Random 5 for September 15 – Makeup, smells, old days, mice, winter

This is my window box blooming it’s heart out!

No makeup look – Lately a lot of celebrities are sporting a “no makeup” look. I was interested because that’s me almost all the time. Since I’ve retired there is no point in clogging my pores. They don’t wear eye makeup but their skin looks perfect – no discoloration or splotchiness. Hmmm…perhaps if you have laser treatments, makeup is optional. I also noticed that most had patent leather lips. Had to be lip gloss of some sort. No one is born like that. #falseadvertising

Eau de French fry – We went out to eat twice this week. Both times the food was good but the cooking exhaust fans weren’t working well enough. Both times I left smelling like a French fry. Not that I don’t like fries but I’d rather eat them than wear them. My fake leather purse also smells like fries. #pee-eau

Time capsule – I found a 1981 edition of Time magazine in my cat file. It was interesting to read. There were articles on the old Reagan era politics and ads for typewriters, booze and cigarettes. Lot of cigarette ads. Gosh those stud muffins were gorgeous! Aside from the shoulder pads, I liked the fashions better. The colors were prettier although you can’t beat today’s fabrics. Sadly the magazine is getting recycled. #oldtimesyes

Performance review time – There was a mouse in the mousetrap. Humane mousetrap, of course. He was re-homed to the neighbor’s yard. I knew there was a mouse in the house because I personally caught one about a month or so ago. They come here in pairs and we hadn’t caught the other one yet. Morgan (our mouser cat) was interested but not working hard enough. We will have to talk about this. She has one job (two, if you count being cute) and she’s not getting it done. #sleepingonthejob

Maybe it’s time – We have started the fall clean up and prepping the pond for winter. The weather is mild but one day it won’t be. For me it’s a sad time. It’s not like opening everything up. There is a lot of work and hard decisions. Pull stuff out now while the weather is pleasant or wait until it is freaking cold to work outside. #needacrystalball

So how was your week?



70 thoughts on “Random 5 for September 15 – Makeup, smells, old days, mice, winter

  1. I always wear lipstick when I go out, and that’s about it. I never really learned to do eye makeup, and now I don’t have the skill or the eyesight to do it.

    I’m not sure what was in style in 1981. As an expat in the Philippines, we had our own styles depending on fabric our husbands brought back from their business trips and the styles we drew for the dressmakers to put together–lots of colorful summer dresses, many of them long. It was lots of fun.

    I love your window box!

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    • I’m the same way with eye makeup although I’ll make an attempt for a fancy event. The good news is that I don’t have any fancy events anymore! 🙂 I spent a month in Hawaii and comfort was the style with beautiful prints on summery dresses. I’d love to dress like that all the time. I find a lot of the current clothing colorless and dull. Muted tones, almost all neutrals. Back in the day people wore things that were attractive for their body shape. Now they wear anything and sometimes it’s just not pretty.

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  2. That is a gorgeous window box! You have master level gardening skills!

    This year I am looking forward to fall and winter. I did not enjoy the summer and just want to close the door on it. Of course I didn’t do any plants, so I don’t have to think about that aspect.

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  3. The autumn cleanup keeps nudging me to get with it. So far I’ve managed to resist the temptation to give in. I know I need to, but just can’t seem to muster up. Then again, the weather is still in the low 90’s-not exactly conducive to putting the beds to bed. BTW, your window box is fabulously glorious. So jealous. I love seeing beautifully trailing flowering plants hanging from a planter.

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    • I couldn’t do it if it was 90 here. We are in the low 70s with a drop at night so it’s much easier to pull. The window box worked this year. Some years it’s better than others. I changed plants as one half gets a lot more shade than the other half. Makes for lopsided blooming.

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  4. I love your window box, Kate! It’s so cheery! And I am really impressed with your attempt to “re-home” a mouse! I like to think of myself as humane, but apparently, given my record with rodents, I am not. Shame on me!

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    • We have re-homed 3 in the past week. This is the time of the year when they come in. We put them all in the same spot so hopefully they can find each other. We have a large water reservoir in back of our property so we put them back there (not really in the neighbor’s yard!).


  5. I used to come home from the diner smelling of grease – a pleasant smell, that was a mixture of bacon, sausage and burgers.

    Before the diner, I worked a few weeks at a KFC before they discovered I would not be there full time in the Fall (I told them I’d be starting school and only available part-time – they didn’t pay attention) … I would come home reeking of fried chicken. This is because in those days, after the chicken was fried and taken out of the deep fryer, it was then put into these huge warming ovens on trays, sorted out by pieces (all the keels on one tray, wings, drums, ribs, etc. all had their own trays) … you had to open the tray and look into it and take your “grabbers” to get the pieces to fill the meal boxes/buckets. It was a problem for me as I wore wire-rimmed glasses at the time – they’d steam up and I couldn’t see anything for a few minutes, so I had to grab the pieces quickly before I couldn’t see a thing. The chicken smell went into my hair and skin and I’d walk in the door and had to take my clothes downstairs and wash them or risk stinking up the house with the smell.

    Don’t forget to put a board over your pond so the heron does not help himself to the fish in the pond like last year.

