R5 for December 14 — Chestnut Praline, inflatables, change, appliances, people

Starbucks Chestnut Praline

Source: Starbucks.com

I’m in love – When I have a doctor appointment or something I don’t want to do, I treat myself. It’s usually Starbucks. I had been wanting to try one of the new holiday drinks but I don’t like sweet coffee. Some of the foo-foo drinks are too sweet for my taste. That is until I tried the Chestnut Praline Latte. It is sweeter than my normal drink but it was soooo wonderful! Love that nutty flavor. (Just what I need. Another Starbucks addiction! It would also make a wonderful candle scent!)

Dirty laundry – It’s that time of the year when you see your neighbor’s dirty laundry. In our area those inflatables that are brash and sassy at night are a lump of fabric during the day.

WordPress has done it again – They switched things up. I liked the old statistics page. My message notification is now at the far right, under my scroll bar. I am not a cranky old person (maybe sometimes). Some changes are great but some seem to be change for the sake of change. Sometimes my picture icon is round and sometimes square. (Is there a message there?) The comment notification went from a message box (that makes sense) to a bell (what?) It’s a free site so I’m rolling with it.

Source: Google

Source: Google

No plumber’s crack here – The beloved husband is awesome in many ways. He can fix or build most anything except plumbing stuff. That’s not that he can’t do it. He doesn’t like to and doesn’t have the tools for the more complicated fixes. We are so grateful our last bloop with the dishwasher turned out to be a broken plastic part that didn’t require plumbing or any other high-tech skill.

Who is that? – While shopping I saw the hostess of a restaurant we frequent. We recognized each other instantly (even though she had changed her hair color). Sometimes when you see someone out of the environment, you don’t remember who they are. Not so this time! We chattered all the way to the register!

So how was your week?


PS: As always, I have not been paid to say nice things about Starbucks. I just like their coffee.

42 thoughts on “R5 for December 14 — Chestnut Praline, inflatables, change, appliances, people

  1. I recently tried the chestnut praline for the first time at Starbucks over the weekend. It was delicious and lately, I’ve lost my taste for sweet, sugary drinks! This one was superb though! Have you tried the gingerbread? The barista couldn’t tell me which one was better so he said to go with the chestnut!

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. Today my picture is round and the bell is gone. I don’t like the new stats layout either so I say CRANK away… I’ll be over here having another Chestnut Praline Latte. Had my first one this afternoon. Delicious!
    BTW: I am personal friends with a person who works for Starbucks in their corporate offices. I’ve been offered a tour next time we’re in town. I’ll put in a good word for you 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The chestnut praline latte sound delicious! I wish I could eat and drink anything the way I could when I was younger. I not only like sweet fancy coffees, I like sweet, fancy alcoholic drinks–pina coladas, grasshoppers, you name it. Once in a while I splurge, but my usual drink now at Starbucks is a decaf Americano with a little cold soy. Oh, my!


    • I used to drink pina coladas by the bucket. Then I found out the calorie count. Holy cow! Switched to less creamy drinks and light beer. My SB drink is with nonfat milk and no whipped cream so that helps a little.


  4. I’m not big on sweet things in my coffee either but I have had a weakness for the gingerbread lattes and peppermint mochas. My husband tried the chestnut praline one but the thing is he hates coffee (I know, sad stuff) and of course complained it tasted too much like coffee (and I tried it and complained it tasted too much like not coffee). Sadly pregnancy has made me sick whenever I smell or drink coffee, so my only way (conveniently) around it is the normally nearly too sweet festive drinks. I like to say I’m just super festive. Enjoy them!
    I too find the changes (again) to WordPress frustrating.


  5. You touched on two things I’m not fond of, Kate. First, the inflatables…ugh! I hope I’m not offending anyone, but they’re tacky. And you’re right, they’re also deflated by morning. Secondly, I’m not liking the WP changes either. I wonder why they keep changing things on us? Oh well, aside from that, my week was great! Big game tonight. I’m sure your husband is pacing the floor, like someone else I know. 🙂


    • Football is getting tense in the house. Fortunately I have things to do. The neighborhood next to us has families with more children. That’s were you can find a lot of inflatables! Glad I’m not the only one that floating around WP wondering how to get where I want to go.

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  6. I must be the only person in the universe who doesn’t like Starbucks coffee… I like my java BLACK… but SB’s coffee is too bitter for that… so I am forced to order the least offensive coffee… a latte.
    I don’t have good facial recognition so I am always relieved when I actually recognize someone outside of their usual environment…. except when it turns out to be someone else after all!


  7. I miss SB. When I was working, it was an occasional treat, but on my frequent road trips, it was absolutely mandatory. I always looked forward to beginning each day, when traveling, with a delicious Frappuccino (the frozen version, for those not familiar). Icy cold and delicious, and the perfect way to begin each day. I’ll have to admit there were times I chose what hotel to stay in entirely due to their proximity to the closest SB. No kidding. These days, no more road trips, so my excuses for treating myself to a SB have run out. But that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten. 🙂


    • My addiction started when I was working. It was a grande on Mondays and Fridays. Then it became everyday. Then it was a venti on days where I had wall to wall meetings. Then it was a venti everyday. When I retired I decided that it was a treat I would continue as some of my other addictions (like buying shoes) would go by the wayside.


      • I strongly believe in giving ourselves a treat on a regular basis, as it can punctuate an otherwise dull and uneventful string of life events that can seem rather monotonous. Having something we look forward to helps us reach our happy place, and Lord knows, we can all use a little more happy. Venti, or even Trenta, please!


  8. I love when you said, that drink would have made a really great candle. Said it all. As far as WordPress goes…I’m with you. My page is all changed too, with no notification or instruction. It’s annoying. However…hope the doctor’s visit went well, and I’m going to mosey over to SB to try that candle like drink 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I haven’t had Starbucks for almost a month (who’s counting). Missing it, but when I go back tomorrow, to, I return to this addiction. Yup, the changes is driving me crazy. I thought you are paying for your site since I don’t see any adds?


    • They are a lot sweeter than the mocha latte I usually get. I can’t drink the caramel drinks at all and the pumpkin latte was too milky for me. I was really surprised that I liked the chestnut one. It also has less calories than a cinnabon (yum!).

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I hate the new WordPress thingy too. There is a poll where you could vote about it. (don’t ask me where is was/is) I voted that it was too confusing. I think I could have ticked all the choices. Keep It Simple!


  11. I also love Starbucks coffee. My problem is that I have a real hard time ordering anything besides a medium size, (which I think they call tall or is it Grande) regular coffee with cream or a large size (which I think they call Vente or is that the Grande?) decafe for my husband. What actually is a Latte? And does it come in all those sizes?


    • A latte is a drink with espresso and steamed milk like a cappucino. The flavored ones have a shot of the flavor too like mocha or the chestnut praline. All their drinks come in tall (12 oz.), grande (16 oz.) and venti (20 oz.). I am guessing the size names are Italian. I love the coffee but it is strong. It is too strong for my husband except for the blonde roast.


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