R5 for March 1 – groceries, downsizing, surgery, spring, Jimmy Buffett

A compliment? Or not? – Our local grocery store has a “helping hands” crew that loads groceries into cars for anyone who needs help. That’s usually women with lots of kids and the elderly or disabled. I had just finished checking out when the checker asked about helping hands. At first I thought he was asking me (after all he was bagging my stuff). He wasn’t. He was asking the woman in back of me. She was at least 30 years younger; had one child that wasn’t unruly; and no issues walking. At first I felt complimented that I looked healthy and young enough to carry my bags. Then I wondered why she needed help. Whatever!

Changes in attitude – Two people we know have been downsized in the last few months. Their attitudes couldn’t be more opposite. One has trashed her employer although her position is one that has been eliminated at most companies many years ago. I was stunned by the anger. She is 73. She could do a lot of things, fun things or charity work. The other person is a man in his early 50s with two kids in college. He looks at it as an opportunity. He is thankful for his many years of employment and looking forward to the next stage. Nothing kills opportunities more than anger and resentment. Who wants to be around cranky people?

Thumbs up – I’m having a procedure on my thumb this week. Nothing serious, just a cyst removal that will take 15 minutes. (No sympathy required although I am accepting Starbucks gift cards.) The big deal is the big bandage I will have to wear for two weeks. It will make the simplest tasks complex. This is the perfect week to put my feet up and eat out!

Surf’s up! – The weather is predicted to break this week (finally!) with temperatures hitting 50 midweek. Despite the snow cover we have, the forecast alone has lifted my spirits and made me want to dance. (Oh hell! Most things make me want to dance!)

A touch of Buffett – Weather changes for the warmer always make me long for island music. Here is one of my favorites. Served up with a margarita, it’s perfect. It’s from the concert he did after the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. You can see some shots of the Gulf in the video.

44 thoughts on “R5 for March 1 – groceries, downsizing, surgery, spring, Jimmy Buffett

  1. Great observation about the difference between accepting changes with gratitude and acceptance versus anger and resentment! I like the way you’ve accepted your surgery with no complaint, and see the bandage as an opportunity to forego the kitchen and rest as much as possible. Well done! Attitude is everything. 🙂


    • Oh, there was plenty of complaining. I was so surprised at how big a deal this turned out to be. It really looked like a small wart. I have enjoyed not doing stuff but it’s also boring.


  2. I always ask the Helpful Hands if they could come home with me and put everything away, that is where the help is needed.
    I feel a “Many Uses of a Thumb” essay coming on. I think you’ll be surprised at all the thumb does in a day. All the best for a positive recovery.
    As for cranky people….AMEN! I have some of that attitude around me as well and frankly I’m tired of it.


    • I try to take them home when they are young and fit (and hot works too) but mostly from Home Depot or the garden center where I have heavy stuff. As for the thumb, I already have problems with spellcheck (I use words they never heard of) so it should be interesting. It’s not a big deal but they are telling me it will be bandaged for 2 weeks. They also asked me all kinds of questions about MRSA which made me nervous. I have to wash my entire body with an anti-bacterial soap for 5 days prior. I didn’t do that for my breast cancer surgery. I’m sure it’s just precautionary but they sure scare the crap out of you.


  3. The grocery stores in our area ask EVERYONE if they would like assistance. They probably don’t want to piss old people off by asking only them. I sure hope that it will be many, many years until I will have to say “yes.” Of course, with your nearly amputated thumb…


  4. Will you still be able to blog soon after the surgery? I hope so, if not, get hubby to transcribe while you dictate. Sending you virtual Starbucks coffee.


  5. What is it with cranky complaining old people?! Not that I am not old and never get cranky or complain, but there is a limit. I have told everyone if I get out of hand they should slap me upside the head and tell me to behave like a nice olf lady. Of course, I haven’t told them that whatever happens to them after the slap is their own fault.
    Sorry about the thumb but do make the best of it and get as pampered as you can.


  6. Hope that your surgery goes as planned and that you get to put your feet up afterwards. Will be interesting to see how difficult it is for you to type with a boo-boo thumb in bandages. You and your spellcheck may become best of friends.


    • If I was smart I would have prepped ahead of time. However, I have hit a slow spot and the ideas weren’t rolling in fast enough to stock them up. I’m hoping it’s not too bad. Probably a lot slower.


  7. What a contrast between the two people who were downsized! OMG! Don’t you just shake your head at how angry some people get with no reason? Best of luck to the man with kids in college.

    I’m glad your weather’s looking up. And thanks for the Jimmy Buffet song. It’s the tinkling steel drum sound that makes me want to dance. (I think those weren’t steel drums the percussionist was playing. What do you call them?)


    • I blogged too soon about the weather, it’s been snowing for about 5 hours now. So tired of it all. Not supposed to be a big event. Wonder if Mother Nature knows that. I’m not sure what the sound is but makes me so homesick for summer. Loved the shorts and tank tops on people!


  8. “This is the perfect week to put my feet up and eat out.” I don’t know Kate, maybe it was the idea that you had just mentioned your imminent thumb surgery approaching, but I just couldn’t get this silly image outta of my head. I pictured you climbing into this wheelchair, feet elevated as high as you could raise them—UP— raising your arm and pointing your finger straight ahead. Then exclaiming—like something Captain Kirk might say—”OUT THERE!” And swoosh, zoom… and away you’d go! But now, I can’t get this even sillier phrase outta my head… “Restaurants… the final frontier.” Oh god, I think I better go get a cup of coffee!


  9. That’s one of my favorite Buffet songs, Kate. Nothing puts me in a better mood than his music. 🙂
    As for the two individuals who lost their jobs; the man will definitely have more success and happiness down the road. I feel sorry for the woman.
    Yay for warmer temps! Ours are coming with rain, but who cares!


  10. 1. When in doubt, always assume it’s a compliment!
    2. That whiny dinosaur needs an attitude adjustment.
    3. Good luck with the cyst removal. (Milk your disability for everything you can. Go grocery shopping and accept the Helping Hands request.)
    4. Enjoy the warmer temps when they arrive.
    5. Keep laughing . . . it’s the antidote to insanity!


    • Thanks Nancy! It’s snowing right now but it’s not supposed to be a major event. I may have a margarita before dinner to get me in the mood. I always milk surgical events even when they are a simple 15 minute procedure on my thumb. I still can’t believe that I have to have it done in a surgical center with full anesthesia. Looks like you could numb the area and take it out but then again, I’m not a doctor with malpractice insurance.


  11. we’re on our 2nd day of sunshine and it makes ALL the difference! Hope the cyst removal goes OK and that you can handle your Starbucks with the other hand 🙂 Love me some Buffet music!


  12. I love the…but accepting Starbucks gift cards. I’m sure while your thumb is under wraps, Hazel will do all the cooking, of course there goes her diet.

    No one likes change…so I get Ms 73 being pissed off. My health food store closed and I still have black crepe around my fridge even though a Whole Foods just opened.

    The only welcome change is that weather you mentioned. Boy, am I ever ready for a little relief and so are my feet that like Moses after walking that damned desert all those years.
    I know why people migrate south…the birds were right all along.
    LOVE THE R5 🙂


  13. Agree about the attitude thing. Some years ago I started going to a place for retired people to meet and have fun etc. I played cards there for several years but met more crabby, bossy, rude, obnoxious and bitchy old people. I took my winnings and left. Well, we didn’t play for money, but I still left.


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