Random 5 for December 20, 2020 – Masks, stress, violence, death, Starbucks

Well, duh! – This past week we had settlement on the new house. For the meeting I put on make-up. It would make me feel pretty! I haven’t used it during the pandemic. I forgot why. Not only can’t you see it because of the mask but it gets all over the inside of your mask. Back to the no make-up look for the duration of mask wearing.

Stress levels – I have had the inner squirrel thing going on for a while now but I knew that the beloved husband was feeling the stress when he recorded some Hallmark movies. We watched the first one. By “we,” I mean “I.” He fell asleep within 15 minutes.

Talking about TV – I love the NCIS franchise shows. All of them. With all that’s going on, by the end of the day I don’t want to see any violence. Mindless sitcoms are what I can handle and there aren’t enough. The New Orleans and Los Angeles  NCIS versions are too violent for me these days.

He doesn’t get it – The beloved husband is perplexed that I don’t like to watch violence but I’m intrigued by murder. I loved Perry Mason because you didn’t see the actual killing. He gets grossed out by seeing decaying flesh on the old series “Bones” yet that doesn’t bother me. I just don’t want to watch it happen preferring to figure out what happened afterward. More cerebral, less physical.

And it gets closer – This past week I’ve been getting my mocha at a different Starbucks that’s farther from home. My usual one has been wonky. Sometimes closed or with shortened odd hours. Today I thought I’d try the old one and I saw someone I knew. An employee tested positive so some employees had to go into quarantine and they had to “deep clean” the place. With luck, everything will be back to normal next week. Except that this isn’t a year of normal.

So how was your week?

69 thoughts on “Random 5 for December 20, 2020 – Masks, stress, violence, death, Starbucks

  1. I remember watching Perry Mason and his loyal sidekick Della Street on reruns. It was great and I liked Raymond Burr as his character Ironsides as well. I liked “Matlock” too. There were so many great shows back in the day and I was glad for VCRs to hit the scene as staying up to 11:00 p.m., then the news came on, so watched that and then getting up early the next day was difficult by the time Friday rolled around. I used to like “Law and Order” and “SVU” back in the day as well. I haven’t watched TV in a while, but what I really miss were the great miniseries back in the day – “The Thornbirds” was one of my all-time favorites.

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  2. Congrats on making it through the settlement. Next hurdle must be the actual move. Good luck. For TV viewing I’ve been howling at just now discovering Schitts Creek$. Oh my gosh, way too funny. And then there are the assort British crime/mystery shows. How small villages in England can off anywhere from 2-4 villagers per episode is beyond me. But boy am I enjoying it as well as the solving of each murder mystery. The architecture alone is incredible!

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  3. Not the best week for me as my teacher-cold is BRUTAL. I haven’t felt this unwell in some years. Our mutual friend has been by my side throughout, which is highly unusual. And, yes, I have checked to make sure it’s definitely him.

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  4. YEA! New house! Now you can leisurely amble over and take stuff and mess around as you wish. (And bring home new smell for the cats…sort of an intriguing introduction for them?)
    I adored the original Perry Mason growing up – the new one just hasn’t interested me. It’s too hard to find a character driven show with good dialogue and interesting plot. The recent offerings of “talent” shows, game shows, reality show seems determined to slid into stupid/ugly/unnecessary violence.
    So, the Hallmark Christmas shows have been on despite the sappy, predictable -or to the YouTube long videos of cozy cottages/living rooms with crackling fires and either winter storm/snow or rain. Yep, escapism is alive and well!
    (Hope things all going smoothly there. Glad there’s coffee somewhere!)

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  5. I can’t imagine the stress level – with everything else going on in the world, plus Christmas upon us, you’re dealing with moving. Yow.

    I know what you mean about only wanting to watch sitcoms. I’ve been watching reruns of Big Bang Theory. I also do Everybody Loves Raymond. On youtube you can find full episodes of my favorite classic (old time) sitcom, The Dick Van Dyke Show.

    There are some streaming apps you can get for free with lots of old television shows, and both modern and old movies. If you have a Smart-TV, you can download them. Or they can be downloaded into a computer and then plugged into a TV. The only thing about them being free is that there are commercials you can’t fast forward through. We don’t mind, because we don’t like the programming on network TV or the news. Two free apps are Pluto and Tubi. Just thought I’d mention it in case you’re interested.

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  6. My mental escapes have to be mythical and impossible. I’ve recently become addicted to UK canal boat vloggers. Highly recommend as just peace and beauty and since they live on the narrow boats, an impossible tiny house lifestyle. All of them do it successfully. I imagine it successfully and then look around at how I live and KNOW it would not be successful. But I still long for it.

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  7. I agree with you, I much prefer to solve murder mysteries than see the gore. Who needs that? My human recently ordered a book filled with mysteries to solve so I’m waiting on that to come in the mail. Should be great! I prefer sitcoms too. The world is depressing enough. I need a laugh. Watching Salem make a fool of himself isn’t always enough! Merry Christmas! Once the Sassies are settled in the new place, could you post some pics of them exploring it or chilling out in their new favorite spots?

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  8. Congratulations on the settlement for your new house. That’s great!

    To tell the truth, I never learned to put on eye makeup. I’ve tried a few times, and then I leave it in the drawer until it’s too old to wear. I do wear lipstick though–not under my mask. But I wear it for Zoom calls. I also wear earrings on Zoom calls. I don’t want my pierced ears to close up.

    I do like detective stories on TV. Usually the murders happen early on, and then we spend the rest of the show finding who did it. I’ve been watching the PBS Endeavour series lately. It has lots of murders, but he doesn’t even carry a gun.

