How fast does hair really grow?



Remember when you were a kid and everything took forever?

There was at least six months between December 1 and 25?

A school year was actually three years between September and summer vacation?

It took forever to get to where you were going and you weren’t allowed to ask if we were there yet?

I thought those days were behind me. Time seems to fly these days except in one area.

Last fall I decided to let my bangs grow out. My hair grows at a normal rate…except for my bang hair which doesn’t seem to grow at all. At. All.

Perhaps guys can compare it to growing a beard or mustache. There are guys who can do that in two days!

There are stages to growing out bangs. First is the long fringe thing. You can puff this up and hope that you look sexy. This is a very short stage (more like two days) and the sex appeal is questionable.

Next the hair pokes you in the eyes. This stage lasts for a long time – months, maybe years. My last bang cut was in October and I am still experiencing eye pokes.

When you are young you can sport a barrette or braid it. At my age it looks goofy. Very goofy.

I went through the holiday with goofy bangs full of hair product guaranteed to hold them in place (it didn’t).

I tried little butterfly clips. Nope, not working. The clip would flop into my eye. So would bobby pins.

This wasn’t a “perfect hair” holiday. (I’m not sure I ever had one of those.)

Long ago I learned that if my hair is not working for me I would wait two weeks and the angle or wave would adjust and I could adapt into a new style.

It’s been more than two weeks. My patience is gone.

This is a bowl cut for sure. Source:

This is a bowl cut for sure. Source:

I am damn close to cutting bangs again. I was on YouTube learning how to make those shaggy ones that don’t look like your Mom put a bowl on your head.

We’ll see how long I can hold out but the pictures of me winning the lottery may have short bangs.


52 thoughts on “How fast does hair really grow?

  1. Kate Im laughing here with vivid memories of my mums best friend placing a bowl over my head to cut my fringe. She had the shaky hands and all of us wondered who determined that she was the village hairdresser. We use to run when we saw her coming. Good old bowl cut, made me smile.

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  2. I have a high forehead, so I stick with bangs. Plus, my straight hair likes to fall forward, so, unless I want hair in my eyes, I have to have bangs back to the middle of my head. For most of us, good-hair days are few and far between. Wouldn’t you hate to be running for president and be in the public eye every day?


    • I’d look like the Donald! For a thousand good reasons I should recut the bangs. I just thought if I get over that hump, I could train them to stay out of my eyes. (Yeah, I know. What was I smoking?)


  3. I like to say that the only thing really spontaneous about me is my hair. I can’t really seem to keep a consistent look. I also think it’s true that some parts of our hair, mine anyway, grow at very different rates. My granddaughters have very thick, curly hair. Mine is thin and very straight. The other day one of them, as sincere as she could be, recommended I look into extensions! There are times I really think I’d like to invest in a very professional real hair wig and just be done with it! And once again I’ll offer to take you along with me when I win the Powerball!


    • First someone from California won the powerball so I’m hoping it’s you! About hair, I’d love extensions! I asked my hairdresser and she laughed so hard I think she peed herself. Obviously they are not for people over 50 or 60. I was thinking about getting a good wig for those times when I need to spontaneously go somewhere and don’t have the time. Our minds must run in the same trolley track. Let me know if I need to pack my bag.


  4. First off, I love Little Audrey. How cute is she. As a shortie, my hair needs trimming monthly. I tried a few times growing it out causing me to drink more. It was either keeping it short or losing my liver. Bangs…I actually like them. They’re youthful and fun, but growing them out has to be hell. That said. I have olive oil in my hair that needs to be washed out. My grandmother swore by it, of course the downside is, you smell like a salad 🙂


  5. No bangs for me…. well maybe a little 3/4 inch of something. I have very short hair and on each side of my forehead in the hairline I have a… wait for it… cowlick! And as if two cowlicks were not enough, I have two more in the back. If I were to let my hair grow out, my hairline in the back makes my hair have a flip, nothing will make it go under. Every day is a bad hair day for me!


    • I have incredible cowlicks and wearing them long is the only way they don’t stick out. I have 4 on the top of my head. Good thing I wasn’t a guy or I’d have to wear a crew cut and it would have a swirly pattern!


  6. I’m sticking with bangs since I have a high forehead but I feel the need for a slight change now. It takes me forever to warm up to new styles . . . by the time I like a style, it’s outdated. I’ll be watching for you and your short bangs on TV.


  7. I HATE my hair in my face. It makes me almost as crazy as missing car keys. I once grabbed the scissors and hacked my bangs off at the roots, I was so frustrated. Then I told every horrified person a crazy story about a hair stylist having a bad drug trip while I was in the chair in her salon.

    I did a lot of crazy stuff back then. When I was seven.


    • You were a wild wild person. I got a perm when I was young. Maybe 10 or so. Yikes! Not a good look but back then all perms looked like brillo pads. My goal in growing my bangs out was to look stylish (hah!) and to get it off my forehead. Not sure that’s going to work.

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  8. Curly hair. No bangs here. Just lots of layers, medium length– and resigned to the fact that getting my hair cut [for a small fortune] every 6 weeks is a must if I want to look presentable. Which I do. Most of the time.

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  9. I used to vacillate between bangs and no bangs. Because of my high forehead (needed to hold all my brains), I’ve decided that bangs work best. But, when my hair gal cuts them too short, it takes about four months to grow them to their correct length. Then, it takes about two days for them to become way too long. Gaining and losing weight work in reverse: two days to gain, four months to lose.


  10. I hated having a fringe as it always grew faster than the rest of my hair and would poke me in the eye. I’d clip it up and it would look STUPID, so I did what all kids did and cut it myself The angle did not suit me, either way, and the fuzz I was left with looked like a loo brush.
    For years I had a wash and go curly perm (permed once a year and trimmed three times) but about 10 years ago. my fringe finally grew out and is more or less the same length as the rest of my mop, which is now halfway down my back. It does not appear to have grown very much since the Summer *sigh*.


    • I have noticed a difference in growth between summer and winter. It’s one of the reasons I don’t like winter haircuts. If they go just a little crazy it takes too long to grow out. I love the old curly wash and go perms. They keep telling me they are out of style. Boogers!

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  11. Hilarious Kate! My bangs don’t grow either. “At. All.” This means I have a very high wide empty expanse of forehead. Sigh. Love your post and your mighty challenge. “Patience is virtue.” 🙂


    • It’s hard to figure out. The hair at my nape grows an inch overnight. However I have little to no hair in front of my ears (sideburns) so I need to keep the top part longer. And bangs! I remember growing them in quickly. But now? Perhaps I didn’t mind looking like Little Audrey.


  12. That is one area I have given up trying in. I always end up chopping them off again after months – years in your time frame – and then do a repeat grow out months later. Maybe we are just frugal, not wanting to part with our money for bang trimming? I did cut three inches off my hair last week. Carmel Grey said she was glad I was getting a hair style instead of a hair cut. I could get a post from this! 🙂 thanks Kate…~Elle


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