Random 5 for November 12 – Phone calls, yarn, juncos, winter, weather

Old school – I hate making phone calls. I prefer sending an email or a text. I met up with my old exercise ladies this past week. Two of us emailed back and forth setting the date and place two months ago. The other planner called a few people and I gave the information verbally to a few. I didn’t have a lot of confidence that they would remember. I didn’t have contact info to follow up. No one I invited showed up. I don’t take these things personally. We had a nice group of five which is the right number if you want to hear everyone. I’ve gotten some phone numbers for the next one in January. Boogers. Deep in my heart I must be a millennial.

Does anyone really use it? – I bought a new sweater this week. It wasn’t expensive, just a cable crewneck. It came with a little packet of matching yarn. Does anyone really fix an unraveling sweater?

No, not snowbirds! – One sure sign of winter is when the Juncos arrive in our area. They are here until spring, eagerly waiting for dinner on my patio. A local friend had some in her yard. They haven’t make it to my full service restaurant yet. I’ll have some bubbly waiting for them.

Following up on winter – We had our first frost here. I woke up to ice around the edge of the pond and really cold temperatures. Fish were sluggish at the bottom and no frog to be seen.

Projections – I heard there’s a good chance we will have snow for Thanksgiving. It’s kind of funny. They can’t predict the weather for tomorrow but they are predicting two weeks out.

So how was your week?

52 thoughts on “Random 5 for November 12 – Phone calls, yarn, juncos, winter, weather

  1. It’s funny to even think of using that extra yarn! Who has time for that? You’re so funny with your millennial comment. With your great sense of humor I think you can find a permanent slot in the young lane!

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  2. I had to Google “Juncos” because I’ve never heard of them. I bet they’re in Michigan where I grew up too. But the only birds I cared about back then were blue jays and cardinals for some reason. I have had negative view about text messages for the last few years because I see them as excuses not to make a full effort. But I’m slowly coming around to the fact that in fact they’re how people want to communicate now. In your case, at least you’re using them for the opportunity to actually get together! – Marty

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    • Yes, I prefer face to face communication best. Text or email is an easy way to get there. I’m sure there are Juncos in Michigan. They summer farther north and winter here in Pennsylvania (which isn’t all that far south).

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  3. Are juncos just the cutest things? What a stupid name for them. How about chubby pretty birds? This one is gray and white like Perry and gray like your kitties (oops, we need to keep our guys and gals away from the birds!). I can’t remember if I told you that Sloopy Anne got outside the other night in the dark. I almost had a heart attack. I need to blog about it if I haven’t. See, I got so rattled I can’t remember anything now.

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  4. You’re a better woman than I, Miss Kate. The only time I’ve ever backed out of plans is if I got sick, and I always contacted the person/people in advance to let them know. I likely would not have been as cordial as you if I wasn’t awarded the same courtesy.

    Yes, winter has arrived here, too. After warm temps throughout October, it switched from summer to winter and skipped fall. 😛

    Have a great week ahead. 🙂

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    • Had it been more formal I would agree with you. I didn’t ask anyone to get back to me. We met in the lobby at the set time so we didn’t need reservations. I knew it would at least be my friend and me. These are really friends by association (old gym). I would expect more from real friends.

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  5. I hate talking on the phone too. I have a few friends whom – only because I really like them – I will call once in awhile because I know they like to chat. I always have to set aside at least a half-an-hour for this task (yes, I consider it a task). Sometimes I can get my husband to help me break away by (loudly, in the background) saying that we “really need to get going” so I can apologize and hang up. Texting is definitely my preferred mode of communication. Short and to the point.

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  6. There’s something nice about that little extra yarn, like they really care about their customer. A small thing that hasn’t fallen by the wayside. Makes me think of the Xmas cards I normally get from American Humane, that always included pretty stickers. Well, no more. Bothers me, so I ordered from Wildlife instead. Guess I showed them.

    I prefer email and texting since it’s less demanding and one can be brief without having to pretend someone’s at the door.

    And birrr…it’s freezing here in New York, my skinny body encased in so many layers I may tip over, but, it is November after all.

    Love the birds waiting to eat, like KATES is a four-star restaurant. Maybe they’re there for the Early Bird Special…:)

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  7. Don’t get me started on those who predict the weather. I have actually heard them say there will be NO rain (or snow, or sunshine) when it is actually the opposite! All they have to do is look out the window!!!

    I LOVE mending. I do it for my daughters’ and their kids are amazed! Buttons, tears, hems, I love them all!

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    • I like the phone when I was a teenager, then again when I was dating and the right guy called. Since then, not much. We all adapt the pieces of different generations that suit us. Not putting any money on snow for Thanksgiving myself.

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  8. It’s like the weather forecasters here — they predict rain a week in the future. Then they take it out of the forecast. Then it rains on the day they originally predicted. This has happened three times in the last few months.

    Good thing I obsessively check the weather daily.

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    • I am not obsessive about the weather unless there is an outdoor function coming up. We live near mountains the can change any prediction on a dime. Clouds get hung up or not. However, if I’m having an outdoor picnic, I’m as neurotic as when there is a super huge snowstorm coming and my Starbucks will be closed.

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  9. I kinda like a phone call because it seems a text, like comments on blogs, can be misunderstood. I like to hear a voice… 🙂 But a text is definitely useful and preferred when I want to keep it short or just tell CH to pick up a thing or two… like a bottle of wine and a pizza! Our Juncos arrived last week after a couple of 20 degree nights. The packet of yarn and extra buttons… never use them but I can’t toss them either!

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  10. The yarn is like the extra buttons I always have with me shirts. I never know what I’m supposed to do with them or where I’m supposed to keep them so I just put them wherever and eventually they disappear. Makes me feel less guilty.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I have a container full of buttons that I’ve had for decades. I feel guilty throwing them out but if a button is loose I repair it right away. I haven’t lost a button since I was a kid. The yarn baffles me as there are no buttons and I don’t know how you’d repair anything with 5 inches of yarn. I can send to you so you can put it in your black hole! 🙂

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