Random 5 for December 18 – Labels, memory, routers, search, errors

Not only brand printed but it has the washing instructions in words!

Not only brand printed but it has the washing instructions in words!

Here is a tag just for giggles.

Here is a tag just for giggles.

A woman on a mission – I bought a new sweatshirt. The neck tags drove me crazy (ok, so it’s a short putt). I took it off and looked at them. There were three tags (brand, size and washing instructions) and all were scratchy. Why would they put them there? Most care instructions are in the side seam these days. If I had a brand it would be stamped at the back of the neck or if that’s not possible, a nice soft satin tag sewn in so it didn’t irritate. I went through all my sweaters and cut them all out. (“Out you damn tag” – so said Lady Macbeth.)

What a doofus! — That’s me! I keep notes all week to write the Random 5. When I go to write the blurbs, I can’t understand the notes. It’s a collection of abstract words that are mean nothing. I stopped one-word notes years ago. There are at least 5 words and I still don’t remember my intent. *bangs head on desk*

New equipment – I hate any computer change. It never goes well. I’m required to learn new things. I forget to update the new passwords on my multi-page cheat sheet (almost as thick as the old Sears catalog). Something happens. We got a new router. All the reviews said it was easy to install. Technically it was. What you needed to do after hooking it up, was to visit their website and let it do it automatically. However… (There always is one!)…they don’t give you the website address. It took a phone call with the multi-layers of call routing to manage and the inevitable wait for a techie. All that took longer than the hook-up. All is good now.

Toe cleavage or piggy crack

Toe cleavage or piggy crack

Toe cleavage seriously? – One of the bloggers I follow mentioned what her top search phrase was for her blog. Out of curiosity I checked mine. It’s “toe cleavage.” I did an obscure post several years ago about it because at the time I didn’t know it had a name. Looks like there are more people who don’t know what it is. I hope they are not too disappointed.

Don’t let your fingers do the talking – Lately my mind and my fingers have been disconnected. I can think faster than I type. Add in auto correct which has no idea what I’m trying to say and I’ve noticed some of my comments are quite bizarre. If I left an odd note on your blog, please disregard. Sometimes when I reread it, I can’t figure out what I was trying to say (see item #2).

So how was your week?

37 thoughts on “Random 5 for December 18 – Labels, memory, routers, search, errors

  1. I have a good friend who’s a CPA. She went to work for a conservative company and was reprimanded for wearing pumps with… “toe cleavage.” Cost her quite a bit of money to downgrade her shoe collection to the frumpy shoes her new job required. She was not happy about any of this.

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  2. How do I find out about that search tag thing? Toe cleavage hahaha. Tags are a real problem for this peaful princess. I have these tops that sewed the label at both ends so cutting it is not an option. But I put a piece of Scotch tape over the label, and it works fine!


  3. The top search term on my site by far is insurance. I’m jealous you have something sexy even it’s a little odd. My neighbor’s router is toast and he needs to wait for his son to come visit to get him a new one, so I threw caution to the wind and gave him our WiFi password for him to connect his laptop to the Internet. Sometimes you gotta lend someone a hand.

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  4. I’ll take cleavage any way I can get it. I’m trying on all my boob shoes on your behalf.

    About notes you can’t decipher…welcome to the club. My vain explanation is, our agile minds, replete with fascinating insight, can’t keep up with our poky penmanship. Like that?

    And off with your tags. J Crew is the worst. They brand your neck II’m guessing, so you don’t go to the Gap.


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  5. LOL thanks for the smiles this morning! I hate the tags too and have ruined a few tops by cutting too close to the fabric. Thankfully I have longish hair that can hide the holes. I believe they did used to use some type of softer material in the past, now it feels like paper and the thread is like plastic! Sheesh! Usually I can read my notes, but sometimes I forget where I put them 🙂 I’ll have to figure out how to see what my top searches are, although I don’t think that many people read my blog to search for things anyway. I think that much toe cleavage is too much. I’d be afraid of some slippage. Have a great Sunday!

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  6. Tags drive me crazy as well. They are invasive! But, I have wondered why it is only in say the past 10 years that they are doing it to me. Were there not tags in my clothes when I was younger? I so appreciated the manufactures that have gone to printing on the fabric, that is makes me want to buy their product over a sweater/sweatshirt/blouse/turtleneck or any other product that touches my upper back that has that scratchy tag!

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    • I really hate cutting the tags too. If there is a sweatshirt I really like, I want to see who the manufacturer and what size it is and the tag is gone. Nope, not gonna keep a spreadsheet! I swear when I was young, tags were made out of a satin fabric.


  7. Tags bug me too! Tags and those stupid loopy things that are often sewn at the shoulders of women’s tops (to help them stay on the hanger perhaps?). I have a notebook containing blog ideas… if the ideas sit there too long, they no longer make any sense. It sort of reminds me of the notes I used to take during college lectures. They made sense at one time but, by the time I needed them for a paper or a test, they became jibberish. At least I’m no longer being graded.

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    • Those loopy things go as soon as I get them home! I used to write one word notes and that was good. I’m up to at least 5 words and nada. I’ll have to write the entire blurb while I’m thinking of it. Aging isn’t for sissies.

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  8. Hi, Kate. I’ve been cutting tags out of my tops for years (some cuttings were much more successful than others)! I LOVE your idea of the label information being printed on the inside of the shirt. Pure genius!
    Too funny about the Toe Cleavage. I’m off to investigate my top search phase now.
    PS – ‘Bangs head on desk’ really needs no other explanation!

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