The hip bone’s connected to the thigh bone!

Source: clipartpal

No, this isn’t about anatomy. I didn’t break anything. It’s about one itty bitty change that created a lot of work.

We don’t watch a lot of TV except during the long winter and sports seasons. The beloved husband loves professional baseball and football but not me. I am fascinated with ice skating competitions and Gray’s Anatomy. He has a limited attention span for salchows, lutzes and axels and none at all for medical shows.

There is more than one TV in this house (don’t judge!) but the most comfortable viewing spot is from the family room recliners. After he spent years watching baseball from a desk chair in the office, I felt some sympathy for the beloved husband. (Yeah, I was surprised too. At first I thought it heartburn!)

I planted a seed in his ear (not literally) about getting a comfy chair for our office (which is very small). I had something in mind that I thought he would love and he did. Now he was excited about it. (Getting the beloved husband excited is like watching a racing horse at the start gate! He is raring to go. Full steam ahead and all that.)

However…and there always is one…it wouldn’t fit unless we changed the location of the TV and took out a built-in corner cabinet. There was no carpet under that cabinet but we found a 13 year-old scrap that fits. Perhaps you won’t see the color difference. Or the seam.

The cabinet was attached by screws so there are holes in the wall. Yes, we’re hoping the 13 year-old paint matches too.

Now we’re focusing on the other cabinet in the new TV location. It has to be altered to accommodate a TV. The rewiring isn’t bad as our modem is located there but there are unwieldy doors and other changes are needed. A lot of stuff is stored there.

We lost storage in the corner cabinet too so we had to clean out and go through everything — books, supplies, etc. Why does a couple need 5 large packs of staples? Or 20 post-it packs. Maybe there was a sale.

We threw out more books. Long time readers may remember (if they don’t have a life and more important things to remember) that we donated over 500 books about two years ago. The books in the office were recycled rather than donated. Most were “how to” books for computers and programs, many long gone. No need for Widows 95 anymore. A lot of dummy books went. I agonized over the dictionary and thesaurus. I haven’t used either in eons. I always use the internet. Still…paper…old habits…the thesaurus went but the dictionary is stored until the next big clean out. Or the move to the nursing home.

We are in the middle of this project so we don’t know if the carpet will work or we will need to re-carpet. Same for the paint. The TV cabinet is still in discussion and design but I’m hoping the new chair will be in the room next week even if only temporarily.

Next time I feel sympathy, I will take some antacid and see if it goes away!


83 thoughts on “The hip bone’s connected to the thigh bone!

  1. I totally get your aversion to throwing away books – of any kind. Who knows? Maybe at some point in the future you will really need that Windows 95 book . . . Just today I went in search of my own 1980s “MS DOS for Beginners” book (seriously! – no lie!) because I want to give it to a student of mine.

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  2. I think at heart some of us just love to change things up a bit from time to time. I like a good project that doesn’t involve major renovations, but is more about shifting things around. This sounds delightful. We just recently switched form cable to satellite and that made it possible for me to move the furniture around. Nothing else really, but you’d have thought someone offered me a vacation. At heart I think I’m a very simple person. Hope the carpeting issue resolves easily. And I guess I should also note that I hope the cats approve!

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    • Every year around this time (I’ll blame the boring winter) we do something. Sometimes it’s just change out some furniture or paint a room. This one is requiring some work. The old paint has worked but you can see the seam where the carpet was pieced together (it’s berber). However, the new chair is over the seam so it’s not noticeable unless you look for it. The jury is still out with the cats. The boxes are gone and that didn’t make them happy. We still have a hassock so they can look out the window. That will have to stay.


  3. Oh Kate, I feel your pain. You pull one thread, and 16 more begin to unravel! But for the record, I’d happily join you for the Winter Olympics ice skating, followed by some Grey’s Anatomy! And I’d sit on the floor! ~ Lynn

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  4. What just happened? I’m reading this laughing at the fact that I am not alone … lol! Part of me would want to just shove the chair into the room and call it a day, while the other part whispers “you’ll never be happy with that decision.” Enjoy the transformation and please keep us posted.

