Settling back to normal

Did you hear the angels sing? Gabriel on his horn? Today is the last day of a kitchen renovation that started in November. It was the strangest project I have ever done. Highlights include the main carpenter on crutches for a week; another one with a broken heart (and a case of the crazies, even his texts didn’t make sense); the sink that went to Texas and was never heard of again; a window that was ordered and reordered and reordered and never did show up; and a parade of people in and out (some normal, some not so normal). I have sore hands from cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. The kitchen is wonderful and hopefully, like childbirth (not that I would know what that’s like), the painful memories will fade. The tile man is finishing up today so final pictures will come later.

The new computer is settling down. I’m getting used to the new keyboard which is three inches wider than the old one. That means my fingers must get used to a new reach. It’s like a piano with wider keys. Much wider keys!

Having a week without a desktop made me understand my cell phone better. Some things I still don’t get. I dialed someone by mistake yesterday and couldn’t find the “turn it off” screen.

At least I was able to maintain some contact between the cell, my Kindle and my husband’s ancient Windows 7 desktop. He also bought a new computer. They are identical so I can help him out when he gets stuck.

Note to any friends I may have out there: The docs and photos transferred to my new computer, but I lost my address book in Outlook. Unfortunately, I gave up a paper copy years ago, so I do not have addresses, phone numbers (unless you are in my cell for texting) and (most important of all) email addresses (those are the most difficult to find). If you are someone I email with, please send me a message so I can save your address. This is also a great opportunity if you don’t want to ever hear from me again!

We are going to enjoy a brief respite, then move on to updating the deck. That will be our last “contractor” project for a while and it’s all outside. In the meantime, the beloved husband is working on the fireplace surround. It’s minimally disruptive and there are no strangers here. Also, I don’t have to be nice. The hard part is being nice and compassionate all day when your heart is breaking (ok, it was only a sink traveling around the Texas bars line dancing but still…).

Normal blog programming may resume soon. No promises that it will truly be normal as I don’t remember what that looks like but at least the contractor stories will cease. Maybe. You just never know with life. The broken-hearted contractor is doing the deck so…stay tuned.

62 thoughts on “Settling back to normal

    • Yes on the deck guy. Something happened and he’s back to his normal sort of neurotic self. It’s more than pharmaceuticals too. I think the lawyer is working on a settlement where he won’t lose his business. But again, he has a lot of drama so stay tuned.


  1. I think I can still hear the angels singing, Kate! Congratulations on getting through such an ordeal as a big kitchen remodel. I wonder if you get up each morning and head into the kitchen just to admire it. 🙂 You’ve also given me the idea that I should have multiple ways to access contacts. When our computers go down we are certainly in trouble! Hope you have a great weekend, Kate.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I normally keep a paper copy that I print out every year or so but I threw that stuff out when I moved. There are a few emails I don’t know how to retrieve. Their phone number wasn’t in my cell so I have to hope they will eventually email me.


  2. I use a wireless keyboard with my laptop and wish I’d done that years ago instead of hunching over it and making my hands cramp up. It’s got a great touch and I feel like I can “go like the wind.” I’ve always used a mouse, never the mouse pad – when i update the Windows 10 I just use a mouse touch pad and I feel like I have no control. Now you can stay in your jammies longer unless you like to get to Starbucks to beat the crowd as you said you were waiting for a little nicer weather to get back to walking again.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on surviving what no doubt was ‘quite’ the experience. Here’s to making many happy memories in the updated space as well as cyber-space. P.S. I’ve gone through the list of readers for email addresses. Never fun but sometimes the only way. Good luck in advance on the deck project. Hopefully staying busy on projects will help heal the broken hearted contractor. I’ll ask my sis in Texas to keep an eye out for your wayward sink.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I did a huge cleaning after the main part was done. It’s just been the window and backsplash since but there were some rainy days so the floor needs it whether we eat off of it or not. The end is in sight though.


    • Second story and yes I have some misgivings but we started with him before his heart was broken. He will come with a crew and he is better. We saw him this week. Initially he thought he would lose everything including the business but that’s not how it’s playing out so he’s much better. He’s a complicated guy. Like a lot of contractors, he has his fingers in lots of pots. He will have to sell his home but he’s already excited about building another one and his two sons want to live with him. He’s over the moon about that. Having said all that, I’m still a bit nervous. He says it’s a quick job once they get started. Less than two weeks as long as we can get all the materials.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. My most sincere congratulations on surviving the reno! Breathing room before the deck? You definitely need a break. Glad things are moving along with the new computers and cell phone… are now officially a SURVIVOR! 🙂

    Hugs, Pam

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m so glad you are making your way back to the world of a computer. And I’m glad that the days of having contractors in the house are also over. Honestly, Kate, you remind me of my best friend, Joanne, for whom there is always something wacky going on in her life! That reminds me, I’m late on doing my monthly back-up of my laptop to a flash drive… Thanks for the reminder! I hope things settle down for you soon – no wait, maybe I don’t! I love reading about the craziness of your life!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. There is a huge sigh of relief that comes with the completion of a project – especially one as big and disruptive as a kitchen!! It sounds like you had more than your fair share of drama. Enjoy your new kitchen! I’m sure it’s spectacular 🙂

    Good luck with the new computer. You’ll be a pro at it in no time!

    Liked by 3 people

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