Running on empty

Without my gym, the walking group folks and my retail therapy, I’m not seeing the people stories that inspire me. My interaction with people is so minimal that I’m almost missing the crazy people that inhabit this area. Almost.

The neighbor whose property looked like a junkyard with portapotties and flatbed trucks has cleaned it up and moved the construction equipment elsewhere. No story there although there is speculation that perhaps someone reported him to the zoning board.

Neighbors aren’t visible. Walking in my neighborhood, even on a beautiful day, will only bring out one or two other walkers. Where is everyone? Where are the dogs? I don’t want people close but it’s kind of eerie to not see anyone. It’s becoming hard to find inspiration. Grocery shopping is my big outing. It’s like prom day. I put on my cleanest sneakers, fondle the fresh fruit and then I hurry up to get out of there!

Even bloggers are blogging less. Some are on hiatus. Some disappeared altogether. How about you? What is going on in your mind these days?

90 thoughts on “Running on empty

  1. I knew I had a pretty good life before COVID but I didn’t realize how great it really was until COVID. Meeting friends for lunch or dinner, taking trips with friends, my walking ladies, my LA explorer group, the senior center… and on and on and on. Life will never be the same. At the same time I have managed to lose 12 lbs since March not going out to eat, so not all bad!

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  2. Ha ha – your comparison of grocery shopping to the prom made me smile. The Park is still missing “the regulars” who never returned in the Spring from their basements/treadmills like they usually do, then were a no-show all Summer, so I guess they’re gone for good now. If COVID continues to spike, it will be mighty quiet on the path. This morning I was the only one and I could hear the peanuts being cracked open.

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    • I think outside is pretty safe unless it’s really crowded. I lost some walker friends at the mall although I understand why they are not back. Many are older. They removed all the benches to sit a bit if you got tired. There was a group of older women a few used a cane. They would walk for 10 minutes, then sit for 5 and walk again. It’s also inside so you must wear a mask although it’s not at all crowded. For a while the restrooms were closed too. They are open now.

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      • I think more and more people will get a treadmill or an exercise bike for home if they have the room and just stay home. A few of our older walkers did the treadmill in the past. I would love to have one, but have no room downstairs to put one. After I’m retired, I have to go on the rampage for clutter control, but I hate to waste my weekends doing those things … I’ve been more protective of my “me time” before my walking regimen, then blogging. The stats nationwide and in our state are rising quickly. I am going to walk this morning and take another stab at getting peanuts and more paper towels – otherwise I’m done mingling with crowds at the grocery store. I miss some perishable foods, but have substituted shelf stable products and will do that until next Spring (hopefully).

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          • That is the way to go I guess if you have concerns about COVID and stop walking. My friend loves tracking with her dogs all seasons but Winter. She decided to get a treadmill to keep up the walking regimen on bad weather days – the dogs hate it and bark the entire time it is on. So she had to stop using it. 🙂

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  3. Right there with you! We are only out to the grocery store once a week, and maybe an errand at some point. And everyplace is really empty right now. We were in downtown Anchorage yesterday evening, and it was like a ghost town. I am still interacting with lots of folks remotely because thank God I am still working, but from home.

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  4. Maybe this is malaise…not really ennui as not bored of something since there is so much NOTHING. Whatever I’m tired of it. Ditto on the lack of interest and focus.
    Ever since offices, schools and most stuff opened up here, once again the sidewalks and this very walkable neighborhood is empty. Until then people were desperate to get out/tire children and there was a revival of bikes, skates, golf carts, new dog walkers. Where did they all go? All back to their routines, I guess. We still don’t go out very often – and people seem to be all rushing and judging which aisle are the most vacant. It is weird…and as you say, even bloggers and blog topics are different.
    Maybe everyone is trying to shift gears and figure out how to do the holidays. At least the little local nursery’s fountains and plants are still able to make me relax and enjoy the day.

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  5. Unlike where you are, we have lots of walkers and dogs outside here in the Twin Cities of MN. We got 7 inches of snow on Tuesday (the largest, earliest snowfall in memory), but people still want to get out. I live close to a busy street and grocery store, so I often see people walking from the store, and lots of cars too. Usually something or someone to watch!

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    • That’s a lot of opportunity for inspiration. The snow is a blog post itself! Our earliest snowstorm was on Halloween a few years back and it was a fluke. We rarely get measurable snow before mid-December. It did a lot of damage to the trees as they still had their leaves.


  6. I didn’t want to say anything, but my human has gained a bit of weight around her tummy lately. Maybe she should take up that walking thing! I should probably do something to make her run around the house more. I’m on it!!!!

