Random 5 for January 3 – holidays, Starbucks, WordPress, computers, weather

I'm ready for this!

I’m ready for this!

Almost back to normal – Traffic is much better. Grocery stores are not littered with people and Starbucks is back to their non-controversial white cup. The holiday must be over! Yay! Since January is my birthday month, it is the start of the high holy days!

Speaking of Starbucks – The baristas wear name tags. Some of the names I can’t pronounce. Some of them are those unusual names made popular by crazy-ass stars. This week there were two new guys – Phil and Eugene. That was a kickback to my youth. I went to school with kids who had those names! I can even pronounce them!

WordPress what have you done? – More changes. They think they are “for the better.” Ha! I am not convinced. Aside from learning to re-navigate they took away the word count for blog posts on the Reader. Now I don’t know if posts are two sentences or 2000 words. I liked that feature because sometimes I’m in a hurry and sometimes I’m not.

Staying with computers – I had an update done (mysteriously) overnight. All my settings changed. I had to find where to access the setting (key words changed too) and reset. I also have to sign in every time I walk away even for a potty break. I have lost hours relearning things I thought I knew. Boogers! I get the feeling the IT folks are completing 2015 goals so they can get raises.

The weather outside is frightful! – After a historic December with temperatures running a record-breaking 10 degrees above average, winter has moved in. I forgot how cold 35 degrees feels and it gets colder than that here. Time for the fleece! I need a hot chocolate! With whipped cream! And mini-marshmallows!

I am SO not ready for this!

I am SO not ready for this!

So how was your week?

67 thoughts on “Random 5 for January 3 – holidays, Starbucks, WordPress, computers, weather

  1. I had to re-download my WP app on my phone because all my stats and drafts disappeared. I tend to do more WP on my phone these days. Where there’s a will there’s a way. In the low 30’s the last few mornings in the Florida Panhandle – just when I decided to start running again! Darn! ~Elle

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  2. 17 degrees here this morning! But another round of warm weather is due. What’s going on? As for technology, the more advanced it gets, the more complicated. I got a new computer for Xmas and I know it will take me 3 years to figure it out. 🙂

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    • I got a dvd set a couple of Christmases ago of a series I love. My husband asked why I haven’t watched any of it. I don’t know how to use the damn dvd player. It requires two different remotes simultaneously. I liked my first VCR player. You stuck the thing in the hole and hit play. Done!


  3. We had a great holiday but I am glad it is over and I can get back to a normal routine and shopping for normal things. I have had some trouble with WP too and must get back to more posts. And with the holidays I have been behind on reading some of my favorite blogs – like yours!


  4. I must be lacking in powers of observation. I don’t notice many changes on my computer or WordPress. Now I’m trying to decide whether to get Windows 10. Have you downloaded the free update?

    I just returned from an eleven-day trip to the East Coast. My youngest daughter and her husband hosted all of us for Christmas. So, yes, I really feel that things are about to get back to normal. I still have more clothes to wash, but I’m done unpacking.

    It was 73 degrees one day when I was in Washington, DC. Back home today it snowed a bit, and it was so cold I had to wear my fur-lined boots to go to the supermarket.


    • I did the free download for Windows 10 and didn’t have any issues. If it’s any consolation it is not 73 in Washington today. The east coast got hit with a cold snap. You would be grateful for fur-lined boots!


  5. I, too, am glad the stores are no longer littered with people. Except for the store where I work, it must be littered with people or I won’t have a job and I like my 15 hours a week of laboring away.
    I keep looking at the pop-up thingie telling me to upgrade to Windows 10 but I am afeared, ‘puter
    savvy I am not.


    • The upgrade went well. If you have Windows 8 or 8.1 I would recommend the upgrade. If you have Windows 7, I liked that version but they will eventually discontinue support and you will have to upgrade. Windows XP they no longer support. On the whole I hate upgrades because things happen. You know. Those things that you can’t figure out how to undo!


  6. I’m glad the holidays are behind us, too. Although I did love all the extra days off.

    I’m a January birthday, too. It is what keeps me from bothering with resolutions that I will just break in a few weeks!

    Happy January, Kate!


  7. I look forward to returning to my normal routine, Kate. Our stores are still crowded, but hopefully the colder weather that’s moved in will keep people at home.
    I’m with you and the WP changes. Having the word count posted was nice. I’ll admit, I don’t have time to read posts that are over 1500 words, so I avoid them.
    Did someone see a win today? 🙂


  8. I just had to relearn WP and while I was finally able to post an entry to my blog, I am suddenly unable to Like your posts, which I happen to LIKE very much. I don’t Like WP deciding what I do and do not Like!


  9. Had to giggle at the High Holy Days. Let the birthday festivities commence! My Mom’s birthday was at the end of January, so I always think of her during her birthday week. Oh, who am I kidding? I think about my Mom all the time now. Makes me smile. Happy early birthday greetings. And tell the WP gremlins enough already … I’m way too old to be having to learn new tricks every time I want to “relax”. 🙂


  10. Arrggg, January birthdays. High Holy Days, indeed. I do envy those with b-days in the summer months. I’m curious, did your computer automatically update itself to Windows 10? I keep getting prompts (I’m on Windows 7) but have been ignoring them so far. I hope they aren’t planning to do an end-run around me and change it without my approval. I read recently that old fashioned names were coming back in style. Maybe in a few years, you’ll start seeing Prudence or Archabald on the barista’s name tags.


