Yearning for a good cuppa mochajoe

Courtesy of hildiemcqueenblog

Courtesy of hildiemcqueenblog

Yesterday was another day of bad weather, cancellations and late starts — another day of no Starbucks for me.

It’s not just about the coffee because you can make that at home. I enjoy their mocha latte. It’s perfect for me.

Not all coffee shops make a good one. Many shops make them too sweet or too chocolate-y. One shop uses a chocolate drizzle on top instead of putting chocolate inside the drink. That’s just wrong!

Of course they all charge top price. It’s very disappointing to pay close to $5 for a drink that is not wonderful and has no alcohol in it.

For the past week I have been working on perfecting a recipe to make at home in a pinch like this.

Yes, I know Starbucks makes a version to make at home but it’s not decaffeinated. Boogers!

My friend Google helped me find some recipes. I found many versions with reviews so I tried a few.

I don’t have an espresso maker which I should have to make it authentic. I tried to improvise. I have a Keurig coffee maker and found espresso K-cups for it. I also bought a milk frother.

Milk frothers are nothing like steamed milk. No matter what the reviewers say, they make lukewarm bubbly milk. It’s not hot enough nor is there any real foam. It’s not the same at least not for a true connoisseur of a good mocha latte.

I bought Starbucks brand of chocolate mix. It’s still not working.

I tried the smallest cup size on the Keurig. It’s still not working.

I tried heating up the milk before putting it in the frother. It’s still not working.

A while back my friend Bettie told me that the best way to make one at home was to put a half pack of hot chocolate mix into your coffee. Surprisingly that still makes the best ‘at home’ mocha.

I can either settle for that or buy a large-wheeled vehicle so I can always drive to Starbucks no matter what the weather or buy a $2,000 espresso machine (and maybe that will work).

The beloved husband thinks I should just go to meetings.

Hi! My name is Kate and I’m a mochaholic!

Starbucks cat

38 thoughts on “Yearning for a good cuppa mochajoe

  1. The cat at the end sums it up perfectly! I’ve become addicted to Chai Tea Lattes. Yumm-o – especially when I’m sitting in a 7 mile stretch of traffic for 44 minutes 🙂

    Hang in there!


  2. I totally understand…really…I go out every morning to get a cup of their fresh brew…was there today. Sorry you are being denied. Wish I could help…I can see you in a meeting counting days. My name is Kate, and I have 4 days…then the room claps.


  3. The chocolate in the coffee sounds pretty terrific! I’m not always the most sympathetic, but this is an addiction I can totally understand. Only go to meetings if you think you’re really ready to give it up…I don’t think you’re ready! 🙂


  4. I am now addicted to good coffee since coming back from Spain. Three months of drinking 3 cups or 4 a day I think I am developing acid reflux and coffee does not taste good at all. This is a dilemma.


    • I became addicted to really good (and strong) coffee when I was in Brazil. I brought home 10 kilos (others were bring drugs and I was bringing coffee!). Greece has great coffee too. Most American coffees are either weak or too acidic. Now that I have to drink decaf it’s even harder to get a good brew. I sure hope you figure out your problem without giving up coffee.


  5. The first step is admitting you have a problem. Do you tell others you could quit any time you wanted? Do you drink mochas alone? Black-outs where you know you were at Starbucks but can’t remember anything else (and your shirt is on inside out)? Oh wait, that was me…


  6. As a fellow coffee-holic, I feel your pain (though I only get “fancy coffee” as my husband calls it two or three times per week).
    I also get the mocha challenges. My friend and I have been working on them for the last couple years and we finally have a system down so long as we make it either for two or in a massive cup. Basically we make a normal sized hot chocolate by heating the milk on the stove with a frother to froth as it heats and with the chocolate already in it. Keurig coffee, smallest size cup size and medium roast seems to work best. Then once both hot chocolate and coffee are ready, we mix the two together. Whipped cream on top is a must. Works for us, but still not the same.


  7. I like the “half pack of hot chocolate mix into your coffee” idea. EZPZ– and doesn’t require anything complicated like a frother. Those things scare me. Now, tearing open a hot chocolate pack, I can do.


  8. Kate, we’re covered w/beautiful snow here in North Texas…so we’re staying in! But it’s very cold. Nothing like a wonderful cup of coffee…liquid sanity is really it. Gevalia makes a Keurig cup called Mocha Latte that is awesome…but bah-it isn’t de-caf. The tip you received about half choc-half coffee is a good one. When we lived in China we discovered that and it really is delicious. Good luck solving your dilemma or…getting out to Starbucks!


  9. I feel your pain, Kate. I should also sign up for a meeting or two.I saw some footage on the news last night from Philadelphia, so I suppose things could be worse for you. Hopefully you’ll be able to get out tomorrow.


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