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  7. Unlike you, we are seeing more people. Waynesville was a ghost town at the beginning of the shutdown, and now Main Street has crowds of people. Most of them wear masks, even outside of stores. Neighbor Logan is in a private school now and goes in person every day. Although people are still keeping their distance from each other, they don’t seem as wary as they once were.

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  8. Actually, I feel kinda busy. My nice publisher has finished sending me things to proofread, but she recommended a nice publicist, who always has lots of work for me to do. And the nice publicist recommended a nice website designer, who always has lots of work for me to do.

    It’s getting colder, which scares me off and keeps me inside some days. But when I go out for a walk, it’s usually not so bad and sometimes quite nice. I see some neighbors at the mailbox and out walking. No crazies, though.

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  9. I’m taking it easy … neighbors were never my cup of tea, unless we shared something in common. Right now we have a very pregnant wife on one side, who wishes she was back with her mom and dad … and on the other ? … well, all I’m saying is that they are a little weird. Perhaps it’s Covid-19 or their genes.
    Peace to all 💕🙏💛

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  10. I could have written this post because I feel the same way. Grocery and hardware store shopping were my only outings, the numbers started rising, and we’re back to ordering online and picking up at the curb. A dear friend is moving so I dropped off a gift yesterday, and we sat on opposite ends of a screened-in porch to chat for a while. It felt so normal but also so strange after going this long without seeing people. As for moving about, we live were I can see the traffic on the road, but the traffic has probably been reduced by at least 50%. Some weekend, there are more walkers, joggers, and bikers than there are cars. Sometimes, it is just down right creepy.

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  11. I find there’s less to interest me as well, even with kittens in the house. I do enjoy teaching my dog classes, which helps…one of the few outings in my weeks. Lots of walks, but one of my feet has been swollen and unhappy for a few weeks, and now that I have my latest fitbit badge, I’m giving my foot a rest! Maybe when this election is over we will feel better (ByeDon, I hope!!). So much negativity and craziness in the air.

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    • I don’t have interest in stuff either. I’ll be glad (hopefully) when the election is over. The negativity is over the top. Even locally it’s insane. Sorry about your foot. Hope it’s nothing serious. Did walking get you down to your clothes size as you hoped? You have been knocking it out of the park!

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  12. I had a blank patch a little while ago and cut back on posts, but now seem to be back behind the wheel. I’ve lost heart in a lot of things, and walking the dog when we do it’s rare we see anyone now. Shopping is a chore dodging the tourists and non residents again, but the merchandise and food available is second rate anyway unless you want to get your stuff for Christmas. It’s like the human race has switched itself off.

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    • Now that you mention it your blogging style has changed. You post about activities rather than people. There used to be so many people regularly in your life but the only one I remember lately is the woman who lost her husband. I get energy and ideas from people. I miss that more than I miss the people! 🙂

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      • You’re right Kate. We don’t get to socialise as much as we used to because darts has folded, we don’t go up to the cafe for tea and cake anymore, and the only people we really come in contact with are fellow dog walkers. I text my neighbour every day to make sure she’s OK and sometimes do a little bit of shopping for her if I see her, but she hasn’t come in for tea for a while because she doesn’t want to pass anything on to Hubby. She goes for a walk on her own to get out of the house. I’m a people person, and sadly don’t get to see very many these days.

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  13. Ha, ha! We see plenty of people on our walks, but those are on pause for me because of the poor air quality due to all the state’s wildfires, some of which are pretty close. The smoke naturally blows our way; with my asthma, I’m not willing to walk so much. The grocery store feels like a vacation! I have been blogging less, mostly because I am working more, trying to keep up with my increased workload. And it’s getting hard to find something in my life that others might find the least bit interesting. I’m reading good books, but I doubt anyone that reads my blog would like them. My food restrictions make for boring meals – nothing blog-worthy there. My photos are all about my pets these days, with other ones showing how we can’t see the sun anymore for all the smoke. Ugh.

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      • It’s hard to find a gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free recipe that interests people who can eat anything! They are out there, but usually have weird ingredients. I search and experiment all year to find something that I think my eat-everything kids will eat during the holidays. Of course, this year, we may not be able to see them. We are restricted from gatherings of more than 5 people these days because the virus is really surging. Shrug. That’s less cooking for me, but I miss seeing my extended family.

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  14. I have noticed fewer people blogging, but not sure if that’s from the pandemic blues (nothing to write about) or the Blockhead editor. Grocery shopping is my big outing for the week too and I hate every minute of it. But last week I actually put on a nice outfit (dressy jeans and a fall top) to run errands in town – ten stops in 3 hours, checked everything off my list, 3 banks, (mine plus my mothers as s he is not online), Staples to get a printer cartridge, clothing store to return online PJ’s, Michaels for canvas boards, and Macdonalds for a late lunch – pretty exciting day – this is what my life has descended too! Errands are now for fun….