    • Windows 10 — No, it wasn’t automatic. I had 8.1 which I did not like at all so I jumped at the free upgrade. I didn’t have any problems and a lot of things were better. I just had to do the intro and relearn a few things. As for names, good riddance to the ones I can’t pronounce or spell! Or cheeky ones like Apple and North.

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      • I use a Mac, but my wife uses a PC. I had been trying to get her to upgrade to Windows 10 for the longest time because (a) it’s free, and (b) her computer was just barely keeping up with what she wanted to do. In spite of my constant emptying her cache, running clean-up programs, etc., her browser speed just kept getting slower and slower. That computer is already five years old, and I am hoping that we might get at least another year out of it. Anyway, we upgraded to Windows 10 last week, and I can’t believe the difference. It must be handling memory differently or something because it’s no longer freezing up on her. You may just need to check your screen-saver issues in the control panel (or what used to be called control panel anyway), Kate. That might be where the switch is for having to sign back in again.

        I agree about the WordPress changes composing. It’s also affected the way I insert graphics. I can’t use this new interface for pictures because for some reason they’re not clickable to view separately after I publish — they just stay imbedded on the page. So I find myself switching back/forth to the old composing interface for at least for the graphics. Very frustrating.


        • I’ve been looking around in the control panel and words change. Haven’t found it yet but I continue to look. Security was my first looksee but couldn’t find it there. I didn’t notice a huge difference in speed from 8.1 to 10 but going from anything older would make a difference. WP made changes to make it easier to blog from mobile devices. Unfortunately that sometimes isn’t “better” for computers. I’ve been having problems with commenting too. The reader panel can freeze up on me. All this is new (and unrelated to Windows 10). Bleah!

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  11. It’s always a relief to me when the holidays are over. I don’t dread all the stuff involved, but would rather maintain my normal routine. Geez, could that be from aging? Have a wonderful birthday month, Kate!


  12. I’m not into the cold either. I have so many clothes on I look 15 pounds heavier. I too noticed Starbucks seems to be back to normal, especially their hours, something I’m grateful for. As for your birthday…WHEN IS IT??? An inquiring Thingirl would like to know 🙂


  13. After our trip to sub-zero Utah, SoCal feels so warm! (Even though it’s much colder than usual here. You know. 50s!) Either I added another layer of fat (totally possible during the holidays) and I have more protection, or we’re now like the folks from Michigan who visit LA in shorts. Andy even asked if I wanted to go to the beach.

    That’s a big step for Mr. Hawaii!


  14. I can sum up my week in one word……….. WET!
    Second word FRUSTRATING as WP are still tinkering behind the scenes. I’m also using the old writing method and not looking forward to it’s disappearance.


  15. You are the second person who has said they had an update that changed ALL! The other person said Windows 10 just took over their computer. I am still a Windows 7 peep and haven’t updated my iPhone 6 to IOS 9 whatever. I don’t like change. I haven’t posted so long on WP that I don’t think I remember how. Instagram is easier and faster for me and I enjoy pictures. I am hoping for a White Chocolate Mocha today… 🙂


    • You had me a chocolate mocha…although right now chestnut praline (which my SB is out of) is my seasonal fav. I have a mocha right now. It’s my preferred form of medication. Windows 10 wasn’t bad for me but I had the really stupid 8.1 which from my perspective was a disaster. I use a desk top and it made my computer look like a very big phone. Not good.


      • Windows 10 is better than 8 and Microsoft is offering a free upgrade. I loved Windows 7. Another case of a perfectly good product getting an unnecessary upgrade. I think it was for mobile phone folks that they changed to 8 originally.

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    • I could do a 5000 word post on computers (and that’s without the bad words!). I replaced my old computer a year ago and the new one has a ghost who resides inside and does bizarre things. I’ve been on with Dell customer service several times. They are foreign and although their English is fairly good it’s still slow and painful to communicate. Also it takes hours. They run scans or do something that can take 45 minutes. I am convinced they are servicing more than 1 customer at a time. I also did an upgrade to Windows 10 which wasn’t bad at all but then there was new stuff to learn. WordPress tinkers all the time. Some of it is great and some of it not so much. I have no idea why they tinkered with the word count notice. As you can see I am still riled up about it all.


  16. The cold sucks, but you gotta admit… A bunch of fleece and a reason to drink hot chocolate is always nice. Those are some fun things lol. I’m glad things are slowing down and going back to normal, too. I’m not a huge fan of change to my everyday life. 🙂


    • The odd thing is that overall I like change but I don’t like to relearn things I have already learned. Especially when there is no advantage to me. I am still using the old method to write a post on WP. One day it will be gone and I will have to get accustomed to that new way where I can’t find anything.

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