There is a beauty in nature

Those of us living in this year’s snow belt have done some complaining this winter but there is a beauty in snow. Here are some pictures from the 19 inches we had recently.

This is a view of the front of the house. You can see the snow covered street.

This is a view of the front of the house. You can see the snow-covered street.


Another shot of the unplowed street.

Here is a beautiful snowy backyard.

Here is a beautiful snowy backyard.

Another shot of the back yard.

Another shot of the back yard.

one robin in tree c-u

Here is one of my friends in an icy tree a few days before the snowstorm.

Next July, when it’s warm, I will look at these pictures and appreciate the real beauty which is lost on my cranky self right now. In the meantime this is what’s dancing in my head.


38 thoughts on “There is a beauty in nature

  1. I understand your cranky but that is a beautiful backyard! The shots of the front of the house are beautiful too but that much snow kinda freaks me out.. 😯 I mean, what if I couldn’t get out for a cheeseburger or Cottonelle????? We had about 18 inches three years ago and we couldn’t get out of the garage for three days and we do have four wheel drive. Good thing we are retired! I think that Bloody Mary is a good idea!!!!


    • My husband is religious about removing snow sometimes even when it’s still falling down. My Starbucks run was in jeopardy and actually canceled a few days this winter. Not good. We by tp by the case so we are good until July but a cheeseburger…….


  2. Kate, these are absolutely beautiful shots – each more like a postcard than the next. You are right about the beauty you have there in nature but the margarita in summer is an understandable yearning.


  3. Just beautiful! ~sigh.
    I love the snow — when I’m inside looking out, sipping a delicious beverage of some sort and pondering nature’s beauty.
    I don’t love it quite so much when my 4WD Jeep’s back end slides!! Spills my coffee 🙂

    Soon … we’ll be turning on fans and wearing cotton.



  4. What state do you live in, Kate? Looks like northern NJ where I am. I have thistle feeders up (as well as seed ones) and love the gold finches eating at this time of year. Thank goodness for the wildlife. It’s the one advantage of winter!! (we have the bears in the nice weather and cannot feed the birds)


  5. So you’re ready to trade in the wintry ‘at home’ mocha for a tall Bloody Mary would that be?

    Beautiful capture of the cardinal perched in the wintry scene. You are living in a winter wonderland. And I hope it’s gone by the time I fly into VA in about a month.


  6. Beautiful photos, although when you are stuck inside most of the time because of the snow, I’m sure it’s hard to appreciate all the frostiness. Here in south Texas, we’ve had an unexpected warm spell, with temps in the upper seventies and lower eighties. I’ve been rolling my eyes at the brutal reminder of the scorching summers that are just around the corner. But then again, the grass isn’t always greener … sometimes it’s covered it white fluff and mush. 🙂


    • So true. I have an incredible case of cabin fever this winter and even outings with friends haven’t helped as much. Maybe so retail therapy or just fondling some shoes without buying so I can live in a fantasy for a while. Warm weather (50s-60s) is predicted for this weekend. I’m hoping your weather moves north. That will help a lot. Obviously I couldn’t live where it’s cold and dark a good part of the year.


  7. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures, Kate. Don’t you love the quiet that comes with the snow? I tried to get a picture of the male Cardinal hanging in our backyard during the recent snow, but he was camera shy.


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