Random 5 for July 16 – Pizza, blogging, followers, energy, weather

Notice that most of the cheese is light colored and not solid brown. Source: Plus One Pizza

Don’t mess with my pizza! – I love pizza. It’s my all-time favorite food. If the crust is good (no thin cracker crust for me please), I’m not fussy. This week we had it twice – once for a quick lunch and later in the week for an impromptu dinner. Both sucked big time. Two different places and they both burned it. The cheese was cremated. That alters both the flavor and texture and not for the good. How can you screw up pizza? At the pizza shop where we ate lunch, I have returned my slice a few times for being overheated (that’s a nicer word for burned). The other was a delivery that we didn’t look at until the guy had left. That won’t happen again. Question to pizza shop owners – How can you serve a burned pizza? It goes in the trash!

When it rains, it pours – Every year I stretch and take a guest post on another blog. This summer I did two and both were published this week. As a part of guesting etiquette, I respond to comments left by readers. I forgot how active this can get when you are bouncing between sites and comments. Thanks to all of you who took the time to follow me on my journey and thanks to the bloggers who allowed me to squat on their site.

Speaking of blogging – There are all kinds of followers. Some hover, never actively commenting but visiting occasionally. All good. There are the regulars who contribute as much with their comments as I do with the post. Then there are the shameless beggars. Those are the ones that “follow” and put one comment on a post, never to be seen again. The comment is along the lines of “nice one, please check out my blog at (insert long link) and follow me.” When the begging is longer than the responsive comment, it’s weird.

When my fantasy world and my energy collide – We are getting together with family today. It’s a small gathering and it’s specifically a “no work” get together. We talked about pizza or something else equally easy. The host is a great cook and decided to get creative. Whatever is being served takes three days to make. It sparked my creative side. I flitted from one side to another debating on what to make and take. At the end of the day, I’m staying with simple. It’s one of my Mom’s recipes but one of her simple ones. In my head I can see me making some exciting dishes but my energy says “what are you thinking?” And no it’s not pizza. After this week’s pizza disasters, I need recovery time.

Yikes! – There are two words to describe this week’s weather – swamp ass!

So how was your week?


51 thoughts on “Random 5 for July 16 – Pizza, blogging, followers, energy, weather

  1. I could definitely eat pizza every day. One of my all-time favorite foods. The only pizza I remember not liking was in a restaurant where they put globs of cheese here and there. It must have been cheese slices, not shredded, so it didn’t melt all over. I’m not even sure it was mozzarella. Sacrilege!

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  2. I hate to tell you, but my hubby makes a pretty good pizza! He experiments with it quite a bit, so every once in a while there is a dud. But more often it’s better than you can get delivered. I’m spoiled.

    I’ve never gotten the beggar comment…maybe they are in my Spam, which I never knew about until someone mentioned it on another post today. New learning! And the term “swamp ass”, too.

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    • Most of those commenters, if they include a link, end up in spam. However, if they don’t, they go in pending as a new commenter and that’s how I see them. Heard swamp ass for the first time last summer. Fell in love with it. It’s just a bit trashy!

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  3. I haven’t done a guest post in years for the exact reason you mentioned. The last time I did one I about lost what I have of a mind trying to respond to comments on a timely basis. If I were less conscientious I’d be better at guest posting, I guess. 😉

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  4. Swamp everything here! 105 heat index today. I know what you mean about those just looking for stats and followers. We get them in the forum world too. I follow those that I enjoy reading, like yours. I have been out of pocket the last few days, and trying to catch up with what’s going on with everyone. New meds knocked me for a loop. Great to be back though.

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  5. It is the season of the swamp! (I just want to hibernate until Oct…the real one…not fooled by the pumpkins and scarecrows already appearing in stores …maybe they think you’ll be confused by the extreme heat?)
    We have one good pizza place across the lake from us – but it’s crowded old house style and a bit expensive and only enjoyed more it’s cold enough to sit at the lovely table by their fireplace. So maybe I’ll go back to making my own again – stopped that when time became such an issue. Nothing more disappointing than bad pizza.
    That and not real “bloggers” who are faking it and are really businesses or the ones only after stats..
    I love corn fritters! My mom used to make those, too. (so maybe I should try those, too…when it cools of and I feel like cooking…Oct/Halloween?)

