Random 5 for May 20 – Weddings, romantics, dreams, acronyms, Fridays

Meghan and Harry

Weddings, wedding, weddings – It was the week of weddings and I saw most of them. Sheldon Cooper got married in nerdy style on The Big Bang Theory along with Alex and Jo on Grey’s Anatomy. We ended with Harry and Meghan. I find weddings a symbol of hope and beginnings. I love every one of them. They all make me cry (for reasons I can’t figure out). I love the familiar routines even when they are different from my own. The gowns are amazing from the foo-foo swan gown that Amy wore to the elegant one for Meghan. Call me an old romantic.

Amy and Sheldon

A big surprise – Although I wanted to see the royal wedding I had no intention of getting up at 4:30 a.m. and I couldn’t find an exact time for the nuptials. I was surprised when I got up just after 7 a.m. to find out that the beloved husband had it on the TV and was watching. He’s an old romantic too. We just needed some wedding cake.

Very weird dreams – This past week I dreamt of my high school bestie’s brother. He was four years older and off at college when I met her. I saw him maybe twice and he wasn’t interested in spending any time chatting with a kid. I have no idea what prompted that dream but I hope all is well with the family.

More acronyms – I heard a commercial for a solution to LBL. I never heard of that especially as a “disease” or “malady.” I listened up. I never caught the first word but the last two were bladder leakage. It’s been elevated!

The Friday song – I’m retired. Weekends and Fridays are meaningless to me except that our local morning radio station plays a “cute” Friday song as the DJ signs off in the morning. I find myself looking forward to hearing and singing the jingle. Definite ear worm!

So how was your week?

Since no one invited me to either wedding, the photos are obviously not mine. They were floating around the internet. The first one is credited to Ben Stansall but I couldn’t find a credit for the second.

67 thoughts on “Random 5 for May 20 – Weddings, romantics, dreams, acronyms, Fridays

  1. I missed two of the weddings, but i did attend the royal! It was practically in the middle of the night in our time zone, so I stayed up. I fell asleep a few times and had to replay some of it, and I definitely watched it alone. My husband wasn’t about to give up his sleep. 🙂 I found that the music triggered my emotions. And I understand the Friday song ear worm! We have the same thing here with my morning radio. I find myself humming the song frequently. It would be funny if we determined it was the same song! 🙂

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  2. Attending a not-so-royal wedding, I was impressed with one guest’s elaborately plumed hat. She reminded me of the chapeaus to be admired at a wedding in England. One of these days I intend to wear a crazy hat somewhere – just to create a stir maybe.

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  3. Well, as an ex-Brit, I watched the Royal Wedding live, from beginning to end, and enjoyed myself immensely. Not just the wedding itself, but watching all the guests, all dressed up and with a very special somewhere to go:-)
    (One of the things I miss here in Israel is that there is never any call for the kind of fancy hats that British women wear at weddings.)
    And yes – I also cry at weddings…

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  4. I didn’t see any of the wedding…and there weren’t any pictures in the paper today. I thought that strange. It is weird how peeps show up in dreams even if you hardly knew them. I sometimes wonder if there is some sort of message in there.

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  5. Like everyone else, I love weddings. What’s not to love – everyone is happy, it’s a happy occasion – like you said, it represents hope and new beginnings 💕
    … but no, I wasn’t one of the millions of people who watched it … 4 am or otherwise. I wasn’t invited. I’m pretty sure my invitation got lost in the mail 😉

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  6. A couple of male Facebook friends pooh-poohed the wedding, saying that those of us who enjoyed hearing about it were trivial and besides the British monarchy was a powerless vestige of the past. I disagree. Marriage is a big thing. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the beauty and pomp and circumstance of the event. Looking at beautiful dresses, fancy hats, a profusion of flowers, prancing horses, and a huge ancient church makes me happy. I also enjoyed hearing their stories–how strong they are and how they’ve overcome obstacles. It’s all a welcome change from the depressing news we hear every day.

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  7. I’m like you. I cry at weddings. Most of the funerals I’ve been to were like happy family reunions. John was up first and turned on the TV for the royal wedding. David joined him, and I came in when William and Harry were walking to the church. John watched a bit while doing other things, but he saw all he wanted to see.

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  8. I am right with you. I love weddings! I also saw the Big Bang wedding which definitely had some Awh…moments in it, and Grey’s anatomy had my eyes a little moist! I want to see the Royal Wedding this week since I did not make it up early enough to watch it live!