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  9. I am 100% there with you on loving murder mysteries but not wanting to see any gore. I love reading cozy mysteries and Agatha Christie books – that sort of thing. And I like the same thing in TV shows. I don’t want any gore. Don’t show me someone getting murdered. Just have the vicar find the body in the churchyard like a decent story and then figure it out from there. 🙂

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  10. Funny thing, I have been recording a lot of Hallmark movies and watching them too which I NEVER did before. I usually find them too sappy, but this year I needed some motivation to decorate.

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  11. Just saying .. it isn’t about other people or how they are thinking or judging. This is a time to chill with those you love … and maybe think about letting go of your regular Starbucks and tv habits for the new year. Reading is so nourishing … when you create the time for it. 💕

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    • No Starbucks? That’s crazy talk woman! 🙂 There is so much going on right now (that’s out of my control) I’m having trouble concentrating to read but I have 2 books that are new to me and I intend to read at least one this week!


  12. I read the Lauder lipstick index failed for the first time this year. Basically Este Lauder said women buy more lipsticks during a recession as they want to treat themselves but can’t buy a new frock. Here Boris has just cancelled Christmas as we have a new more infectious strain of the virus. It is a bit scary and means my son who lives in London is not allowed to visit.

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    • I just heard about it on the news. I’m so sorry. I didn’t put on lipstick as I knew I had to wear a mask but it wasn’t worth the foundation either. The only makeup worthwhile these days is eye makeup and I didn’t put any on.

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  13. I’m happily embracing my inner old lady (okay… it may becoming a little more outer lately) by not liking violence or too much sex on TV shows. Sometimes it just seems like filler so they don’t need to write dialog. Have you seen the new Perry Mason? We enjoyed the first season and are looking forward to (hopefully) the next.

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    • During the TV draught this summer and fall (I call it a nuclear wasteland) I recorded 25 episodes of Bones. I’m enjoying them as much as I did the first time and I don’t always remember the ending. Haven’t seen Columbo in a while. When I’m really stressed out I watch the Big Bang Theory! 😉


  14. I will readily admit I haven’t worm makeup since March except for Zoom meetings that I had to attend. Yes, ‘had’ is the right word. 🙂 I watch all the dramas mixed in with some Hallmark just because there is not much new on. The one thing I dislike about Hallmark is the predictability of each and every one. I think I could make an outline down to the minutes of what is going to happen. That part is kind of boring, but never boring enough to watch anything reality. I’d rather watch snow melt. Congrats on the house closing. I applaud your desire to go to Starbucks every single day. I’m too cheap, and I don’t like the fact that the mixed coffee drinks are not consistent. Here, it all depends upon who is working that day and whether s/he is paying attention. Have a good Sunday with less stress hopefully. 🙂

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    • Now I only watched one but a game I can play is to decide who the major love interest will be after meeting the characters for the first time. I also like that happy ending. Always. There isn’t much new and it looks like most of the shows are on hiatus until January now. I have a few books to read and this is a good time for that.

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  15. YAY on settlement…..! That’s a biggie – moving another biggie and selling your current house THE BIG BIGGIE. You’re well on your way. I love detective shows – mostly those on PBS and particularly interested in forensics and all those clues therein. No blood and guts though – there’s already way too much violence in the world I don’t need to SEE it in my choice of entertainment on the tube. Hope you have a great holiday Kate – and I think every single one of us is hoping for a happy and HEALTHY new year (oh – and add PEACEFUL to that list!).

    Hugs, Pam

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    • It’s been stress center here for the last few weeks but it will pass. There are a few things going on this week and after that it will be a little easier. Just keep checking things off the list. However, this morning when I fed Gracie I noticed her tooth was sticking straight out. She wouldn’t let me touch it but that’s a vet visit for sure. Maybe even a dental.

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  16. Congratulations on the new house!
    I don’t watch any murder or gore and nothing that shows any animals being hurt.
    I was not a fan of Hallmark movies but I have been watching for two weeks with SSNS. I can’t take anymore sadness about the pandemic. I need some Merry! I am tickled for you that your usual Starbucks will soon be back to normal.

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    • For Starbucks — I had no idea what was going on. Some days it was closed and some days it was open 7 to noon. Some days you could go inside to pick up an app order and sometimes you had to go through the drive-thru (could take 45 minutes). I started going to the further one and after a few days, it became routine. If I have to do that again, I can. I can’t stand any more stress. No politics, no brutal scenes and definitely no animal harmed. I will walk out of a theater if that happens. I never saw Bambi!

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  17. I am not a fan of gore or suspense, either. Husband and I really enjoyed “Ted Lasso,” “Selena,” “Star Trek: Discovery,” “Cheer,” “The Morning Show,” and a few others. I get sucked in to anything with good dialogue.

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  18. Seems like murder is a winner. I watch old series on youtube. The Brits and Australians do the best!
    I gave up makeup the minute I retired 25 years ago. Also gave up the bra (I have no trouble sleeping on my tummy) and for sure gave up skirts and dresses.

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  19. I love murder mysteries . . . but I don’t want to watch them in progress if they are “graphic.” And I refuse to watch any scenes dealing with torture. Some things can’t be unseen.

    I tend to watch light-hearted murder mysteries on PBS. The silliness counterbalances the seriousness of death.

    Congrats on your new digs! Are you going to move over there soon?

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  20. Hi Kate, I agree with you on why bother with lipstick when I wear a mask. Husband and Hallmark? Wow! Flashback on Perry Mason. Used to be a favourite of ours. Hang in there, Kate. Hopefully, Humour will help get us through. Thank you for making me smile each week.❤️

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  21. Early in the pandemic I put away several mystery series I had hoped to read because they were too gruesome. There’s plenty of gruesome without reading it for “fun” right now. My tolerance for awful stuff is pretty low. Maybe that’s a good thing in the long run.

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