We are finally into the real fall

Gone for this year!

It took a while. I wasn’t sure we would have one. We had record highs in September and early October was warm too but we are now into typical fall weather — cool crisp nights with a warming during the day.

There are a lot of things to like about fall. The air is crisp but the earth is still warm enough that it doesn’t feel cold. The beloved husband and I have spirited discussions about how a temperature doesn’t always feel the same. (Many of these discussions start with “why are you wearing a sweater when it’s 80 degrees?) A sunny 75 degrees is much warmer than a cloudy 75.

Most of the annual “clean-up” is done. One last thing needed for the pond. Last week I pulled out my tomato plants. They were still producing but the taste wasn’t as sweet and they didn’t last as long. One year I waited until the first frost and found myself working in the freaking cold! Nope. Not doing that again.

There is an ebb and flow to seasonal changes. Summer is hectic. There is outside work and social events going on. The approach of fall brings a slowdown that’s much appreciated before heading into the holiday season.

The window box full of flowers that need to be watered daily is emptied and ready for next spring. No more fertilizing. Once the trees drop their leaves, the cleanup is minimal (until that first dang big snowstorm!).

Did someone turn the fireplace on?

Even the cats have less interest in the porch. My cat Morgan is eagerly awaiting the first fire in the fireplace. She loves to be next to it giving stink-eye to anyone, feline or human, who blocks it.

A friend (who has a pool in his yard) once said, “As much as I love summer, I look forward to the hibernation that comes with the winter. It’s a time to regenerate.” I get that (even without a pool).

If only all snowstorms would be under six inches and winter would last six weeks, it would be good!

68 thoughts on “We are finally into the real fall

  1. We also are finally having some Fall. It took it’s danged time getting here though! Today it’s 60 but feels like 50 or less because we have 40mph winds after the rain came through yesterday. Still, I’m loving it – sweaters, sweatshirts, jeans and heavy socks…..oh yeah. My favorites. I still have plants in my deck rail boxes but plan to repot a couple of them to bring in for the season – my “spider plants” and my red begonia for instance. It’s all part of the “buttoning down for winter” stuff that I don’t mind doing AT ALL…………….

    Hugs, Pam

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  2. Fall is a little different in Florida. We are beginning to have the days I have been waiting for all summer. It will get even better and there will be no snow. I can hardly wait for the first cooler days when we can slide open the lanai doors and leave them open all day! I am happy Morgan has her fireplace and I am a bit jealous of her having it! Hey, I might even get to pull on some jeans around Thanksgiving! Good Morning, Sassy Cats!

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  3. Oh I’m a huge fan of autumn (as we call it on this side of the pond). It is my favourite season – cozy clothing, boots, the ability to snuggle up under a blanket during the evening without feeling like some ancient invalid 😉 Sadly, I don’t have a garden – back trouble forced me to give that up, but I love visiting farmers markets for all that gorgeous produce. My dream retirement is to have a garden filled with raised beds. Oh & a fireplace – I envy you your real fire 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Fall is my favorite time of year in Florida ~ a slight dip in temps and humidity, the end of hurricane season, farmers’ markets gear up again . . . but I don’t have to pack my flip flops away yet!

    For us, it’s the end of our summer hibernation.

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  5. I don’t know that I’d be able to navigate the winter cold you will receive, but I must say it is a little enviable to think about the garden hibernating. In our climate we maintain the pond and all the watering, pruning and feeding of the entire garden all year long. There is no total break. It slows, and that’s some respite from the chores. Every region has it’s own gardening challenges. The lilies in the pond do completely die back, and some plants do, too. But others just keep right on growing. 🙂 Your tomatoes were much more plentiful than mine. I am impressed!

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  6. My fall is usually busy because of my birthday. I would love for it to slow down, though. The hubs took my bday off and we’re going to (if it’s nice out) take a ride to see autumn colors.

    I totally agree with you and your friend about the wintertime for regeneration, but would love it to be shorter. I sooooo missed the seasons for all those years in Florida. I belong here with the changes.

    Happy autumn. 😊🍂

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  7. I agree with everything you said – Fall has always been my favorite season, especially if there is lots of time between the last batch of leaves raked and the first shovelful of snow. Last year Mother Nature dumped snow on the roses before I had a chance to cut them down – we had rain many weekends in October and didn’t want to prune them too early. I have to get everything done outside, including shutting off the water. That frosty morning Tuesday was enough to tell me my butt needs to get into gear. I wish last week’s weather could have lingered longer.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. The temperature thing you talk about. It was a running battle with my husband too. An air-conditioned 72 is NOT the same as heat set to 72. It just isn’t… He called it the thermostat wars!

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  9. I had to smile at the cat face peering out – simply adorable 🙂

    As much as I look forward to summer, I too breathe a sigh of contentment with the cooler autumn temperatures. I’m sad though at the thought of winter. It cannot be relied upon to not overstay its 6-week welcome.

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  10. I, too, enjoy hibernating after all the outdoor work of summer & fall clean up, which we haven’t done yet. I didn’t try to grow tomatoes this year, but seeing yours makes me rethink that decision. Fortunately I have all winter to contemplate this, perhaps plan differently for next year.

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    • Every year I adjust my garden. It’s 10 x 10 inside a dog fence with a people door. At first it was barely big enough. Next year there will be 4 lonely tomato plants in it. I used to have 8 but I don’t roast or can so it was a lot of work to give them away.

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  11. We’re finally getting some much needed rain, of course the downside is the commuting is horrible. I do enjoy fall, but I’m not looking forward to the winter months as my tolerance for the cold has me freezing when it’s 80 degrees. I’m having cold flashes when they should be hot! Don’t you all have a Nor’easter heading your way?

    Liked by 2 people

  12. So glad fall has fallen for you guys! It seems like it was later this year? Or maybe I’m just acclimated to here by now 🙂 Also glad you had a chance to take care of the autumn yard work while it was still nice out. We had a cat like Morgan when I was a kid – she was glued to that fireplace once it got cold out!

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  13. Have my cozy sweater on. Love getting out my Fall clothes. 🙂
    Sounds like you and your hubby have the same spirited discussions about temps as me and my husband do!
    Oh yes, love a fireplace, Morgan has the right idea!

    Liked by 1 person

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