Random 5 for August 6 – Aging, exercise, walks, dog poop, change

You know you’re getting old when – the beloved husband lets you borrow his magnifying glasses to remove a splinter. I didn’t even know he had something so powerful.

Getting re-acquainted — With my gym closing, I am in transition. Currently I am walking early in the morning (followed by my beloved mocha latte). When I worked I walked very early. I met the guys in the neighborhood walking the family dogs. My timing now is with older women like myself and a few soccer moms trying to get a jump on the day. Its new people and I always enjoy that.

Pacing — My walk is brisk. (I call it brisk, you might call it an amble or a stroll or an easy promenade, maybe even a crawl. It’s my blog so we call it brisk!) I find my heart rate is much higher than when I used the gym equipment. This will serve me well until I figure out the next exercise chapter.

Speaking of neighborhoods – We have a neighborhood website. It’s for newsy things that are happening here or suggestions for contractors. Last week we had a week-long exchange on dog poop. Some folks take their dogs for a walk, pick up the poop and then let the bag on someone else’s lawn. Why go to the trouble of picking it up if you aren’t going to dispose of it properly. People are crazy.

Excitement – I’ve started to turn a spare bedroom into a sewing/project room. I’m pretty excited about it. It’s very sunny and light. Not at all gloomy. I’m hoping I will do some of the sewing projects I’ve had on hold for….well…years.

So how was your week?

60 thoughts on “Random 5 for August 6 – Aging, exercise, walks, dog poop, change

  1. Enjoy that new studio creating space! As for NextDoor, don’t get me started. Today’s snowflakes won’t look anything up for themselves (the “find me a ____, give me 3 quotes, and can you schedule it for 2 weeks from today” rhetoric is not much of a exaggeration most days-sigh). Pretty positive these folks would never have survived the 80’s much less the 60’s! 😇

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  2. A room for yourself to create in is a great idea Kate. I’m cheering you on in this one! I had a clip on Fitbit for a couple of years. The technology is outdated now and they are not reliable…. so I went with an amazfit bracelet. Works great!!

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  3. I have fun reading Nextdoor, too. Lately the big talk on ours is a surge in coyote sightings and the concern that some people are feeding them! That’s crazy, but not nearly as crazy as picking up dog poop and putting it somewhere else! That really is bizarre behavior! Your new sewing room sounds very inviting!

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    • I live next to a nature preserve and we do get coyotes occasionally although I haven’t seen one lately. Yesterday morning around 8 a.m. on my walk I saw a beautiful large red fox run across my path. I was so fascinated. Folks in this area get all freaked out because they think critters will steal their 20 year old kids! 🙂


  4. Recently retired affords me the luxury of doing what I please. Havent gotten to the walk part yet – the knees are not so good – but found out my local community has things like chair yoga…plan to join. Its in the middle of a park, so may just decide to try those walks. Meantime have decided to declutter and changed my dining room/office into a dining room only and placed the office upstairs in a spare bedroom….looks nice!

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  5. Nextdoor is the latest incarnation of neighborhood social media bulletin board. There have been several over the past few years around here – we’ll see how long this one lasts. Part of the problem is like you say, adults can’t act like adults and use commonsense and basic politeness. When it gets ugly or too gossipy, people stop tuning in.
    What is the deal with not carrying the bags home? Gads, recently there’ve been blue bags pitched into trees..disgusting….these are blue – not invisible….and in trees! I’d like to think it was kids, but..
    It is funny about the different walking communities – you’d think there were assigned time slots. Molly knows when her friends are out and is ready to go…the problem is with all the rain – kids on skateboards, dog walkers, just walkers are all ending up out in the brief moments of no storms/ no baking sun and heat – it’s crowded. (which is OK except there’s this big black shepherd that had the nerve to growl and lunge at Molly when they first met – and she’s never forgotten and will never forgive and forget and guess who does the first lunge and growl now….)Better in cooler weather where everyone can go back to their spread out time slots HAHA

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  6. I too am creating a new craft room/office space…my first ever. I am hoping that having the craft stuff more accessible, I’ll actually do it more often (versus once a year, my past frequency!). Hope you keep us informed about yours to inspire me.

