Random 5 for October 2 – Sizing, old, updates, emoji’s, Medicare

Source: Sketchers

Source: Sketchers

Say what? – I saw a pair of shoes that were marked “relaxed fit.” What is that? If you want looser shoes, you size up. Sounds like an advertising gimmick to make you think something is more comfortable than it is. For my skinny feet, relaxed fit will flop around!

Survivor – No, I’m not a fan but I had a good laugh when I saw the commercials for it. The competition is between Gen X and Millennials. The latter group was calling the former old people. Gen X old? Really? What does that make the Boomers?

The visit of the Grinch’s – Microsoft 10 updated on my computer this past week as did my security program. What a freaking mess. I restarted no less than 10 times before it was all working together again. Some things moved too so it’s always a scavenger hunt to find where they put commands I use all the time. I hate updates!

💋 Emoji – This is a new language I can’t speak. I see funny looking splotches on Facebook but they are so small I’m not sure if they are laughing or crying. If I put an inappropriate one on something, don’t be offended. I can’t tell them apart.

You know you are getting old – When your niece is applying for Medicare. Her famous words when realizing what the healthcare costs are with Medicare was “so this is what seniors complain about.” Yep, it is.

So how was your week?

45 thoughts on “Random 5 for October 2 – Sizing, old, updates, emoji’s, Medicare

  1. I have watched Survivor since its first episode, and for the last few years I’ve said each season I could take it or leave it. I give it a try and then I get hooked. I had the exact same reaction as your observation when I realized that the Gen Xers were the old guys. On the other hand, I worked with Millennials at the university and in contrast to the Gen Xers, which is where my children land, are so very young and do see life very differently. So far I’m really enjoying the competition because the contrast is so amazing. After writing an entire paragraph about Survivor I guess I’m giving away that I’m more of a fan than I thought! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s amazing that the generational groups are so different from each other. We raised those Gen Xers yet they are very different in their motivational needs. Still can’t get over the fact that they are the “old” ones.


  2. Another marketing attempt gone stupid. Relaxed fit shoes? Words are being tormented into places they were never intended to go…that and so few have enough vocabulary skills to understand why what they are trying to say a loser.
    I’ve used the cat emoji…but only people who can take a joke/understand if I pick the wrong one…which is about 1 person.

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  3. We do watch Survivor but took a break from it. Watching this season and getting a kick out of these two groups! We are still having ISP issues with connecting and loading. I am not fond of 10. Recently found out about turning off WUDO in Update and Security in Settings… http://www.computerworld.com/article/2955288/microsoft-windows/windows-10-commandeers-users-upload-bandwidth.html
    I just turned 65 the end of last month… oy. I need cheaters to see the the Emoji on my phone. I might need to upgrade to a Plus.
    Still wearing sandals… 😀

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    • I switched out my shoes yesterday for the season. Sandals away and winter ones out. I tried several on that I don’t seem to wear. I’ve gotten rid of all the uncomfortable ones. Now I just have the shoes that are comfortable but ugly. I say “What was I thinking?” Hate to throw them out but they just take up space.

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  4. I can’t comment on WIndows 10 because I am still using Windows XP! I am in midst of the (slow) process of backing up all my documents and photos to an external hard disk so my brother-in-law can re-format my computer with Windows 7 or 8. Windows 10 sounds way too complicated, though my dad (89 years old last July) loves it.

    As for the shoes with the “relaxed fit” – according to every shoe salesman or woman I have ever met, all that’s required, if the shoe being tried on is too tight but the next size up is too big, is simply to wear it a few days, because “it will stretch”. I have lost count of the number of times I have fallen for this one, but no more!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You can kill your feet waiting for it to stretch. Windows 8 was a disaster. I’d never recommend that version. Windows 10 is easier but there is a learning curve no matter which one you choose.


  5. I am still trying to find where everything went after Hubby updated us to Microsoft 10 weeks ago. Needless to say, I feel your pain! I STILL can’t find my photos. If I want to download one to my blog, no problem. But if I just want to look at the darn things, they are no where to be found. Grrrrr……

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The only time I’ve ever ordered anything “relaxed fit” was a pair of jeans from LL Bean. Shoes should fit the contours of your feet, period. Maybe they mean the soles are relaxed, but it’s the “fit” part for shoes that I’m stuck on. Oh, well. Just marketing, I guess.

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  7. Maybe it’s just as well my computer is balking at its latest update. The silly thing keeps telling me it doesn’t have enough room. Every other day or so it is willing to look at the memory card, but it won’t go where all the space is. This update is more stubborn than all my children put together.

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  8. My computer updated the other night. When I went to shut it down for the evening, my screen informed me that it would take awhile for it to shut off … and it did. I even got up in the middle of the night to check things (well, that wasn’t the main reason I got up) and it was still whirring away. I have no idea what all changed, but I’m sure I’ll discover those little irritations as time goes on. I’m worried that you say that you now have to open your pictures differently.

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    • You may be luckier than me. Before when I put my camera card in, it automatically opened up. Now it doesn’t. I don’t know if that was a “reset” and I have to change it in settings or not. I have to look on a day that I won’t get frustrated because I have no idea where it is.

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  9. I keep asking my daughter to explain iPhone emojis to me because I was using the wrong ones. I thought tears were crying, but NO, “those” tears are laughing your tush off. That’s just one example. Relaxed shoe fits are for people like me. I have two medical problems that mean regular shoes are a nightmare. Larger shoes don’t solve the problem. They are just longer or wider. But if they are more relaxed then there might be depth to them, which is what I need.

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    • I use the wrong emojis too. You feel like a jerk when you are laughing instead of giving comfort. Oh well. Thanks for identifying the shoe thing. I have to be alert to my bunion scar but other than that my feet are good, just skinny.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I have felt like a jerk for that reason (and others haha). Shoes are such a problem that I have to order custom ones to wear to my son’s wedding. Very annoying and expensive and time-consuming. And I’ll bring my regular shoes, just in case, to change into.

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  10. I still fall for that shoe business, latest are Merrills that have little support. They’re nothing more than slippers lauded as comfort sneaks…Sneaks THEY ARE, fibbing that way. Now I look like I’m about to go running in my pajamas.

    My iPhone just got an upgrade that needs a tutorial from Harvard Business. Can’t they just leave well enough alone?

    Medicare. Is the bar open yet?


    Liked by 2 people

  11. maybe relaxed fit shoes are for when we’re feeling fat feet, like the jeans, lol. so sorry about your windows 10 update dragged you through…ooops, I don’t have emojis for that!
    the weather changed here, hope you are feeling some cooler breezes in your area.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Relaxed fit shoes? I have narrow feet so they’re not for me. Gen X versus Millennials is a new competition. In my world it’s Boomers talking down Millennials– or vice versa. I just sit in the middle and listen. I don’t speak Emoji either, but I’m finding people of all ages do. I like words so I try to use them as often as possible, but once in a while I’ll use an Emoji… wondering if I’ve said what I wanted to say.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Couldn’t figure that shoe sizing out myself. I stick to smiley and frowny faces myself. Some I can’t tell if it’s tears or happy or mad or angry. Lips I can figure out. I tried using a cat one as I thought that would be appropriate. I couldn’t tell between happy and sad cat so I went back to the smileys.

      Liked by 2 people

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