Random 5 for March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day, fruit, ads, photos, weather

Happy St. Patrick’s Day and St. Gertrude’s Day (patron saint of cats) to all who celebrate. The beloved husband isn’t fond of the corned beef and cabbage thing so we will celebrate with steak or chicken. Definitely no green beer either. Maybe tuna for the cats. People seem to make all holidays about food! Do you do something special for this sort of holiday?

Hospital bananas – Both my brother and his wife are now home recovering from their accident a month ago. My SIL came home from the rehab place this week. While she was there she kept giving my brother (what I would call) rotten bananas to take home. All black splotchy. Not good for anything but banana bread and no one is well enough to bake. They were still there when we brought her home. In our house, blackish bananas (even just a little blackish) go in the trash. Or in banana bread pronto. They are not allowed to wither and smell up my kitchen.

Promotional advertising – This week somewhere I read this headline “8 Pillowcases that will transform your hair.” I know a pillowcase can’t transform your hair, even one that costs a lot of money. I bet some people fall for that.

Blurry pictures – I always complain about blurry pictures. I upgraded my camera thinking my old one was wonky. This week I took some pictures with my cell phone and I got the same old blur. The only thing constant is me. I must have a case of shaky fingers. Or maybe it’s the earth’s rotation wobbling.

Weather does make a difference – We had our first real touch of warm weather this past week. We danced very close to 75 degrees. Windows flung open. Cats got antsy. Humans got weird (or weirder). I was expecting to hear (but didn’t) a frog serenade (but I saw them tuning up). It felt like everything changed. And for the better. Yes, weather does make a difference.

So how was your week?

May you find your pot of gold!

85 thoughts on “Random 5 for March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day, fruit, ads, photos, weather

  1. This post is filled with good news – your brother and SIL healing (maybe a loaf of banana bread will even quicken the healing?? 🙂 ), the cats are getting restless for the scent of spring, your house doesn’t smell of corned beef and cabbage. Mine doesn’t either. We met friends at a local pub that served the once-a-year “delicacy” (ha) with Guinness and some live Irish music. Fun and done.

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  2. Glad to hear your brother and SIL are back home. I agree, rotten fruit is never a good idea to be sitting around. I keep seeing Polaroid cameras for sale in the stores now, which I think is funny. It makes me wonder just how many people are buying them — probably a lot of boomers with extra discretionary money. 🙂 – Marty

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  3. Amazing how a touch of spring can change your attitude and lighten your mood.
    I was never a corned beef person either and I never understood why elderly people insist on sending bananas home from the hospital. My MIL did the same thing.

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  4. I’m Irish, but I don’t like corned beef. However, I do like cabbage. Never tried Green Beer. Bananas keep really well in the fridge, and who doesn’t like a cold banana? Well, my wife for one, but she doesn’t count. Well, pillows do kind of transform my hair after a bad nights sleep My wife will sometimes claim it looks like a rat ran through it. Just as long as it doesn’t set up shop. Blurry photos? Gotta be the earth rotating. Sunshine!

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  5. I am sure you’d be bothered by the bananas I hold onto. I’m not too bothered by overripe. I do sometimes put them in smoothies, though, and will take a lot of overripe fruits and freeze them for bread. LOL! I don’t wait until there are fruit flies, though! LOL! I’m really glad your brother and SIL are home and recovering well. What an ordeal you’ve ALL been through. Now some warm weather and moving on, I’d think!

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  6. I used John’s phone to take a picture, and it was blurred. That’s when I found that the lens cover was broken.

    On your camera, would the lens need cleaning?

    I’m having more blurry pics because I avoid using the flash. Several family members objected to flashes, and they were people I wanted pictures of. Also, a few years ago, diners at a restaurant asked the owner to tell me to stop taking flash photos. I had taken three, none of them aimed at the objectors. I’m still annoyed. If I had a wild dream, I’d take a strobe light and shoot them with it for five minutes.

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  7. What a relief that your brother and SIL are now recovering!

    Be sure to make them some banana bread.
    Most overripe bananas always used to hit the garbage bin at our house because nobody really loved my banana bread. Then I added mini choc chip morsels and chopped pecans. I make 3 loaves at a time now and it’s never enough.

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  8. In our home, we have Tomorrow’s Bananas, Today’s Bananas, and Yesterday’s Bananas. Hubby and I only eat Today’s Bananas. Yesterday’s Bananas often find themselves baked in bread. I used to have a work friend who LOVED to eat Yesterday’s Bananas and I always gifted her ours. She was so happy to have them and I was relieved to get rid of them.

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  9. I did not know about St. Gertrude… cats need all the help they can get to find forever homes and lots of luck and help from St. Gertrude if they live feral/on the streets to live happy healthy lives. We are having Ribollita with crusty bread for dinner today… Ha! So good to hear that your Sis-in-law is home!

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  10. How was my week? Hectic. Cats are all good, save for a nasty fight yesterday which my dominant cat drew blood from my siamese. Out comes the spray bottle. Sigh….

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  11. I knew there was a St. Gertrude (my Mother’s name), but did not know she was the patron saint of cats. We will be celebrating the holiday tonight with left-overs! I don’t like the cabbage and the corned beef is wayyyy to salty for me. Sounds like your sil is a borderline hoarder…over ripe bananas are not pleasant!!!! Oh well, enjoy the sunshine and all the kitties.

