Random 5 for July 10 – Tomatoes, swamp ass, tropics, bitch, stupid sales pitches

My first!

My first!

Tomatoes – Woo hoo I got my first tomato this week. Yes, it’s a yellow cherry tomato but I am very happy! The garden has been quiet. I put chicken wire around my plants. Perhaps that groundhog got too fat to squeeze through the fence.

Swamp ass! – That’s the only way I can describe this past week’s weather. Enough said.

Source: Petsmart

Source: Petsmart

Is this the tropics? – There was a parakeet at my bird feeder this week. I don’t live in an area where they can survive the winter. After consulting with the think tank at the old ladies gym, next time I will offer it a finger (no, not that one!) to see if it’s finger-trained. If it is, I have a friend who will give it a home. It was a blue and white beauty. My finches, doves and cardinals gave it a wide berth at the feeder.

Resting bitch face – It try to keep up with things for you my dear reader. I just recently learned about this condition in which you look cranky when your face is “resting.” Most of my bitch face is not when I’m resting but when I’m actively annoyed. I’ll keep an eye out. Perhaps we can get a grant from the government to do a research project!

Christmas in July – Stores are gearing up for “huge” sales. They are the Christmas in July sales. Pullease! I barely like Christmas in December.

So how was your week?

PS on parakeet — it is not finger trained…at least for my finger. In fact I think it gave me the finger….

53 thoughts on “Random 5 for July 10 – Tomatoes, swamp ass, tropics, bitch, stupid sales pitches

  1. Pingback: The parakeet and a change of heart | Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

  2. I actually rescued two cockatiels, found years apart, simply the way you found your parakeet. They were just lost and landed nearby and I literally picked them up! Obviously they were pretty tame for me to do that. I hope your little parakeet can be given a home. I can’t imagine they live long on their own. And I think the talk of “bitch face” is just the greatest! I get it! I have been accused of being angry or mad a few times when all I was doing was concentrating and not at all aware that my face had become apparent unpleasant. i hadn’t noticed Christmas in July yet…that actually makes me feel stressed! Yikes!

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    • This one would not let me come close. Maybe as it gets cooler in the fall. It’s having a ball flying in the trees. I saw the Christmas in July movies on a station and have flyers from a local store. Ick!


  3. Poor odd bird! Hope you can encourage it to come in from the yard. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, as Janis said. We have a flock of escaped parrots locally – most years they manage winters, but the really cold ones – we all worry about them. They seem to know to huddle near the lights in the shelter of the grocery store/home depot overhangs
    Swamp ass. Here, too. Ugh.

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    • I will update on the bird but I can tell you it was enjoying it’s freedom just like Janis did right before she died. Our Home Depot stores have that outside area with an overhand for protection. I swear it’s a bird sanctuary. They stopped carrying birdseed in bags because they would peck it open and have dinner. Now you buy it in plastic cans like kitty litter.

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      • How funny – word must have spread about the winter bird sanctuaries in Home Depot – birds seem to hide by the garden entrances to the main store and swoop in when the doors open. They sing and fly around overhead. There are nests….and bird seed spread on the floor from the pecked bags. So far no one here is bothered by it.

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  4. When I was a teenager a stray half-bald talking parakeet came to live at our house. He introduced himself to us: “Hello, my name is Joey.” I had two other parakeets at the time, Dixie and Pixie. They were not very friendly. But Joey showed them both how to land on my shoulders and even taught Dixie to say a few words like “Shut the door, the bird!” His favorite word to yell as raucously as he could was “Groucho!”

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  5. I’ve always envied those people who look like they always have a smile on their face. Do they practice that? Is it a conscious thing? I think my face reacts too much of what I see. That can’t be a good thing.

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    • A young woman worked for me. She was pretty but her mouth naturally turned down and she always looked angry. She tried to work on it but as soon as she stopped focusing on it, it turned back down. Maybe you are just born that way.

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  6. As long as the parakeet didn’t BITE your finger! We have all these wild parrots in SoCal. They travel in packs and sound like raccoons fighting. I guess enough domestic parakeets got loose that they got busy together and made a go of it. Look out, you’ll have packs of marauding parakeets soon.

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  7. My father raised parakeets. We had hundreds. He kept them in two big cages in the windows of his repair shop. People would come in and ask about them and if they wanted one he would give it to them if they came back with a cage and the supplies they would need. He bred and trained them as a hobby. We had all colors and wing spans and tail sizes. Lots of them talked. Learning from my father their vocabulary was shall we say…colorful.

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  8. If you hang a birdcage outside with food in it, the parakeet may fly in and you can then close the door. It is something that will seem familiar. Of course, since it has a birdseed buffet outside the cage, it might not be as eager. lol

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  9. I can practically taste that tomato. My very favorite vegetable./fruit (whatever) of all time and one of my overall favorite foods. Right up there with chocolate even. And yes, I am aware of the condition known as RBF (Resting Bitch Face). It’s the look I get when people are growing tasty tomatoes somewhere I can’t get to them.

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      • Hallmark is big on Christmas in July. Sometimes I have it on in the background in my sewing room because the news is too depressing and I’m tired of whiny home buyers on HGTV. Sometimes I want to say mean things to folks who can afford to look at a million dollar home and then whine because the cabinets are a shade too dark. At least the Christmas movies have happy endings, weak story lines, and fake snow.

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        • I had surgery in October one year. I tended to watch TV during recuperation. On Nov. 1 Hallmark changed to constant Christmas movies and didn’t do any old sitcoms. That was way too early for me. Fortunately I was well enough to get around by then.


  10. That tomato, at least without my glasses, looks a little like Morgan, if she were tinted red.

    Awe, a loose parakeet. Let’s hope someone did extend that finger, though your aside made me chuckle. I tend to do that when you’re not really suppose to.

    Yeah, Xmas is gearing up in the Big Apple as well. A friend sent me a Starbucks card from Target that has silver bells on it. Honestly. I just hauled out all my white, I’m not ready for tinsel and evergreen by a long shot.

    And as far as faces go, I look annoyed all the time, like I chronically smell something bad. We girls need to watch that. 🙂

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  11. I picked up a cockatiel during a Wyoming winter. It was quite happy for me to take it inside. A friend of mine fostered it until we found the owner, which we did. I really wanted to keep that bird.

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  12. Parakeets might be safer when caged . . . but are they happier? Probably not. Hope yours continues to enjoy its freedom.

    I saw a youtube video about “resting bitch face” awhile back. Too funny. Some people have perfected RBF . . . probably due to Christmas in July sales pitches.

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    • I know. As he soared into one tree after another I had conflicting feelings. As winter approaches, if he continues to visit, I’ll worry more. On the second visit the other birds seemed to accept him and happily chowed down next to him. Never heard of RBF until this week. Some people have too much time on their hands. I saw examples and I wouldn’t describe them as bitch faces but faces without emotion.


    • That place is a couple of doors down from my gym. They aren’t open until later but it’s a place I was going to try. I don’t know if the parakeet will come back. I’ve been it twice both times around 7 p.m. but not consecutive days. Fortunately time is on my side for once!


  13. We have flocks of wild parrots in our area. They probably started with a few escapees, then just multiplied. They are happy and thriving (of course, our winters in Southern California are quite a bit warmer than yours). I fear that any escaped parakeet would soon become hawk food. I hope someone can capture the one you saw before winter.

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    • One of the woman I exercise with caught one in their backyard last week. She’s on vacation but I will ask her how she did it when she comes back. This one is enjoying the freedom, flying from tree to tree. I swear I can hear it singing, ‘I’m free at last!’

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