Weird Wednesday, Weird Week

We haven’t seen much of this! I think the sun is drinking maitais with my muse in the tropics.

It’s summertime, my favorite season. Starbucks has S’mores fraps and the fruit tastes amazingly like fruit. Out with the heavy fleece clothing and in with the new tee-shirts. So why am I feeling like I was hit by a truck and totally devoid of energy.

I’ll blame the weather. Everyone blames the weather. (Rainy dreary week here with insane humidity) It’s an easy target and performs so poorly much of the time. Some people blame their parents or something that happened but that’s not the reason either.

Sometimes you just feel like crap. You can’t put your finger on it but it’s there. It’s inside. You can have the same set of circumstances at another time and be on top of the world.

There are things I can do (besides drugs). I can get extra mocha lattes or a margarita (at the proper time of day of course). Cuddle the cats. That works until I stop cuddling. Buy shoes. I always did retail therapy when I worked but the joy in that is fading. No place to wear the new stuff. I wonder what the other grocery shoppers would think if I shopped in a prom gown with shoes that are teetering! (A fallen old lady in inappropriate clothes never looks good!)

This time I went to the library and picked up a ridiculous book. I love Evanovich or Fluke for a good pick me up. It’s therapy. Cheap therapy.

Stephanie Plum makes me laugh out loud. Literally. She’s insane and inane and all the characters are too. Ranger makes my ovaries produce estrogen. That’s a miracle.

Fluke’s character makes me want to bake cookies. Sometimes I do and I’m always surprised at how peaceful and soothing baking is for me. I need people to eat it as the beloved husband does not eat desserts except for chocolate chip cookies.

I can re-read the books and get as much pleasure out of them. I giggle at all the same spots and when I finish, I feel a joy that only laughter can bring.

My last sure fire therapy is to visit a garden center. Cheaper (as long as I don’t buy anything) than a psychiatrist and as effective.

What do you do when your muse is on vacation in the Bahamas drinking umbrella drinks at the pool bar (and didn’t take you along!)? What makes you happy?


73 thoughts on “Weird Wednesday, Weird Week

  1. I do the garden center thing also but it always ends up costing me, though as you say, it is less expensive than therapy. Visited there yesterday, came home and planted, In the rain!

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  2. I finally bought an Evanovich book before my trip to New Jersey for my grandson’s graduation. I thought it would be appropriate. I didn’t realize Stephanie Plum would be so funny. I started with book one, so now I have lots of Evanovich books left to read.

    You don’t have to be depressed to feel lacking in enthusiasm, and I definitely have those days when I’m lacking any spark at all. So what do I do? Sometimes I just plug along following the same old routine. And yet, there are many ways regain enthusiasm: going outside, especially on a sunny day, listening to good music, shopping for fun and talking to the shopkeepers, chatting with a neighbor, taking a ferry ride, visiting an art gallery.

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  3. I just love summer, even with bad weather. I think it’s just a holdover from childhood. I’ve had some things going on that drain me a little, and we head to the coast and take long walks and have taco lunches and maybe a cold beer! Even for a quick afternoon walk at the beach is therapeutic. Funny how it turns things around, even if just temporarily. I need regular visits to the ocean to just re-set my balance. Margaritas are a good idea, too, though, Kate. 🙂 I have some pretty margarita glasses…shall I bring them when I come over?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, bring them along. I love the beach. A long time ago at a testy time in my life, I went to the beach for a week with my girlfriends. I remember the feeling of weight lifting off my shoulders as we got there and felt the weight come back on when we went home. That convinced me that I really should live by the ocean.


  4. I read. I walk outside and/or hang out with my pets. If I have the energy, we go camping. No energy? Adult coloring while I listen to a lecture on YouTube. I’m sure you’ll think of a few more!


  5. The older I get the end of the day and the end of the workweek beckons me and puts a smile on my face like never before. The thought of four days at Fourth of July makes me giddy. (Especially if it doesn’t rain. We have not had three days of sunshine in a row since April 1st through 3rd.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t think we have either. Here and there a nice day. Maybe two in a row. Since I’m retired, every day is a holiday. I prefer weekdays because people are at work and it’s easier to shop or do errands but I remember the joy of weekends.

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      • I try to shop on weekdays too before I start work. At night there is too much going on in the store parking lots and I’m talking about 5-6 at night – I never go out at night.
        I am not big on crowds and if you don’t go to the grocery store in the early a.m. on a weekend, it is way too crowded for me.

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  6. Living where I do I don’t care much for summer. Way too hot and humid…even rainy days are hot and humid with no nice cool breezes. Makes for some pretty miserable walks even when I start out at 7am. You would think that after 40 years I would just stay indoors with the A/C on. If I had been a better money manager and saved some, in the summer I would live where I grew up and where I am now the rest of the year.

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  7. I guess my go-to therapy is a good book or just wasting time on my computer or iPad. Fortunately, we don’t get much humidity here so I don’t have that to content with. We are still in our June Gloom season (I feel sorry for tourists who plan a SoCal Vacation before late July), so the sun has been playing hide and seek… mostly hide.

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  8. At least you know what the remedies are. Blogging makes me happy and eating chocolate chip cookies. Shopping too. Maybe I do know my own remedies for a funk. I hope you climb out of yours and are you again soon.