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  12. After seven Fridays in a row where it’s poured rain, I see the long range forecast for the week ahead is dry. It will be cooler, but at least rain free…I’ll take it! Our birds are going crazy and the local weatherman said the hummies will be here soon. 🙂

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    • After a few weeks where they were cleaning out my feeders almost daily, the birds have been hitting my feeders less. Maybe they are nesting. Our week will be mostly dry (only one “event”) but definitely cooler. Next week is seasonal (that’s 50s). I’m dying for another week of above average temps so I can be wild and crazy.

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  13. For Southern California, we actually had a pretty cold, wet winter. Los Angeles did its best impression of Seattle. We wouldn’t see the sun for a week. We hit 159% of our snowpack and rainfall average.

    One Friday, we finally got back up to 70 degrees with blue skies. Literally billions of migrating butterflies were heading through the area. Everyone was outside, everyone rejoiced on social media. First time I’ve seen such a celebration of spring around here.

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  14. If they start to spot over about an eight inch, out they go. I hate when Michelle and her Mom buy bananas, tell everyone to leave them alone, so they can make banana pudding. I go days walking by salivating, watching them turn too brown to use.

    Our weather? It was 80F the other day, then it dropped to 39 the next night. AC runs one day, fireplace the next. Enough rain to replenish the oceans.

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    • It will be a while before we see 80. Maybe another spike at 70 or so but our average right now is 50. We have had a lot of rain this year too. Bananas, bleah! They have to be at a perfect stage for me. No green but not too yellow and definitely no black.

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  15. Glad your SIL is home now and continues to rehab. Around my house, I stopped saving passed their prime bananas for bread and throw them in the blender, add other fruit I have on hand and maybe a handful of almonds and make a smoothie. Less white sugar, no baking and a nice change for breakfast. Quick and easy too.

    One tip I learned when taking photos to avoid blur, hold your breath and then snap. It seems to make a difference, especially on cell phone cameras.

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day. ☘️No over the top celebrating here, in fact, since it’s the 100th birthday of Nat King Cole, I think I’ll actually spend time playing his velvety smooth voice this morning. That man sure could sing.

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  16. I’m not a fan of overripe bananas either. I freeze them, skins off, then use them later in banana bread or a smoothie. Some cameras have a feature that adjusts automatically for shaky hands. I have one of those cameras and in truth… it only sort of helps. I’ve come to think of my shaky photos as ART! Rationalization is a cool thing, you know?

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  17. I’m fussy about bananas and don’t mind tossing them as they’re so cheap. Occasionally I’ll make banana bread. Glad things are improving with your family. I’ve had a bad stiff neck week ~ it happens. Hoping for improvement soon. It’ll never be great unfortunately.

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  18. Try the 2 sec timer on the camera or try using the voice command on the phone’s camera. My hubby is better at almost everything than I am unless it is being creative or taking photos. I slept in the living room on a blow-up mattress the night Tyler had his dental surgery until I saw how he did on the pain meds. I could still hear hubby snoring away in the closed bedroom, pouring rain and wind, plus you guessed it- frogs.

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    • In our pond the frogs come out about the same time we see daffodils pushing up. Just saw two and I have more than that but it’s a start. We are back to cold today so I doubt they’ll come out.


  19. If you have a banana past it’s prime (or getting there) . . . you can stick it in the freezer until you have enough p.p.bananas to make banana bread.

    We “celebrated” St. Paddy’s Day by watching Irish cooking and travel shows on P.B.S. last night. And a friend gave us a loaf of Irish Soda Bread.

    BFF takes blurry photos too. Tip: Focus on keeping still for one nanosecond AFTER you’ve pressed the button to release the shutter.

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    • I have 4 bananas frozen for about a year. I also need the interest to bake! I’ve tried staying still and making sure the focus is on my subject. I’ve even tried resting my arm on something so it wouldn’t shake yet there it is. The cats do not allow a lot of time before they give me their butt so it all has to happen so fast. Cats must be one of the toughest creatures to photograph except maybe birds.


  20. Glad to your your SIL is out of hospital now.
    Mum used to make banana bread. Always tasty. We buy them when they are still green. but did get caught out once when they stayed green! Urgh. Horrible, so they got trashed.
    Lovely and sunny today. The washing’s out on the line so should be dry soon.
    Just had dinner…………… ginger and pineapple pork, one of my better efforts. Can’t wait to put in our own grown garlic. Vampires beware!!!!

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  21. I know what you mean about bananas. Even when they just start to freckle, I consider them past prime. I still have banana muffins in the freezer from the last batch of bananas that changed prime status before they could be eaten.

    Still waiting for warmer throw-open-the-windows weather, but it’s been mild enough to seriously melt the piles of snow we had. Even the glacier in the backyard has receded. At the rate we are going, I expect to see the early spring flowers poke their heads out in the next couple of weeks!

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    • I’m with you on bananas and have a limited interest in banana baked goods. I had a window open for an hour or two for the cats either this week when we hit that 70 but it’s been cooler and windy again. Most of our snow is gone except for an occasional little patch. “They” say our winter weather is over. We have had snowstorms in March so I’m not holding my breath.


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