Rest in Peace Crazy Lady

When I first moved to this neighborhood 18 years ago, there was a woman who walked early every morning. I’d see her on the drive to work. That wouldn’t be unusual except she was. She was short and slim with a huge fluff of white hair. She wore signature red lipstick that you could see from outer space. Every single day! Her clothing was very colorful, like you would find on small kids. All that wasn’t the most unusual thing about her.

She didn’t just walk, she hopped, skipped and threw her arms around. At first I thought perhaps she was challenged in some way but there was a rhythm about it. After a few days I realized she was doing an exercise routine. Either she had earplugs or she knew it.

She made such an impression on me that I posted about her early in my blogging days. You can find it here. That was back when I had few followers.

She always waved and I beeped my horn. I ran into her in the grocery store once and she said “I know you!” What she meant was that she recognized me from driving by. We didn’t exchange names or anything else.

The beloved husband and I called her the crazy lady and that was meant in a good way. Not everyone who is crazy is bad. Some are unique.

I continued to see her over the years. She was a very dedicated walker and she lived in one of the neighborhoods surrounding me.

I didn’t see her much last summer but it was a dreadful summer with a lot of rain and super-hot weather even in the morning. During the fall I saw her strutting her stuff. Arms flailing and it was a great sight. Almost as if normal returned.

I didn’t see her during the winter which was very mild. As I think back now, that was unusual. She had wonderful (and colorful) winter walking clothes.

This past week I saw her obituary. I almost missed it because I don’t know her name. There was a picture of a smiling happy woman with white hair and red lipstick. I was intrigued so I read it. There was a paragraph dedicated to her “unusual” walking and all the friends she made along the way. She died in hospice so she must have been ill for a while.

You don’t know need to know someone to feel a sense of loss when they die. Perhaps we can blame it on all the other stuff going on but it’s one more normal that is lost.

Rest in peace Margaret and know that you always brought a smile to my face.


78 thoughts on “Rest in Peace Crazy Lady

  1. Janis said it best … the quirky people who cross our paths in life are the ones we remember most … and there is a real sense of loss when they’re gone. Margaret sounds a lot like the little 80-some year old spitfire who lives down the street from me … except for the colourful clothes 🙂

    Thanks to you, Margaret’s spirit lives on.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kate, A “crazy” lady can be very endearing, especially one that walks by the beat of her own drum. I also have found certain people have really made an impact in my life and when I hear they have passed away, I have a great sense of loss. Even, if I did not really “know” them. A good reminder on the people we touch along our paths.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This was a nice tribute to this woman – she reminded me a little of Mike whom I spotlighted. There was a lot of nutty things that he did and I wondered about (like wearing shorts until the first snowfall and again by March long before most people even got out of their sweatpants) but then you realize they were kind of nice to have around and pass the time of day with.

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    • OMG! It is! As the designated family grocery shopper (most expendable person?) I went this a.m. They limit the number of people in the store at one time. That’s a good thing except for the wait (which wasn’t all that bad — I go very early). Seriously though, in a store, it’s almost impossible to stay 6′ from other people at all times. All shoppers were wearing masks. Most of the grocery employees stocking were not. Do they know something I don’t? Back to Margaret, I miss her because she was part of normal. I also miss her because she had guts I don’t and didn’t care what people thought! Stay safe.


  4. What a very special and lovely blog today! And you are right….one does not have to know someone to feel a pull on your heartstrings for them. May she RIP and you enjoy the warmth her memory brings to you.

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  5. I miss Margaret now through you. I’m sorry she is gone without your getting to know her. John and I are similar to Margaret. I’m sure people think we are crazy, because we wave to every car that passes us. Recently a man came out of the cafe we pass and said he was glad to see us. He must have been inside on a regular basis, but we didn’t see him. It was fun to exchange a few sentences with him. God bless you, Margaret, for bringing smiles to Kate’s face.

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  6. This right here: “You don’t know need to know someone to feel a sense of loss when they die.” I have felt that way about a lot of people who I didn’t really know, but yet they left an impression. Thank you for sharing this.

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  7. Beautiful tribute, Kate. She probably doesn’t know how she always made you smile but I bet she does now. It’s funny how you see people around town all the time, you exchange words on occasion but never really know them. And then, like Margaret, they’re going and you feel it in ways you never thought you would. She was probably quite the personality. God rest her soul.

    Liked by 1 person

    • She was also a reminder of a friendlier day. The neighbors who were here when we moved in have moved, downsizing or to warmer climes. The new ones coming in are younger with kids. No one goes outside so the feel of the ‘hood has changed. She was a throwback that’s gone.

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  8. This is a great piece. It’s very profound in the way that it shows how someone we don’t even know can make a difference in our lives. She brought normalcy and smiles to your life. Such a simple thing. We all don’t know where or how we’re making a difference. Thank you for sharing this story.

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  9. What a lovely memory of a unique woman who became part of your routine – of course you miss seeing her – I’m sure a lot of people do. Sounds like “one of a kind”. I think all of us find comfort in our “usual” at this point with everything ELSE spinning somewhat out of control. She was part of what felt right for you and many others and now she’s gone – no doubt carrying on her walking routine in Heaven. I bet her close friends miss her – I’m sure she was a whole lot of fun!

    Hugs, Pam

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  10. Aww Kate… what a beautiful tribute to Margaret. Your words make this post so powerful, moving and full of kindness and comfort, too. I am happy she and you shared the contact you had with her. I am thinking she did rest in peace. That’s my hope. I just feel that she was happy and at peace in her life and I just know she found peace in the end. Thank you for letting us know about Margaret.

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