It’s finally here – anticipation is over….maybe

This looks so good!

The weather is perfect.

After months of whining, summer has arrived. We never did see spring but there were sightings of her on the beach in the Bahamas with an umbrella drink. Even she didn’t want to visit us with our crummy weather.

I remember that sense of anticipation when I was a kid. We had a HUGE 4th of July family picnic at my uncle’s farm. There were close to a 100 relatives. Everyone brought food. It was a kid’s delight. You got to taste everyone’s food; there were enough people for any game you wanted to play; and a watermelon cooling in the creek.

There were sheep to pet and dogs to play with. The anticipation was extreme and then it was there. The day went faster than any other summer day and it was over for another year.

My aunt and uncle were old or so I thought at the time. They were at least 60! You never knew which year would be the last.

Then there was graduation. Couldn’t wait. Now I was an adult. Sort of. (There are studies out now that say the brain isn’t fully developed until around 25. That is definitely true for men! Maybe not even then.)

Then it was gone. My biggest disappointment after graduation was the realization that I would be at work until 5 every day in the summer. Who made those stupid work hours. How would I work on my suntan? Bum around with friends? Work took a big chunk out of my life. Boogers!

Before you know it retirement loomed. At first it was in the distance. You don’t really think about retirement until you are in your fifties. At least I didn’t. Then wham! It’s here.

Now I am retired and the weather is perfect. I am working hard to treasure each day of this bliss because just like with my aging (?) aunt and uncle, you never know which summer will be your last.

Look around you. If you are not happy, change something. It goes way too fast to waste any time not being happy. Enjoy your summer (or winter if you are in the other hemisphere!).

As for me, Carly Simon said it best….Anticipation! I have picnics and sleepovers and garden projects galore! God, I love summer.

This is dedicated to my friend Jill from Universal Musings, who hates warm weather unless she is bobbing in a pool and my niece who is retiring this year.

46 thoughts on “It’s finally here – anticipation is over….maybe

  1. I think this is just the perfect celebration of summer, Kate. I have so many lovely memories as a child with my own cousins, aunts and uncles and summer on their ranch in Northern California. I so often think of the importance of continuing to make those memories for the young ones coming up in our family. i’m feeling “hooray for summer,” too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like July too. Once we get into August, it’s all about fairs and festivals and then the summer is over. Here in the northeast we jam so many things into July-August that it’s hard to do it all. At least in Florida you have an extended season.


  2. I took your advice before you published it! I was not happy serving as the mayor of my town so I changed things and resigned a few days ago. I detest managing employees who back bite each other and one, in particular, who has many other issues. I walked away and feel like I’ve lost 20 lb. No, I didn’t lose much money. The pay was only $1000.00 per year. It’s a very small town.

    Liked by 2 people

      • If they can get rid of the employee (doubtful) there will be more people ready to serve in a mostly volunteer capacity. I’ve found support among the members of the city council and the other employee. I don’t regret walking though.

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  3. My daughter started her first “real” job this year and let’s just say that realizing your freedom has been snatched from your hands isn’t pretty. I tried to tell her adulthood is highly over rated.
    I’ve been trying to enjoy the most out of each nice day we’re given! I wish there were more.

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    • My first day of “real” work was almost 50 years ago and I remember that first week vividly. I knew it going in. It was an 8 to 5 job (and a great one at that!) but coming home around 6 at night with the day gone was an eye opener. That was when I started really appreciating how hard my mother worked.


  4. “If you are not happy, change something.” Yes! Fortunately, our typical chilly May/June weather just took a turn for the better and I actually wore shorts today (sorry about the ghost white legs!). I have always loved summer and now that I can enjoy it full-time again, I’m ecstatic!

    Liked by 3 people

    • There are self-tanners for those pasty white legs. This year was late here. I did my first pedi last week (no point in polishing when you are in socks and enclosed shoes!). Started the gradual tanner on the legs so I wouldn’t blind anyone.

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  5. Nothing like a July 4th family gathering on the farm! You could even spit watermelon seeds and not get yelled at.
    You are right – one of the biggest shocks is working during the summer…they never warn you of that tragedy.
    There are summer people in my family, but I really love late fall and winter. Too much sun glare is battering and depressing…but If I was living in the moutains where’s summer is shorter and less humid, maybe I could be won over….there’s bound to be a research grant available for that…must look into it.. HA HA

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  6. There’s nothing like a lazy summer day ~ as long as the humidity doesn’t soar. One gorgeous summer morning I was walking into work with an annoying co-worker. “You just turned your back on another beautiful day,” he said. Arrrr!!!! It broke my heart!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Every once in a while I’ll meet someone who’ll tell me that they don’t like summer. I’m baffled. Not that I adore sunburn and humidity, but the gorgeous colors, the relaxed vibe, the no need to find the ice scraper every time I park the car outside. I adore autumn, but summer is a nice way to get to autumn. 😉

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  8. Oh, that family picnic sounds marvelous!!! That is the kind of party my dad was always trying to create at our cottage on the lake. Summer here in Arizona is just UGH. Spring and fall are wonderful, but summer is the fires of hell.

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      • LOl! It’s so dry here in the winter it’s very bad. I am more used to it now, but my skin is so thin and sensitive that the dryness is a real issue. No worries about dryness in the summer. When it’s 115 it’s got humidity, aren’t we lucky?

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  9. I LOVE Summer. I even give it a capital “S” because I love and respect the wonderful things she brings to me. Warmth, flowers, and light clothing! Add in the ocean and well, can’t think of a much better scene! Glad her partner spring did not stick around too long!

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  10. Aww shucks, thanks Kate! Spot on of course, summer is not my gig. But I always look on the bright side too, only three months until fall! Enjoy each and every (what you call nice) day. I will spend as much time as possible floating around in a pool.

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  11. I’m constantly reminding myself to enjoy today and stop looking forward to the next phase of life as the time I can relax and enjoy myself. I’m keeping positive but if there’s anything you could do to speed up the good weather here I’d appreciate it.

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  12. I believe it was George Burns who, when asked whether he was having a good day, replied “Of course I am having a good day. When you get to be my age, simply waking up in the morning means I am having a good day!” Attitude is everything isn’t it! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  13. I am the opposite — I love fall. Probably because DC summer are hot and miserable. SO. MANY. BUGS.

    And now I live in a place with no seasons besides sunny and not sunny. There’s no autumn. I’m going to have to change that, clearly.

    Liked by 2 people

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