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  15. I’m not a person who handles long term isolation very well. We’ve gotten out several times since the lifting of the more stringent restrictions in June. I’ve spent time with friends and family, which helps. Aside from my chronic pain acting up horribly because I don’t trust the chiropractor’s disinfecting practices, I’ve remained healthy. The tension in the air and worry about my mom (who is chronically ill) doesn’t help the pain in my body either.

    Oh, and I see people out walking in my neighborhood all the time, even since it’s gotten really chilly.

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    • I’m sorry about your chronic pain. That’s not fun and there is so little to distract right now. There were more walkers in my neighborhood during the summer. I live 2 blocks from a park and they may be walking there. I went there once in the middle of the summer. Too many people, no one wearing masks. It was outside but there were large groups all together at the courts and pavilions.

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  16. We are going into the active snowbird season and let me tell you, all the crazies are here! You would have all kinds of inspiration for blogging. They seem to congregate at Publix. We’ve started going shopping at night to avoid my reaching out and trying to strangle them.

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  17. It’s been a strange time with my own crosses to bear. As if things couldn’t get worse after a severe and expensive hack, the furnace went out. Oye. People (at least the good ones) seem to be mentally exhausted by a campaign that has worn everyone’s patience out. Given we’re all stuck at home for the most part, these 4 walls are starting to close in and prompt the house rage.

    Do hope you find something that inspires you. When all fails cute cat photos work too. Just saying.

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  18. I guess the good thing about writing more of a memoir blog is that I was always telling older stories and have yet to catch up to the present.

    In a year or two, though, there is going to be a sixth month void! (Luckily there are always pet stories.)

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  19. We walk on the beach most mornings . . . so life still has a semblance of normal to it. This morning, we saw a wannabe super hero on the side of the road wearing tights, leotard, gloves, and (wait for it . . . ) a TRUMP cape.

    I had a few choice words for him. 😛

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  20. I used to love grocery shopping, but now it’s just a chore for me, because I want to be in and out as quickly as I can! I think being on so much ‘lockdown’ has left a lot of us uninspired to share juicy tidbits in our blogs because we don’t get out enough to find/create them! My neighborhood has some tweens and teens in it, so occasionally they are outside and causing a bit of noise, and I live on Main Street so I hear my share of traffic, but…. Plus, for many of us, colder weather is approaching and we’re busy nesting and getting used to staying inside. I have books and I have music streams online that I’m a part of, so I can either escape or socialize based on my mood.

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    • We go at quiet times so we don’t see too many idiots. Last week there was a lady on a motor cart (I hate those) inside a grocery store. She damn near drove over me. She backed up without looking. They ought to be outlawed in small aisle stores. Somehow I didn’t find it interesting enough to write about!

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  21. Ditto what you said here. No one is out walking in our neighborhood except me, fewer bloggers are posting or have ghosted, no friends get together for dinner or whatever. It’s a very solitary world right now.

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  22. I too get excited about going to the grocery – that’s my “BIG OUTING” these days. I go when there are at most two other shoppers in the store…’s great. Our neighborhood is turning into a walkers’ paradise – and that’s with or without dogs. I see more walkers now than in all 24 years we’ve lived here. If I didn’t have arthritis I’d be out there with them – I settle for walking with my harnessed/leashed cat around (and around and around) our yard a few times a day! As for crazies – I think the parameters involved in using that word have significantly WIDENED in the last few months!!!!!!

    Hugs, Pam

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  23. In northern Wisconsin, the early snow beat the guys taking the pontoon out! Keep thinking there should be a picture for a Christmas card there. The birds outside my window are really active and provide things to watch that are non-political. We enjoy your news or lack of it.

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  24. I know what you mean about missing the crazies. My weeks are beginning to fill up again. I volunteer in a local charity shop for a couple of mornings a week and I am going to an over 60 lane swim for another two so I am beginning to enjoy the new normal. However Liverpool and Manchester have been put into a new lock down and we could follow. At least you have the chance to change your government.

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    • It’s pretty chaotic right now with all the politics going on. You are lucky to have so much going on. I’m scheduled for a medical procedure in December and I’m staying low key until then. I don’t want it rescheduled out into 2021.

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  25. I get it, Kate, on the no gym of fitness groups. I was a daily Bikram yoga person, and I am surprised how much of a void in my life. And I have become a marshmallow. I gather that the crazy people are still out there. We just don’t see them. Hmmmm…..which category do I fit into? 😁

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