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  6. I’m with you on loving pizza and for me it’s all about the bread/crust, which is why it’s hard to order and bring home. It seems if it stays in the box for any length of time the crust is not as crisp and more spongy. Lately we’ve been buying the dough at a local pizza place and making our own.

    You’re right about the beggars, they are annoying. As are those who are only trying to sell or market stuff.

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  7. Burnt pizza – No thanks! That’s as bad as my “yes, you can have grilled chicken, oh wait NO we don’t serve grilled chicken anymore!” You just look at them or the pizza saying, “What were you thinking!”

    Yes, I love interacting in comments and I have seen my share of the “love your post, follow me at….” and then they disappear in the black hole of cyberspace.

    Have fun at your get together today. What was your Mom’s recipe? I like simple. 🙂 I too am curious as to what took 3 hours to make!

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  8. It swamp ass here as well Kate! I have had great pizza this week … my hubby makes it. We experimented on the Big Green Egg and it was a hit! I’m going to back track and see what I’ve been missing 💛

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  9. Love deep dish pizza but the hubby doesn’t so…I enjoyed reading your guest posts. I also found new people to meet that way. That’s what I think of blogging, meeting new people, although when the internet first made its appearance I used to tell the kids NEVER to talk to anyone they met online. They really threw that in my face when I started telling them about “people I met through the internet!” Have a great rest of the weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. LOL! Beggars!! Yes–that’s a perfect description! Please come follow me–bye. The generations of tweeters, I guess? Gathering followers just to count them.

    Nothing like good pizza! Three days? What is she making?

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  11. Although I love thin crust pizza, I completely agree with you about brunt pizza… what are they thinking?

    I also dislike the “great post… please follow me!” Comments. They get a big “NOPE” from me. I wonder what their ultimate goal is… just have a lot of followers? I much prefer quality over quantity.

    Stay cool!

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  12. Hi, Kate – I am delighted that mine was one of the blogs that you hosted this week. You were VERY popular! Thanks for responding so diligently to all comments. It was greatly appreciated. Keep us posted on what you bring to the gathering. (I was cheering for non-burned pizza)!

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  13. Blitzkrieg “likers” and “followers” remind me of Tinkerbell sprinkling Fairy Dust around and then zipping off to Never Never Land!”

    And pizza perfection does NOT include burnt crust or cremated cheese!

    Enjoy the gathering of the clan today, Kate. Let me know what took the host 3 days to make so that I can cross that recipe off my list! 😀

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  14. Ha, our weather is swampy-assed also. Very strange for Southern California.

    I can’t believe your pizza was burned twice! Maybe it’s the effect of the swamp-assed weather.

    I shall be using swamp-assed at least 4 more times today.

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  15. Swamp Ass is right … gross. Enjoy today because the rest of the week looks swampy again.
    Pizza MUST be right. We had a great shop near us that closed and I swear I’m still mourning the loss. Nothing after that has lived up to my expectations.

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  16. Normally the bloggers just begging for a visit are spammed by WP. I had a few this morning, but the were all in spam, so that’s fine. They obviously don’t take a look at our work, quite amazing really. 🙂 I must admit, taking care of our blog between extensive travels between three countries can be so time consuming that I mostly only have time pop in now and then. For me that’s fine, well it has to be fine, otherwise there’s no time for living outside the virtual world and the pressure kills the joy and takes away the pleasure of blogging. For us blogging is the only mean to get more in touch, mostly social media is hush-hush and away.
    I had a pizza with my friends in Norway the other day, well, it’s not my favourite these days. 🙂
    Wishing you a wonderful Sunday,
    Dina & co x

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