Random Five for September 7

Balloon hdrHappy birthday Mom (and Anita too) – This week is my Mom’s birthday. She’s been gone since 1986 but I always remember her on her special day. My niece also has a birthday this week. In our family we celebrate for the entire month! Come on and belly up to the bar!

OMG it’s fall here! – The kids went back to school and the evenings are cool. Summer flowers are tired and droopy and chrysanthemums are popping up all over. Pumpkin food and drinks are available. My Aussie friends are rejoicing the arrival of spring. Life circles around. Fall is always a conflict for me. It’s often pleasant but signals the start of the winter cycle – leaves falling, ground freezing and all that stuff I hate.

Hey, I’m not a snack tray! — After complaining about mosquitoes all summer long, a friend sent me an article. It’s from the internet so it must be true! It’s says to put Listerine in a spray bottle and spray it around. It will keep the mosquitoes away.

Smart cars? — I got in my car after dark. I started it up and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t see. I just assumed it was because of the eye problem I was having. It turns out that my lights weren’t on but it took two blocks in the dark to figure it out. My auto lights are automatic so I’ve never had to turn them on before. I was switching buttons all over the place. It’s not good to have a car that’s smarter than you!

I’m still around — Speaking of eyeballs, I can’t do a lot of reading or computer work. If you haven’t seen my witty comments, it’s not for lack of interest. I am trying to limit my time on the computer. I never really knew how much time I spend here. It’s a lot!

How was your week?

28 thoughts on “Random Five for September 7

  1. Kate I look forward to the five and yes we Aussies are looking forward to some warmer weather but the bugs and mosquito’s NO. The remedy would at least see you smelling fresh and kissable. My eyes have been slowly losing ground as I reach for my reading glasses now more that ever. I don’t like the feeling of not being able to read small words anymore and my doctors said basically…well you are almost fifty, sorry its bound to happen. Sigh and get ready for more ageing.


  2. Listerine to keep the mosquitoes away? So simple. I wonder if it works.

    I understand your car difficulties. I rarely use my cruise control. The last time I wanted to engage it I had to ask my husband how it worked. The strange look he gave me suggested he was worried about my mental state!


  3. If that Listerine trick works, let me know. The other day I got 3 mosquito bites on my belly button. That must have been one industrious, persistent mosquito because my belly button hasn’t seen the light of day since 1976!


  4. Hi Kate…take care of those eyes…precious things! I understand about your mom’s birthday and the missing of such a loved one. Today my sweet dad would be 109…wow! He died so young…too young, I thought.

    Fall temps are not far away for us…can hardly wait. We’ve been gifted w/a couple of rains this week…thankfully! Our winters aren’t so chilled as yours, I’m thinking. Our leaves have been falling like crazy due to our super heat and dryness…we so need more rain…rain…rain!

    M and I sit out while having our first cup of morning coffee and neither of us have had a mosquito bite this season…I guess it’s too dry for them, too.

    Watch out for your smarty pants car! Mine is crafty but I still have the upper hand…just ’cause it’s a tad old ~ missing some of the updates…whew!

    Praying your eyes are back to easy usage…soon! Hugs to you!


  5. Happy Birthday to your Mom and your niece, Anita. I love fall for its pumpkin everything possibilities. If we still lived up north, I know I’d have mixed feelings. I have a love/dislike relationship with snow. Sorry to read about your eye trouble. Rest. It’ll do your body – and your eyes – good! 😉


  6. Still waiting for those cool, crisp nights down here in Charlotte. We’ve finally had a break in the oppressive humidity, for that, I’m grateful.
    I’ll have to try the Listerine, Kate. I got eaten alive yesterday evening.
    I’m sure your husband is getting ready for “Eagle Day”…that’s all I’ve heard this morning! 🙂


  7. Fall is here, too, and the mosquitoes were chomping on me last night – ack! I hope you are resting your eyes (as much as possible) and feeling much better soon. Happy Birthday in Heaven to your Mom!


  8. Love the Random 5, as you know, and I do hope your eye is better. We take our sight for granted so I do know how humbling it is when one is under wraps.

    Mouthwash verses mosquitoes…made a note…could one use Listerine Mint? I hate the regular one…reminds me of a guy I dated too lazy to brush his teeth so he’d douse himself with Listerine.

    Fall…yeah it’s coming but I think our late summer is sticking around a bit longer. It’s so hot here…the Race For The Cure is going on in Central Park so I noticed all the runners on their way schfitzing like spray bottles.

    Rest your eyes…we’ll miss those witty comments but absence makes the heart grow fonder.


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