Random 5 for November 4 – Time, humor, library, holidays, books

About the clocks – It’s that weekend. Everyone complains except me. If we didn’t fidget with the clocks in the spring we wouldn’t get that extra hour of evening sunshine during the summer. However, when it comes to resetting my car clock, this says it all. We have replaced house clocks with atomic clocks. They reset automatically on Atomic time. Glorious. If only I could have that in my appliances.

Humor – I love businesses with a sense of humor. Especially in these politically correct days. I recently saw an auto repair sign posted on Facebook that said “Pumpkin spice oil changes – limited time only.” It was also noted that they were gluten-free. I’m sure some will take offense but I think it’s hilarious!

Parking argh! – I joined the local library in the summer. It’s in the city with a small parking lot (very small) and some street parking. All summer I had no problem finding a spot in the lot. I’ve been there three times since September and had a hard time finding a place anywhere to park. I thought it would be busier in the summer when people are off and kids are out of school. Not sure what happened.

Already? – Last Christmas I made some notes on stuff I wanted to buy or change before I started to decorate for Christmas. My reminder came up this week. It’s hard to believe it’s already time to at least think about what I need. I know Hallmark started their Christmas movie marathon but it’s early for me.

Vote! – Finally this Tuesday is voting day here in the US. I am anxious to see an end to the TV ads and other marketing ploys. This election season I read more books seeking to avoid TV. I want to keep it up. If only I can find a dang parking spot!

So how was your week?



78 thoughts on “Random 5 for November 4 – Time, humor, library, holidays, books

  1. LOL at pumpkin spice oil change!!
    So glad the election is over and now just waiting for the positive change to happen that hopefully the election brought about!
    I was wondering why I hadn’t seen any posts from you lately. They hadn’t been showing up on my reader. So it finally dawned on me to check out your page and Voila! You have been writing, hopefully it was just a crazy glitch with WordPress and will be OK now!

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  2. I don’t like it getting dark so early, but I do like waking with the sun peeking out. I think switching back and forth is just ridiculous and I can’t figure out why it hasn’t been standardized by this time in our history. I’m very sorry for your parking situation! I have to circle at our library quite often, too. I have made peace with e-reading, something I didn’t think I’d ever really enjoy. But the library app is so fantastic I have more books to read at any one time than I can actually read. And no more trips to the library. 🙂

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  3. I hate hate hate changing clocks – it’s not a Time change – Time doesn’t change – only silly humans fascinated by marketing or on human power trips try to tell us we can alter Time as we wish and choose. It’s a bad deal for everyone and should stop…looking for a candidate offering that HAHA (or moving to AZ…no, not likely…away from border not closer….)
    Even our library is still packed. ,Some kids are told by parents to walk there until they can get off work and pick them up. The kids do homework – some of the libraries recognizing the problem have kid book clubs and stuff after school. It’s probably a good thing libraries are busy…or cities would use lack of attendance/ relevance as a reason to cut budgets/close them. (But it is annoying to have to park way out and hike in…more annoying not having something to read instead of watching the clowns on TV)
    I love the sun dial and the pumpkin auto humor!

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  4. Cute cartoons! I still haven’t changed the clock in the car and the one in the living room that’s hard to get down and even harder to get to stay up. I should get a different hook. The appliances don’t bother me.

    I like a good funny ad. Flo and her “sister” crack me up. (the insurance ad)

    I’ve ordered my Christmas cards–small first step.

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  5. 1) I can’t get over how fast Christmas gets here every year.
    2) I saw that same oil change sign in my area. Thought it was pretty funny.
    3) Our library in Florida had a small parking lot like what you described. I would only find a spot if I arrived between 9am and 10am. I think what happens is that with school back in session, students use the library for study hall. Especially since they have free wi-fi and other technical equipment.
    4) I posted on facebook that I think people who vote early should be able to press a button on their TV’s that stops the ads. I voted yesterday (Sunday) at my local library that has a huge parking lot which was filled to capacity due to people voting early!!

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    • I wish I could vote early. Today (Monday) is the first time that I was bombarded with a political ad on my oldies radio station. It was vile and wrong and at the end they said it wasn’t affiliated with any party. However, all the candidates they crucified were from the same party. I will be so glad when it’s over and I want that button! The high school is in walking distance of the library but the school has it’s own library on premises. I have to ask.

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    • You have my vote. I heard a political ad on my oldies radio station. They don’t usually play those. Anyhow it totally dissed on party but at the end said they weren’t affiliated with any party. As if I would believe that! Not sure what’s going on at the library. Next time I’m asking the check out person.

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  6. I thought I was the only one who left the car clock. I used to have a cheat sheet with my last car but this car I just leave it as is. I figure I’m never in the car longer than an hour, I turn on the all-news station and they give the time every 3 – 4 minutes and I spend more time in the car in the DST months. I haven’t adjusted my clocks yet – enjoying that extra hour when I look at the current time but will set the alarm clock before bed. I left it as is last night since I had errands and grocery shopping this morning … I have 8 clocks to set, none of them set themselves.