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  9. Hi Kate, I was all about the exact same weddings, and then added to it the celebration of my own! 37 years on the 17th – and we still really like each other! I recently finished watching “The Crown” on Netflix, so all of the goings on with the royals is particularly interesting! ~ Lynn

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  10. We both got up at 4:00am to watch. It was a mistake to do so because all we really saw were celebrities and family members arriving, which was interesting but not really worth seeing live. By the time the ceremony rolled around we were both falling back to sleep! Lesson learned for the next big royal wedding, which isn’t probably for another 25 years or so. Oh, never mind. 😉 – Marty

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    • You are right. None for a long time! I tried to find an agenda but was unsuccessful. I wasn’t so interested in seeing arrivals and listening to trivia so I opted to catch the highlights later on. Fortunately I was up early enough to see the nuptials. I didn’t see the walk down the aisle live but they did some replays and I got to see it.


  11. I guess I’m a terrible unromantic. I don’t care for weddings, for reasons I won’t say so as not to spoil others romanticism. Except, my bestie’s daughter is getting married soon, and I’m very happy for both of them. My bestie is so excited. Her daughter used to say she didn’t want to get married, so this is a very welcome surprise.

    Hope you’re enjoying your weekend. It’s rainy/damp here today. Chilly too. But, they say 80”s are coming this week.

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  12. Although I thought Amy’s dress a bit “hideous” . . . she still looked beautiful beaming her bright bridal smile!

    I watched part of the Royal Wedding. The commentators are giving Meghan far too much credit too soon ~> give her a chance to do something first BEFORE crediting her with transforming the monarchy single handed. 😀

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    • I agree with both. It’s the bride that transcends the outfit. Truth be told I liked Catherine’s gown better but the bride was beautiful. Time will tell how it all plays out but I’m wishing them the best.

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  13. Hi, Kate – I must admit that I did get up at 3:00 am to watch The Royal Wedding. Although it was a very refreshing change from tradition, I did get up and made a snack during Bishop Curry’s looong, passionate speech. “We must discover the power of love…the redemptive power of love…Love is the only way. Love! Love,! Love!” ❤

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    • And don’t forget: “We must HARNESS the power of LOVE!”

      He gave a few too many examples of how we harnessed the power of FIRE ~ I think most people got it after the Bronze age & the Industrial age, without needing him to iterate Trains, Planes, and Automobiles. :mrgreen:

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  14. Have always been enamored with the Royals. I think that comes from growing up with a Mom who promoted believing in fairy tales. Yesterday’s fairy tale wedding did not disappoint. However, later in the day, CBS (I think) brought in Diana’s physic…she was all gloom and doom…said Diana was not happy. Whether you believe or not, I wish they had not tried to bring down the obvious joy everyone felt. I think Diana was in that empty chair smiling from ear to ear.


    • I’m with you. No matter what she “heard” or “thought,” it wasn’t the day to verbalize it. Makes me wonder if she was looking for 15 minutes of fame. Time will tell and I wish them the best.


  15. There were some gorgeous photos of Harry and Meghan floating around the internet. One from above in the shadows of the chapel looked like an old Renaissance painting.

    I was happy that they both looked happy, after so much tragedy and familial dysfunction in their lives as youngsters.

    And that the inbred British royal family is getting some much needed melanin.

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  16. Didn’t worry about watching the royal wedding. I figured there would be enough reruns to keep me from missing anything. Sure enough, there was nothing on CNN yesterday but the wedding. Today it will be back to school shootings and dead children. It hurts my heart.

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  17. I think the first L in LBL is light.

    I think in a previous life I must have been a beach bum or maybe a resident of a nudist colony. I like weddings, but I’m probably the only woman in the world who doesn’t like to get dressed up to go somewhere. If I could go to a wedding wearing flip flops and a tee shirt, now that would be perfect!

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  18. It’s been a week since we’ve seen the sun. With high humidity and tropical downpours all week, I’m feeling like a mushroom. The forecast this week doesn’t sound much better. I want my spring back! I didn’t watch any of the wedding. There was so much media hype by the time the big day rolled around, I’d had enough.

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  19. Couldn’t sleep Friday night so watched the Royals get married on You Tube. Hoping to see some highlights on Sunday Morning. Our week was stormy and rainy… we will take the rain to try to stay away from drought and fill up the glorified pond!

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    • We have been above normal for precipitation this year so no draught (hopefully). Stormy and rainy sums it up. Must have been like that almost all over. A friend went to Florida and it was rainy there too.


  20. The royal wedding left me sad. Kept thinking of Diana, someone I’ll always admire. Liked that the new Missus wore her emerald ring, but would have been so much nicer for Diana’s youngest if she were there beaming with it on her own finger. Moot I know, but…we’re very sentimental these days.

    Any pond news? Is it still too chilly?

    I see frogs in vests and sweaters.

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