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  9. Hi Kate, I used to sit at the keyboard and play if something was on my mind or getting me down. These days I like a walk, either to the park or beach with the dog, though she’s slowing down and I don’t like to push her too far. Food has always been an outlet, so I’d batch bake and freeze. Best not to do that now, so I go creative with my cards. Thinking about the ‘C’ word as I don’t have any made up, but loads of papers and trimmings!

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  10. I for one would love to see you wear a prom gown with high heels whilst shopping at the grocery. But short of that kind of thing, I find that garden centers and city parks help me find muse again. Plus there’s something about binge-watching a show on Netflix that takes me out of my own head for a while- and when I return there’s an idea there.

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  11. I’m glad you were able to get a laugh at those books. When I’m feeling yucky and need a pick-me-up, I sometimes put on my favorite comedies of all time. Dick Van Dyke Show with Mary Tyler Moore. Everybody Loves Raymond. Or, my favorite comedies, Arthur, Defending Your Life, Bruce Almighty or Bedazzled. A bad habit of mine when I’m down is heading for chocolate and possibly eating an entire batch of cookies or brownies. Baking is nice, but then I’d eat it all.

    Weather here has been chilly for June.

    Hope you’re able to continue to perk up (but not too perky, those people are over the top. ;-)).

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  12. Baking is a good pick-me-up, but the calories mean it’s a waistline let-me-out. Usually chatting with a friend or sister is good, too. Seeing the rescue stories on Secret Lives of Dog Catcher’s FB page is always lovely. Just don’t wear mascara while reading unless you want to cheer someone else up with raccoon eyes.

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  13. Gloom and humidity are in my weekly forecast as well. Even air-conditioning can’t zap it all out of the air unless I set the thermostat for 60 and then have to rob a bank to pay my electric bill! I am a member of Pogo, so when I can’t think – or want to quiet my brain from thinking too much – I get online and play games to pass the time. That, and napping.

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  14. The humidity hasn’t caught up with us yet and hopefully will get stopped at the border and refused entry this year). The bonus is that we’ve actually had a couple of nice days strung together. What a nice change from all the rain!!

    I know what you mean by some days just feeling ‘off’. For me it can be either bitch mode activated or borderline tears for no apparent reason. Neither are fun.

    Hope you find your muse again soon. I think mine might be with yours. She’s an unreliable little princess at the best of times.

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  15. Humidity is ugly here. Need swim fins if you leave the house. I got a funk and I was just browsing B&H for a new DSLR. SSNS burst my bubble when he told me an easy way to move an edited picture from my laptop albums to Instagram. Brightened things a bit. I have a cantaloupe in the fridge that is “drip juice down to your elbows” delicious.

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    • Bought a cantaloupe yesterday. Letting it sit to cut up later today. I bought beautiful sweet smelling peaches that will not soften. That was a fail. I’ve had the best watermelon in years in the past couple of weeks. It’s early for local fruit but the Florida and other southern fruit has been great.

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  16. Summers are just one big exhaustion for me…work load is insane this week. And car out of commission to boot, making things twice as hard. For amusement? Play with Gracie and the kittens. And look forward to next week, which is actually a quiet one for me. Woo hoo!

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    • It seems like everyone is on vacation this week. Maybe people take off right after the kids get out of school and before the summer camps start. Looking forward to seeing more with Gracie and the kittens. They are more her energy level than your older ones.


      • Yes, the kittens are definitely Gracie’s speed. And you’re right about travel. We get overwhelmed each June the second school gets out, and then things level out a bit. Looking forward to this week being completed!

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  17. My whole life has become weird…not just my week! Evanovich and Fluke are such a wonderful escape from the real world. I wonder if they know how much pleasure and relief they provide for us. However, for me it is Morelli!
    Another friend has posted a Noah’s Ark flag in front of her house! A neighbor is putting an inground pool in her yard…With all this rain I think that flag is going to have fly over the pool! I am thinking about posting an ad in the help wanted section….Sun needed…responsibilities just shine!

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  18. Evanovich is a huge fave here – I’ve read them all – multiple times. We’re sick of humidity/rain/mosquitos here too. The only one who likes this weather is my cat – I get hubby to take him out on his leash though because he doesn’t mind slathering up with mosquito repellent and I find that repellent too repellent to slather on myself! I’m thinking I might try the “inappropriate dressing” as self-entertainment…..I don’t have a prom dress from the good old days but I do have my wedding dress! I’d stand out at WalMart don’t you think?

    Hugs, Pam

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    • At WalMart maybe not too much! 🙂 I hate mosquito repellent too and right now the outdoors is one big incubator for them. I didn’t even complain about the bugs but they are annoying too. We’ve been getting ants again (around the cat food) so I have to be vigilant and pick up the dishes as soon as they finish. I also caught a mouse yesterday in the basement. Even the mouse is tired of the rain!


  19. I take myself off to the library (my weekly fix) or write a letter! We had the rainest May on record in Kansas and then had some nicer days and last night it rained again but this time it was welcome. I didn’t have to water the flowers and the corn probably grew a couple inches! It hasn’t got really hot/humid here yet. Supposedly we are to have a cooler than average summer. Okay by me.

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    • I don’t mind cooler than average but the amount of rain and dampness is getting me down. On the bright side, we don’t water anything but the window boxes and even those not every day.


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