Random 5 for August 1, 2021 – Seasons, locusts, clothing, projects, medical advances

Dang! It’s happened again! – July disappears more so than any other month for me. It has slithered away but not without excitement. I’m hoping for a delightful (and long) August! Oh yes, and boring too!

The locusts are back! – Early in summer there was a lot of hype about the 17 year locust in our area. They come out of the ground every 17 years to eat, dance, mate and die. All in a month. Lots of people get upset but they don’t do damage. They just buzz. I didn’t hear them this year but this past week or so I’ve hear our usual late summer locusts singing their lusty hearts out. It’s a soothing sound from my youth and always was a sign that the summer would soon be over and school was starting. Either that or my tinnitus is acting up again. I hear crickets most days.

A sign of getting old – When I was a 20-something, the mother of one of my friends always wore sweat suits. Always. Summer, winter, whenever. Pink ones and navy ones. All colors really but always sweat suits. I always wondered about her choice. No variety except for the color. Over the past two years (I’m blaming it on Fitbit), I’ve taken to wearing sneakers all the time. ALL. THE. TIME. It has to do with walking. I try to get my steps in and often take impromptu walks. I don’t want to waste time changing shoes so I wear sneakers. I even wear them when going out to dinner. This week I looked at my lovely sandals which I haven’t worn in two years. I really didn’t care. I’m sticking with the sneakers.

The start of projects – This week the contractor for one of our smaller projects is scheduled to start. It should only take a week but I’m already thinking about the cats. Three won’t care but Sasha will be in her hidey hole for the duration! Maybe I’ll break out some new boxes in the basement to entertain them.

Things sure are different now – A good friend had a hip replacement surgery this week. It was as an outpatient and she went home the same day. SAME DAY! I had a friend have one about 30 years ago. He was in the hospital for a week and a rehab facility for two more weeks. Just as Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz “There’s no place like home!” Best wishes for a speedy recovery and no hiccups!

So how was your week?


70 thoughts on “Random 5 for August 1, 2021 – Seasons, locusts, clothing, projects, medical advances

  1. I love sweatsuits – back in the day I had lightweight ones that I wore to bed! I put them on when I came home from work … nice after a day of pantyhose, heels … the hair went up in a ponytail and I was comfy. I wear them more now and my heavy walking shoes. My feet spread out some from the wide walking shoes, moccasins in the house and Mukluk slippers in the Winter. I’m all about comfort these days.

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    • I am too. I like clothes that stretch and don’t bind. Even jeans have to have stretch in them or I won’t buy them. Nothing worse than a rivet stuck in your gut. I rarely wear sweat suits because the pants are usually bulky around the waist for me but they are a winter “go to” for those days you don’t feel so good. Sweatshirts I wear all winter long, sometimes right into May.

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      • I’m looking forward to Fall and sweatshirt weather. I like to be comfortable in the house and no one stops by unexpected, so it really doesn’t matter how I dress. I have not seen my boss since 2012 and I know when the HVAC guy arrives 2X a year.

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  2. My husband had hip replacement only 6 years ago and he had the hospital stay! A friend, like yours, very recently, same surgery, came home the same day. I couldn’t believe it. Especially with virus concerns, coming home seems truly prudent, when possible. And locusts? Yikes! I complain a great deal about mosquitos and I can almost hear myself if I had locusts!

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    • At least locusts don’t bite. My friend posted a picture coming home from the hospital. She didn’t look like she had major surgery 8 hours earlier. If you can do it, home is always the best place to recuperate.

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  3. My mom never wore jeans or sweat suits. We tried, but no. Culottes once (remember those?). I think it mainly had to do with he hated shopping for clothes and sewed most of hers – quite talented there ( although I always longed for “store bought over homemade no matter how elegantly done.
    May your August be filled with boxes and boredom once the work is done (quickly, please let it be done right and quickly) – you deserve it!

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    • We had a lot of ta-doo about them too and they were absent from our area. Creepy but harmless. Insect people projected that development is affecting them. More housing, warehouses and just general building and less fields to dig into.

