where everything we want to purchase, try or use has to come with some kind of a warning to avoid future lawsuits?

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    • I recently bought something (can’t remember what) but it had a “do not eat” notice on it. It wasn’t something you would every consider eating, not even in a challenge. It’s a sad day when I’m looking forward to the insurance and car ads!

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  16. The deck will be gorgeous – eventually! It does seem truly unfair to have candidates running for anything – if they don’t really know the state or county or whatever. I want people in office who know their constituents and what’s needed, etc. Anyway, I’m beginning to hate politics PERIOD. We’re having a tough time KEEPING Spring weather around here…..temps in the low 60s – rain, fog, high wind. I wish the climate change issues would happen in somebody else’s climate (haha).

    Hugs, Pam

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