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  6. Oh, your window box is perfect! Such a house accessory. Always wanted one, but all I get are screams of “In this climate? Dirt up against the house? Mold. Mildew. Termites.” Sigh. Unfair you have a pond too…(at the next house I own…..)
    No make-up…just tinted…heavily tinted?…sunblock perhaps, but the lips are so another story. You’re right false advertising.
    Here you could have sold that vintage magazine – people collect/decorate/frame with the most unusual things. I miss the days of high fashion designers and styles ( and the searches we made for something similar in our price range). Today’s fabrics are great but miss that elegance that was.
    I guess it’s the shorter days, but some of the tropicals – while still blooming in the heat – are also signaling a shift to fall/winter gathering of resources by discarding yellowing leaves.
    Fall already?


  7. Your window box flowers are really beautiful, Kate! Funny you mention stars without makeup: we’re in the middle of watching “Prime Suspect” right now, and my wife has been on a Helen Mirren tear lately because of it (it’s the second time around for me, but her first time seeing it). Just yesterday she showed me some recent pics of her without makeup. I thought of your blog because you’ve mentioned Helen a bit here. – Marty

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  8. Oh dear, you should’ve called the guys from American Pickers, they may have liked that antique Time Magazine. Ads for typewriters. Wow. I would’ve liked to have seen that. The IBM electric ones with that backspace automatic white-out were the best. But, if you found the typo after it was finished, you were outta luck and had to start all over. Thank God I don’t go back further than that and never had to type on those manual ones where you had to slam each key.

    Good luck with the weather-proofing.

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  9. I said when I retired that I’d go without makeup but I got tired of looking at my “monotone” face every morning AND looking a bit like I’d been dead a few weeks. I have never had ANY natural color in my face so I need SOMETHING so I use a bit of makeup. One thing I haven’t done that I thought I would though is color my hair to get rid of the grays and instead I’m kind of enjoying the gray. Teddy hasn’t ever tried to catch a mouse but he’s good at skinks. They come into our garage and he “eliminates” them quite efficiently! Old mags are fun – I have one from my birth month/year and it absolutely makes me feel ancient when I look at it – prices in particular! WOW….we’ve come a long way baby!

    Hugs, Pam

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    • Good for you! I wear makeup if I’m meeting up with people but other than that I have a tinted sunscreen and that’s it. I’d love to be able to wear eye makeup because that’s what I really could use! We don’t have skinks (at least I don’t think so. If we do we call them something else.) The trap caught another mouse last night. That’s 2 for the trap and 0 for Morgan. She must be easing into retirement.


  10. Hah! I am a big fan of the “what? I just woke up looking like this” look these days. My “flawless” complexion and “rosy good health” needs a bit of help to get that way before I get out the door for work each morning. But on the weekends now (and I think for upcoming retirement as well) I will be sporting the au natural (I mean REALLY this time) look most days. But I do love playing with makeup (the frustrated artist in me I suppose) so maybe not? I’m interested to find out.


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    • Retirement is a whole new thing. I thought I would sleep in but found that my internal clock was set permanently. There were things I thought I would do but haven’t yet (after 8 years) and other things that I accidentally did and liked. The best part is that no one is directing you. Don’t like something, you can stop doing it!

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  11. Ha, my lazy cats don’t know what a mouse is. I do occasionally get one in the garage. Sometimes I can trap it and sometimes it outsmarts me. They are very clever and can eat peanut butter right off the trigger without setting it off.

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  12. Your window box is gorgeous! Our week has been very windy. I have been fighting the dry eye. I use very little makeup and I have never worn eye makeup so that’s something I don’t feel sad over. I’m missing Fall. It’s hard to believe you are preparing the pond for winter. It seems like summer just flew by. Morgan is in training for mousing… laughing!

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    • I think Morgan is in training for retirement! Yesterday was a bad dry eye day for me but I blamed it on too much screen time. So far fall has been pretty good. Mid 70s to low 80s with low humidity. Just like spring and early summer should be! The window box is tough. Half is in shade and half in sun. You may not notice it but the left geranium is not blooming like the right one. Nothing I can do about it.

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  13. Our cat Nami brought home a dead mouse on Sunday. I hope it came from the back yard and wasn’t from the house, but neither of them told me. Tuesday, she brought in a dead snake. She’s working overtime! I explained that snakes like that one were helpful and next time, give it a break. I think she was offended that I did not appreciate the offering. We’re just glad none of the dogs chose to eat it. 🤮

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  14. I sport the no makeup look just about every day too. I really don’t think I look very different either way (although without a little help, I have almost no eyebrows anymore, so there’s that). Not sure what patent leather lips look like but I’m pretty sure I don’t have them… more like wrinkled and cracked Naugahyde.

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  15. That is quite the random title, Kate:) The time capsule made me extra smile. My daughters were making fun of me (in a loving way, of course:) when they commented on a pair of shoes displayed at our museum a few years ago. Lo and behold, the next item in the display was a Cabbage Patch Doll. Not much was said after that:) It sounds like Morgan is on probation for awhile😊

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  16. You saying about an old magazine……….. this isn’t exactly the same but last time we looked at a TV magazine, we were surprised that there appeared to be nothing new! One of the many reasons we gave up having a TV (in 2007!) was because nothing interested us. Guess we’re boring people, though some people still find us a novelty!

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  17. Those old magazines are a treasure trove of outdated ideas. I like to see the ads if for no other reason than to congratulate myself on making it this far in life, often because I didn’t buy into what the ad was trying to sell me.

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