Yearbooks Part 2

After posting about my yearbook, some of you wanted to see the picture that did not look liked me. I figured out how to scan (it’s a big unwieldy book) but my problem was finding a full face comparison picture so you can tell it doesn’t look like me.

I once read that full face pictures are less flattering than 3/4 face pictures (taken from a side angle) so I stopped taking full face. I don’t have a lot of pictures of myself at all. Also, I’m a complete klutz when I take a selfie. I have pictures of chins and ear lobes or oversized noses (seriously, how does that happen?). I have found some photos and noted the year.

First picture is from May. No full face but you can get the idea.

Second picture is from Cancun with a vacation glow sometime during the 1990s. Notice no round face and longer bangs. (Did I mention my hair has a mind of its own?)

Last picture is from the yearbook. Notice the bizarre angle that was the rage at the time, full face and bizarre bangs (part of a new lousy haircut, one of many to come!). It’s a black and white shot so the coloring looks dark. My hair color hasn’t changed much over the years except for the time I dyed it red. (That is definitely another post.) 

36 thoughts on “Yearbooks Part 2

  1. I think you can be proud that your photos are really lovely and you’ve aged with what I term, “ease.” Unfortunately for some, all the hard knocks in life show on their faces as they age, but you still hold onto youth–it must be a result of your sense of humor! 🙂 The yearbook photo pose is a little stilted, but then again, it’s flattering. Maybe you can practice holding your head just that way and snapping a selfie! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    • My stepkids (they are triplets) had a photo from when they were toddlers. They got the hats and recreated the photo last summer. It was hilarious! I think most of my stress resides in my gut.


  2. Mom says yearbook pictures are supposed to make humans humble. She says that driver’s license pictures and passport pictures do the same thing. We just want to know what she’s doing with all the pictures of us. MOL!!!
    Stereo purrs………….Hemingway and Steinbeck

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  3. I do see the resemblance (you now and your yearbook photo). You’re cute in all three photos.

    When we had our fifty year reunion, I didn’t recognize lots of people by sight. But once they started talking, it all came back to me. Their voices and speech patterns hadn’t changed much.

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    • That happens to me a lot. Too much time. Hair color, weight, it all alters people. Sometimes I can tell by the gait or the mannerisms. I saw one of my close high school friends about 20 years ago. She was thin, small and blonde. She’s still blonde but has filled out (appropriately) and as she talked my vision of her as a teenager kept fading in and out. It was very bizarre.

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    • The really weird thing is that I have worn my hair long for most of my life except for my high school years and occasionally afterward. The picture from May was right after my last haircut so it creeping near my shoulders again. I don’t think I look good in short hair. I need chin length at least for balance. I am very jealous of those who can pull of a pixie cut. So easy. I’d look like a boy. (with wrinkles)

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    • There are three shots but I’m not assuming you meant one was bad! 🙂 I am not good at sharing photos of myself. They are never look like Meg Ryan who I am convinced I look like (in my mind).


  4. Such a neat post. It’s fun to look at how our hairstyles change over time. I’ve had some wild ones, haha! Thanks for sharing. 😉


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