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  7. I love your random 5 posts. Several of our clocks died over the last year, which made last night easier. I reset six clocks in the house, the rest taking care of themselves. I skipped the Danish clock. It insists on declaring the time in 24 segments, and I was too tired to do the math just before going to bed. Besides, I would have had to find the instructions yet again. Although the booklet is in English, the logic has a Danish twist. I ought to go look at it again and see if I failed to set it in the spring, making it correct now.

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    • Two cars ago required getting out the instruction book. Sometimes it would take me a month to change it. My new car is direct. There is a button for hours and one for minutes. No multi-tasking button hidden under something else. I love the atomic clocks. They are automatic so as long as I have the DST switched on it automatically resets it. Gotta love technology. (at least sometimes)


  8. Christmas seems to have sprung up overnight here. I learned the hard way a couple of years ago to stay under the radar with all things Christmas-y in November. Saks had just opened in Toronto a few months earlier and their windows were decorated for Christmas in the first week of November. I had taken a couple of photos and posted them on FB. I got flogged! According to those ‘friends’ who called me out, it was apparently in extremely bad taste for me to post a Christmas related photo before Remembrance Day.

    Where does all this PC shit come from anyway?

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  9. We have two branches of our public library that we like to visit; one is closer to our home but its parking lot has been undergoing a renovation since last spring, and they’re still not done. So we end up going to the second one more often, which has a built-in advantage that its near a beach. My problem is that whenever I make an online request, I always forget which location I’ve chosen. So we often end up going to both on some days. Oops. – Marty

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  10. We only had the stove and the Bose to change. We cancel out the time on the microwave. Haven’t changed our vehicle and it probably won’t be anytime soon, it’s smarter than us. We walked through the magic gate from our little Casa to the Walfart today and there was a HUGE blow up Christmas tree… just seems so wrong. 85 degrees here with a 74 dew point. Feels like 91 so they say. I have a Books-A-Million on the other side of the magic gate, I walk over, get a book, and sit and read. No parking and nobody has told me I can’t sit there and read. They have good frufru/frou frou coffee, too!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. The parking phenomena is a problem at my branch library too. Maybe because kids are in school and are doing research, I dunno? I generally just walk the several blocks to avoid it unless I’m off to the rec center. I wish they had a drive thru to return books.

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    • We have a return thingie (looks like a mail box) but you have to park although you can just pull over and run out. I wanted to pick up books so I needed to go inside. The school is just a few blocks away and it’s a city school so the kids don’t have cars. I go mid-morning. People should be in work or school! 😦

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  12. You wanna hear how weird we are in Arizona? We don’t. change.the.time. Nope, while the rest of the country is driving everyone mad, we just sit here the same time. But what is a pain is that while I won’t have to calculate 3 hours any more before I call Mom (only 2), I have to calculate to call my son because now instead of being the same time as California we will be an hour diff.

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  13. The stove I had in my old place was totally beyond me. I’d put a post-it note over the time for six months or my son or DIL decided to change it for me. In my new apartment I can actually change the time on the stove–whoohoo!

    I love the pumpkin spice oil change sign. 🙂

    I’ll be glad when the election is over with, too. Tired of all the ads. But will be watching results like it’s a presidential.

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  14. I’m usually up till midnight, and then back up around 5am. Last night I was tired and went to bed at 9:30. Let me tell you, that was a long night! I didn’t think 5am would ever get here. I had 4 clocks that needed set to the new time.

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  15. I have 11 clocks to change being a timeless collector so to speak. I was still up at 4 though it said 3 but my inner alarm wasn’t fooled.

    Xmas has already exploded here in the Big Apple. Santas line CVS’s window like an embarrassed chorus line because they even know, it’s too damned early.
    Any minute the Salvation Army bell ringers will be out singing along with their teeth chattering. Those that still have them, and…


    I feel like I have a great date on paper who will end up being a dud at the end of the night.

    But we will go anyway, cause ya just never know. SIGH

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  16. Good morning! In fact it is still morning either in DST or EST! I think it is foolish and time consuming (get it!!!!) to have to switch that hour back and forth. I’d love to stay and chat, but alas I have many watches and clocks needing my attention. Happy EST. 🙂

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  17. Library parking, maybe try a different time of day?
    Clocks, argh, I’d be happy if we just left well enough alone. Really, I would.
    Heehee, how about pumpkin spice propane tank refills, gluten-free holiday stamps?
    Thanks for posting. Your posts always make me chuckle.

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  18. Our clock in the car is quite easy to change, once I can remember how to get into the programme! At least I don’t have to go forward 11 hours to set it as I had to with the peugeot! House clocks, central heating, watches, all a doddle, except the one in the kitchen…… I can’t reach it! This week has been a bit of a game adjusting to the hour.

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  19. Our clocks went back here in England last week. There is always one I forget.I am very impatiently waiting for a new grandchild. It should arrive with a bang as is due tomorrow bonfire night.

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    • That is exciting! I hope all goes well. There is always one clock I forget too. Sometimes it takes me a few weeks to finally change the car clock and every time I get in the car I am jolted because I think I’m late.


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