Shoes ahoy! Spring cleaning in my closet

When I left my job last summer, I decided to wait at least six months to really clean out clothing that I wouldn’t need or wear anymore. I do light cleanouts yearly but I wanted to look at everything from a different perspective – I don’t need to dress up every day and will not get invited to formal business dinners.

Last week was the time to do it. I did the easy stuff first — clothes I haven’t worn in years or that aren’t comfortable even if they are relatively new.

Why do I buy something that isn’t comfortable?  Because I think it looks good or it’s my favorite color or on sale! We all know what happens to that stuff. It’s like a wonderful blouse that needs ironing. It spends most of its time on the ironing board and very little time on your back. Sometimes a pair of pants that needs adjustment waits so long that it goes out of style. Oops!

These shoes were a perfect match for a wonderful dress I haven't had in 15 years!

Then I tackled the classic shoes. You know what they are. The shoes for formal dress. Platforms, high heels, mid-heels, satin, peau de soie, suede, dyed-to-match something shoes. Instead of automatically keeping them just in case, I decided to try them on and walk around in them. Some of them have been with me for 20 years.

As it turns out, it wasn’t much of a decision. Many of the shoes did not fit. When did my feet get fat? Some of them were so high I could not walk in them even if I had a walker to guide me. Why did I keep them so long and carry them from house to house? If I am invited to a formal or dressy function, you can be sure I am buying new things and not wearing 20-year-old shoes even if they don’t hurt.

All told, I tossed about 25 pair. Some went directly to the trash and some were donated. I had almost new walking shoes that hurt. They were very orthopedic-looking so I was surprised that they hurt. I am sure some little old lady with size 7 feet will be very happy with them.

Ballet flat, store in Barcelona Deutsch: Schuh...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am a shoe person. I love shoes – all colors, all kinds. After packing up the rejects, I had to go out and buy myself a pair of new ballet flats, with support of course!

Next week, I’m going through the dresses – formal wear from the 90s, business suits before business casual and other things lurking behind my closet door. Maybe a few old swimsuits? You can be sure if they don’t fit me I will be cranky all week.


Over the past month or two (I am catching up) Earthriderdotcom and TrishaDM nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. Judy (earthriderdotcom) lives in Florida and gives great perspectives on life. Trisha is in med school in Canada. She helps me stay in touch with youth! Please visit their blogs. Both are very interesting in very different ways. Thank you both for nominating me.

Debra from Breathelighter also nominated me for the Kreativ Blog Award. Three women share that blog so it’s full of different experiences. Please visit when you get a chance. Thank you!

17 thoughts on “Shoes ahoy! Spring cleaning in my closet

  1. Ah, shoes! Love ’em. My weakness is keeping clothes that are now too small for me, or is it that I’m now to big for them? I still have size 12 slacks that I haven’t been able to wear in about twenty years. Sad. So what’s keeping me from tossing all that stuff? The theory that I will bet back into them — I’m 12 pounds smaller and still eatin’ salads. Wish me luck!


  2. I love the first pair that you shared the picture of! Awesome! Would love to own such a pair!

    Thank you for liking my post Kate! I hope that you will get involved in “The Uninspired Chronicles” project! Please help to spread the word 🙂 Thank you!


  3. What a riot, Kate. I don’t buy lots of anything but end up keeping those things too long and still have a hard time giving them up. Hey, what if that style comes back! Great post as always. Made me laugh at the foibles I still can’t shake.


    • Trust me. When the style comes back, it comes back differently. My platform shoes from the early 90s are nothing like today’s. The heel style is different. The shoe is chunkier or sleeker. There is something that tells everyone it’s from a different century.


  4. My first thought when I saw the multi-colored shoes…”Oh, dear god, I remember those”….lol. I’m very happy the orthopedic shoes left the building and that they were happily replaced by flats : ) You are W A Y to funny to wear orthopedic shoes!


  5. Kate, I was “missing you” and went to check out your site…and here you have indeed been posting! You were not showing up in my inbox or my “Posts I Read” lists! How odd is that…I’m not sure why, of course. But I thought if for any reason you’ve experienced a slight drop in your numbers, there could be something going on…let’s hope it was just me! And it’s funny that I’d pick tonight to check and here you were responding to the Kreativ Blog Award. Loved your post…ah, going through the closets. I have a love-hate relationship with that effort. I’ll keep checking in…maybe see if I can super-sleuth and figure out where they have been putting you!! Debra


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