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  5. Haha. I’ll have to remember to try that antacid thing next time I feel sympathy. Hey, it’s worth a try before I get myself into something I might regret. Hehe. Good luck with the new arrangement.

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  6. TV placement does seem to have too much control over the other furniture in a room. My mother banned the TV from the living room once the den was designed, but even in that small room they had problems where everything could go because of that TV. Honestly, if I could give up watching I would. But I know that’ll never happen. – Marty

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  7. Its amazing how one itsy-bitsy change can lead to so much work. Richard wanted more room on our bookshelf so I recently brought in two large grocery bags of MY books to the used book store. Funny, Richard is the one who wanted more room……

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  8. Ha! One change always leads to other changes and that leads to cleanouts and usually trouble. My next fearsome project is to move everything out from under our bed! I think there are derelict computers under there……

    Liked by 1 person

    • We cleaned out the paint cans last year (amazing how they pile up!). We are pretty good about marking on the cans where we used them but we should also put the year on it. Some rooms were redone and we still had the old paint.


  9. My commiserations. Redecorating is the pits, even if the end result is worth it. Send the post-its my direction–never can have too many post-its. Send the extra staples to the Amazon HQ2–you’ve got enough to equip the whole place! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • But this wasn’t a redecoration. It was just JUST! adding a chair and taking away a cabinet. Nothing is easy but hopefully the end will be great. Post-its, any special color? I have them all (That’s how I think I got so many. You can’t let me alone in a stationery store.)


    • Will do. This is one of the very few times I blogged before a project was done. It’s interesting because there are hourly swings on which way it’s going! BH loves the chair and that’s what counts.


  10. That is so true, Kate. Maybe if the carpet doesn’t match you can cut up some other sections too and then make a patchwork effect with other rug remnants. Same with the paint on the wall, do a mural. Get crazy. After all, it is the office, right so no one has to see but you!

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    • No, if the carpet doesn’t work, we’ll get it redone with a new one. There are wear marks in it at the threshold. It’s just that I love it and it’s no longer available. The room is kind of small for crazy. It will just be busy.

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  11. love the last sentence and I will make it to my motto… but nevertheless you gave me a good idea… who needs windows 95?…eggs-cept it is hand signed by Billy Gates…I will grab a big trash bag tomorrow and then I clean out the office cabinets…ha!

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  12. That sounds like work–I hope it gets you what you want. I actually use an older Windows, Windows 7, which seems to make certain sites get confused, but I’m not upgrading to the systems that I don’t understand at all. I wish I had some of the old games we used have on Windows–those were so fun to me. A slow speed to go at is a good speed for me sometimes!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sometimes you have no choice. The only maintain the last two versions and eventually nothing works with what you have. I hated giving up Windows 95 but I had no choice. Also, as you buy a new computer you can only get it with the new stuff. Somehow I seem to fry mine every so many years.


      • I know. I don’t get new computers but keep using the older laptops we have here. There seem to be old ones around that folks discarded when they upgraded, so I am happy to stick with those, except sometimes things like wordpress doesn’t always run well on them…boo.

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          • I think everyone just tries their best. WordPress no longer shows me follow buttons, and so I can’t follow any new or unfollow any that I have on my list. I keep hoping it’ll work out. I report it as a bug on my security and in Forefox and to wordpress, and no one figured it out yet.

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  13. Well, you know I’m always onboard with any home redecorating project. That’s my hobby. Thus I say good for you! Keep going until you get your house exactly like you want it. Move things around and reconfigure at will!

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  14. Hubby always cringes when I say the words ‘Trust Me’ when it comes to furniture. In our one bedroom house (1990 -1996) we purchased a corner suite. The guys who delivered it were laughing their socks off as they said it wouldn’t fit in my lounge. Hubby was equally sceptical, so I muttered those immortal two words, and suddenly I was on my own.
    OK, I had to move the bookcase. And the folding table. And reorganise some shelves, but I got it in. And it looked just as brilliant as I’d imagined it.

    Liked by 1 person

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