Random 5 for December 22 – charity, trackers, fire trucks, people, cold

An easy way – When I buy from Amazon, I use Amazon Smile. When you do that a portion (very tiny portion) goes toward a charity that you select. It doesn’t cost you anything extra. This week I received an email listing the total donation they are making toward my selected charity. They received over $88K this quarter and $969K over all time. That wasn’t all me but it sure felt good to see that. If you order from Amazon, you should check out Amazon Smile.

Tiny wrists – I’ve been interested in a step tracker (with a few other bells and whistles) for a while. I’ve got small wrists. The first one I bought didn’t work. Even at the tightest hole it wasn’t snug enough to track anything. The face was too long so I couldn’t add holes. I’ve ordered a second one to try. Locally the stores have them locked up like Fort Knox so I can’t try without buying (isn’t that a stupid idea!). If anyone has any tips on trackers or smart watches (the simpler ones), I’m all ears.

Sirens galore – Last night our local volunteer fire company was looking for donations. They drove the fire trucks up and down the streets, sirens blazing. We always donate and hope that they did well. It was very cold out. The cats were not impressed. Too much noise although no one took off for “under the bed.” They just flattened their ears.

Peoply – We have seen a lot of friends lately. Some people we see regularly and some not. There is something about the holidays that makes everyone reach out to reconnect. We could use a little of that in June! It’s been downright peoply around here!

Now I remember – We had our first real cold snap. The high was in the mid-30 degree range (around 2 celsius). I couldn’t get my feet warm until I realized that my sneakers were mesh fabric with the air blowing through. Now I’m in my fleece-lined winter clogs. Much better. Time to get out the fleece!

So how was your week?




66 thoughts on “Random 5 for December 22 – charity, trackers, fire trucks, people, cold

  1. My Amazon account is with Smile.Amazon.com too. My purchases contribute to SPCALA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles). I figure every penny helps. With all the money I spend on Amazon it makes me feel a tiny bit better! As LA is such a vast area we have mini-climates. But in my part of town we have been enjoying daytime temps from the mid 50s F (approx 12.5 C) to mid 60s F (approx 18.3 C) which is just perfect for me! Some rainy days too…. even better! At night I hug my hot water bottle!

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  2. Kate – I have a FitBit Charge 2 also and got a second band on Amazon that is a magnet closure – so it would fit the smallest of wrists. (https://www.amazon.com/Tanyl-Compatible-Stainless-Magnetic-Bracelet) The face-plate on the Charge 2 is pretty small. The FitBit Versa is bigger – hubby has that one. I’ve used Amazon Smile for years – thanks for making this known to your wide reader base! Merry Christmas to you!

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  3. Thanks for the reminder about Amazon Smile! We did sign up for that, but have since learned some things about the charity we weren’t happy about, so plan to change it. But keep forgetting to update it. Yours looks like a good one!


  4. I always use Amazon Smile, too, and the extra $ goes to the Shelter where we got our beloved Frankie! Fitbit Charge 2 is my tracker of choice — the straps are adjustable and you can buy other colors/styles on – AMAZON (and you can return it there, too). I bought in plum and bought other colored straps, too https://www.amazon.com/Fitbit-Charge-Fitness-Wristband-Version/dp/B01K9S24EM It holds a charge for days and measures many things including sleep, heart rate, steps, etc — you can set reminders to mover every hour, wake up alarms etc — it’s great. I had the FitBit Flex first. *(say that 3 times) – ha! Highly recommended!

    🙂 Merry Christmas ~ we were in the 50s yesterday – the opposite of fleece season!


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  5. I like the Amazon Smile and have St. Jude’s picked as my charity – since I have no family, they are my charity of choice after I’m gone … that is a worthwhile endeavor for Amazon. I have never tried any of the fitness trackers – I have a pedometer that I bought in 2011 when I first began walking but it has no bells and whistles, just measures steps, and goes back 7 days before for your mileage and gives the time. We had that Arctic blast Wednesday and Thursday – it was brutal … “real feel” near 0 and high temps in the teens both days. I don’t mind the cold as much as the snow – I complain about the cold weather, but I’ll still walk in it … we had freezing fog this morning so I waited til later to walk. A layer of white was on the grass and I worried the perimeter path would be black ice as we were below 32, but it was fine. I did see a very cool sight and will write about it next month — a heron walking across the frozen creek. Why he didn’t fly I don’t know, but he was slip sliding as he walked and I was worried he’d fall and break one of those long legs. Once he got across to the other side, he stayed put. 🙂

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  6. That’s funny about your mesh shoes! Ha! Who would have thought! I get a free Fitbit with my new Medicare supplement insurance. My old one has bit the dirt. I have tiny wrists too but never had a problem with my Fitbit. Have a great Christmas and Happy New year, Kate!

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  7. I am an Amazon shopper too so I need to sign up – every little bit helps. It has been a good week here with mild weather and some family came in early for a Christmas celebration. We should keep some of the holiday good will around all year.

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  8. Maybe check out Fit Bits for Kids ~ there might be one with a smaller wrist band for you? Pure speculation on my part though since I don’t have a Fit Bit.

    Good week ~ lunch to celebrate a friend’s 91st birthday. I met her 3 years ago at Bridge. She’s got pizzazz. Here’s hoping we hang on to our inner pizzazz at that age!

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  9. A couple of chilly days Kate, but more rain than we’d like. Got all the shopping done and pressies wrapped though. Finishing touch as a cheesecake for our neighbour as her son and his family are coming over from Australia to spend Christmas with her. We are looking very festive here and Maggie has some pressies too!

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  10. It’s been in the 20s here until around mid-day when it creeps up to freezing or a bit more. I’ve been a big fan of fleece for years (when will someone make fleece undies???!! haha). I wear fleece-lined moccasins in the house almost year-round. This coming week we have 50s including for Christmas Eve and Day. Strange winter so far (of course). I’m an Amazon Smiler too – such a great (and easy) way to contribute. We will only be “peoply” here on Christmas Eve and Day for meals – no parties for us – and QUIET the rest of the time we’re not shoveling huge meals down! I wish you a fabulous and not too peoply holiday……….!

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too)

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  11. It was darn cold the last few days. So glad temps are warming for the holiday week – makes pet sitting a whole lot easier. I know folks want a white Christmas, but I’m thrilled to have no white until the holiday is over.

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