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    • Will do! It’s already getting “scope creep.” After moving out a bed, we noted how stained and worn the carpet is so it’s getting new flooring. I’d prefer hardwood for a room where I sew as threads have an annoying way of getting caught in carpeting. As with any DIY I’m sure there will be another post. Something has to go wrong.

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  7. I love my neighborhood walks! You may find that you don’t need much else in the way of exercise… maybe a little weight lifting.

    Good for you for creating a room just for your projects. I have a corner set up in my office for sewing – it makes it so much easier when it’s all set up and ready to go… no excuses 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • It will still have a bed in it for guests or the cats (for some reason they prefer to sleep on beds than the floor or any cat bed) but it will be more cheery. I am not a person who can work in the basement for any length of time. So…I have pants to hem and things to repair. I’m actually looking forward to getting stuff done.

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  8. The magnifying glasses seem quite practical to me these days.
    Yes–why do half the poop job? Good grief!
    Having a nice sunny sewing room sounds very fun and productive.
    Getting over being sick, so this next week will be a better one. 😉

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  9. Neighborhoods have changed so much since I was young. Back then we knew all the neighbors and visited a lot. Now, even though we’ve been here for 21 years it seems like I barely know anyone, especially if one family moves and another comes in. How exciting for your sewing room! Can’t wait to see pictures. I love my craft room!

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  10. So glad to read you walk and exercises on a regular basis! My dog walking attempts were thwarted when I tripped and fell hard…yep, broke a bone in my right hand. I blame the dogs, but it was probably my size 10s. No cast, but I have to wear a brace for a few weeks.

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  11. Hi, Kate – People abandoning their used dog/poop bags mid-street (or worse…on a neighbor’s lawn) drives me crazy as well. I agree, that action makes no sense at all! Good luck on finding your new gym.
    BTw – How is Hazel’s diet coming?

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  12. I’m excited to see your sewing room . . . that sounds like a great project.

    Walking is great ~ we walk 2 miles on the days we walk, interspersed with bike rides and water aerobics. I especially enjoy walking when the temps are in the 70’s ~ less so when they are in the 90’s.

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  13. My mom has been walking as rehab for the heart surgery she just had. We were talking the other day about how walking is such good exercise, but we tend to forget that. I need to walk more!!!

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  14. Oh, poop wars! Yes, we have those, too. Got some crazies on both sides.

    My dogs carry a pack. They carry poop bags and then they carry their own poop in their back pack/ saddle bags until we find a trashcan or get home. Unless your dog is old or infirm or an oversized mastiff, I think this is the way to go!

    Dogs might think differently, though.

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    • In my mind I’m picturing a donkey with enough supplies to last for 6 weeks going on your walks with you. The fact that the poop was already in the bag was surprising. A few years back I was walking in back of two women from my neighborhood. They had a dog and a bag of poop. One of the women was clearly freaking out with the prospect of “walking” around with it so the other put it on a lawn. I thought she would retrieve on the way back but that bag laid on the ground (in a neighbor’s yard) for 3 days.


  15. I wonder if our neighbourhood has a website? Not sure I’d want to know about it … probably lots of random bickering. With the temperatures suddenly dropping on Friday, I turned off the A/C and opened the windows to the sound of two neighbours literally screaming at each other.
    Ah – life in the city 😉

    Your week sounded pretty good – hope this coming week is a good one 🙂

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    • It’s through NextDoor. I had received an email invitation to join. Mostly it’s good stuff. The police and township post notices that are helpful. People post lost/found pets or ask for a contractor reference. There has been some postings about packages stolen from the porch (not near me) and cars speeding but most is innocuous. There was a neighborhood “ta-do” with an above the ground pool that wasn’t taken care of. Water was green and scummy hosing mosquitoes but a call to the township settled the matter. The homeowners got all perturbed and left the deflated plastic lining lying on the ground for the past month. They are not good neighbors for many reasons but that’s another post.


    • Yes, it’s the same site. One day this week someone posted about it being a place to exchange suggestions, ideas and information. Not a site to trounce on people. I’m always stunned that adults have to be told that.

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