Random 5 for November 18 – Storm, injury, plumbers, luck, snow camel

The back yard

Whoa! Crazy week indeed! – Winter has crashed our party! We had our first (unseasonably early) snowstorm. The predictors said one to three inches and we got eight. No one was ready. Ten minute commutes took hours. People slept on our local interstate, stuck in traffic. Here at the ranch, the beloved husband got caught with his magnificent snow blower still in the shed at the back of our yard under all that snow. There was some grumbling.

In addition – He had pulled a muscle in his shoulder so he had been treating it all week. Shoveling snow was not on the recommended list of activities. Oops! (No worries though. He got the snow out of the way so his wife could have her Starbucks! Whatta guy!)

Plumber’s crack? – Earlier in the week, the plumber came in for his part of the bathroom rehab job. I was pleasantly surprised to see a guy in his twenties. Kids are not going into these specialty professions and there is a lot of money in them (at least from the bills). He was attractive and did not have a plumber’s crack when he bent over. (Yes, I did check.) 

Good luck club – I had dinner with some girlfriends. We do it monthly and seem to pick the bad weather day. We have been rained out (torrential rains!) and snowed out. I couldn’t believe our good luck in dining the evening before the storm. For that reason and having a really good night on Jeopardy (teen challenge week), I thought it would be prudent to buy a lottery ticket. Sadly my luck had run out and there was no winner.

This photo was floating all over. I believe someone took it with a cell phone and submitted it to our local media.

Funny story of the week – During our major snowstorm there was a camel being transported to a working gig but the truck got stuck on a hill. The driver decided to unload the 1200 lb. camel, get it up the hill and then reload. People saw a camel walking along a major highway in a snowstorm in Pennsylvania. The camel did not make it to the gig as the owner decided to turn around and go home. No camels were harmed in this story but it gave folks a giggle. The joke is that you are more likely to see a camel in a snowstorm here than a snowplow.

So how was your week?

63 thoughts on “Random 5 for November 18 – Storm, injury, plumbers, luck, snow camel

  1. Ha. Yes, a camel is more likely than a plow. Funny post. We’re going to hire someone to come plow our driveway this year. We only got two inches from that storm that hit you. It’s almost all melted now.

    Wish I lived near you so I could hire that plumber when we redo our bathroom. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The snow was very pretty but you are soooo right about the bad roads. A 20 minute commute took my nephew 2 and 1/2 hours! My other nephew took even longer. Yes a camel sighting is definitely more possible! I could understand if this snowstorm had struck suddenly BUT we had warning, apparently Penn dot was sleeping!
    Sorry about the hubby! But wonderful that you could still get your Starbucks 🙂 The important things in life!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My usual 15-minute commute home from work lasted 3.5 hours. The roads were treacherous, but no worries, the asses were still out in full force making U-turns in the middle of the road thinking they were getting ahead.
    I loved the camel story, his name is Einstien!
    Sorry to hear about your hubby, hope he feels better sooner rather than later.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry you got stuck in it. Staying home in bad weather is one of the perks of being retired. I used to laugh when retired folks canceled appointments when bad weather was predicted. Now I’m one of them! 🙂 There are Einstein tee-shirts. Didn’t take long to monetize that event!

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  4. There’s something oddly funny about not being able to get to the snow plow, but please don’t tell the Beloved that someone commented on that. I can (sort of) feel his pain. Sorry for the early snow. I remember praying as a kid that it wouldn’t come till mid-December. – Marty

    Liked by 1 person

    • We rarely got off for snow when I was a kid. I remember trudging through deep snow to get to the bus stop and once slipped under it when I missed the step. There was something ironic about him mowing and Tuesday and having to haul out the snow plow on Thursday!

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  5. It is definitely good to see the young people getting into the specialty trades – there will always be a need for plumbers and electricians and so on, and it is definitely good money. Sorry to hear about your DH’s shoulder, but what a great guy to clear the snow for you 🙂 Snow Camel has been all over the news – Love those wacky stories!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was my first thought too. Who would take a camel out when the roads were like that? When I heard the whole story (which dominated our local stations) I felt better. Everyone who saw it said he was very calm. Can’t imagine walking alongside a heavily traveled road in a snowstorm and staying calm but then again, I’m not a camel.

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  6. That snow was crazy, but it was lots of fun watching Gracie see snow for the first time. She loves it. She loves everything, except being kept in her play pen. She is currently barking up a storm and being completely ignored.

    Liked by 1 person

    • She is completely spoiled! I always love when a young pet sees snow for the first time. Morgan still goes out on our screened porch. There was snow there this week and she was all about smelling it. Gracie on the other hand, looked out, turned around and bolted back into the house.

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  7. Our snow has already melted as if it were a bad dream. More will come I’m sure, any minute. Sorry your Mister hurt himself. Tell him it happens to all great athletes and I think shoveling snow and playing gee-tar, are both considered sports.

    Never heard that camel story before. Will file it.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Kate, to you and all those, paws and all, you love.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The predictions were so far off. If the camel owner had known there was that much snow coming I doubt that she would have ventured out. Locally the camel was the feel good story of the week. His name is Einstein and he was very calm.


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