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  4. WOW – same day hip surgery…..I had to stay overnight but honestly – I COULD have gone home same day. Immediately after my surgery I felt NO DISCOMFORT and never did. Amazing stuff how they do surgeries these days. Hope the home reno goes smoothly and the cats ignore the hub bub. If they have a basement they’ll be fine (!). Sweats and sneakers – well I wear jeans every day and slippers – does that count as “country casual” ??? HAHAHA

    Hugs, Pam

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    • During the winter I’ll wear jeans a lot. Now I’m wearing exercise clothes mostly. I have some for winter too but usually jeans are warmer. We all have our “uniforms.” I’ve heard other people say that about replacements and pain. Most people wait so long that the pain before is substantial.


  5. I get wearing sneakers all of the time. For me it’s Teva Hiking Sandals. They are comfy, have great tred, go with everything (at least I think that they do) and they are waterproof. Yup, that’s me at the Ball with my Tevas on. When you’ve got a good thing going, you’ve gotta stick with it! 😀

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  6. I understand the mother of one of your friends. After the pandemic shutdown, I’m so used to wearing sweats and t-shirts that it seems like a big imposition to get “dress up” in jeans. I still love beautiful dresses, but it’s harder to look good in them than it used to be.

    We don’t have locusts out here. But I used to love the sweet little sounds of cicadas in the trees in the evening when we lived in the Philippines.

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  7. I am glad July is gone. That means only a few more weeks of hot hot hot humid weather. I am so over the heat! It will be good to walk for more than 15 minutes and not need a shower when I get home. Ok, enough complaining here.
    I am getting some work done in the master bath. It is way past due! I won’t see Teddy and Jack the whole time the work is being done. Tell Sasha they envy her having a basement to retreat to.
    We have cicadas. Teddy catches them and brings them in to play with. He is very sneaky about it, he knows that is not allowed.

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  8. I love cicadas. Last week I found one on its back stuck to something on the carport. After several minutes using a variety of tools to assist me I was able to free him, but not before he pissed on me. I laughed. Rumpy would have solved that problem in far less time than I did, but that’s because he found cicadas a tasty treat.

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  9. I need that hip surgery badge! Although I didn’t have a hip replacement, I did have some pins inserted to keep everything together after breaking my hip a few years ago… so I guess I’m a badass too 🙂 As I remember, I spent two nights in the hospital, then home for rehab. If I didn’t have anyone at home to help me, I guess I would have had to go to a facility or hire someone to stay with me. Going home the day following surgery seems a bit too soon. I guess the hospitals are anxious to free up beds.

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  10. Hip surgery here in Canada is a 4 day hospital stay, which I think is too short for an elderly person like my mom who was 88 with her last one, and when they discharged her on the weekend she hadn’t even had any physio, as they don’t work weekends. I guess they have new surgical techniques now, so maybe the outpatient route is okay, but I still think it depends on how much help you have at home, the anesthetic reaction and your age. My mother remembers when they kept you in the hospital for a whole week after childbirth in the 1950’s. The point was to give the woman some rest, especially when she probably had more children at home close in age to look after and no help from men.

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  11. Crickets always remind me of “Charlotte’s Web” (there are worse things). We actually have quite a few on our patio and they chip during summer nights. I like it, but the crickets themselves are what my sister calls “sprickets”–long-legged and sort of mottled brown cross between a spider and a cricket. Not remotely attractive.

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  12. Keep the sneakers! I remember my Mom wearing sweaters a lot and now I am the same. I am taking them off and putting hem on throughout the day.
    GL to Sasha on surviving the invasion.
    Yes, medical advances are something else. My hysterectomy was out patient. The 95 year old lady that I take care of, who used to be a nurse, was so shocked!! She was like how dare they send you home! LOL!

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  13. One of my clients had hip surgery recently and because she lived alone they kept her in the hospital two nights, but only because she lived alone. They had her up and walking the same day as the surgery, and she was really good about walking and within two weeks was cleared to live her normal life. Amazing what they can do these days.

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    • That is amazing. I was surprised my friend went home the same day although she had a husband to help out. Sometimes you can get really sick from the anesthesia. I hear the pain reduction is almost instant too. Whatever soreness you have from the surgery is nothing compared to the pain of a bad joint.


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